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Athanasius / gist:e6a895f7cf171304511c31d4ce770a06
Created September 6, 2024 13:56
Steam System Report (AthanSpod)
Command: cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="12 (bookworm)"
Athanasius / reddit-bb
Created July 26, 2023 21:35
EDMC Reddit release post
# What Is Elite Dangerous Market Connector?
Elite Dangerous Market Connector ("EDMC") is a third-party application for use with Frontier Developments' game "Elite Dangerous". Its purpose is to facilitate supplying certain game data to, and in some cases retrieving it from, a number of websites and other tools.
To achieve this it utilises the Journal Files written by the game when played on a PC. It also makes use of Frontier's Companion API ("Frontier's CAPI"), accessible once you've authorised this application.
EDMC has a plugin system which many other developers have made use of to extend its functionality.
Find out more on the [EDMC Wiki](
Athanasius / bbcode
Last active July 26, 2023 21:32
Frontier Forums - EDMC Post code
[URL='']Elite Dangerous Market Connector ("EDMC")[/URL] is a third-party application for use with [URL='']Elite Dangerous[/URL]. Its purpose is to facilitate supplying certain game data to, and in some cases retrieving it from, a number of websites and other tools.
To do this it utilises the Journal Files written by the game when played on a PC. It also makes use of Frontier's Companion API ("Frontier's CAPI"), accessible once you've authorised this application.
It does [B]not work with Console game accounts[/B], and [I]is no longer supported on Windows 7[/I].
See the link above for more information about what it can do for you.
[SIZE=7][B]Update 14 Issues[/B][/SIZE]
Athanasius / ed-updates.txt
Last active February 14, 2022 16:04
Elite Dangerous ... inconsistent client version numbering.
20140624 2013.06.24.31977 0.3.1110.0
{"Version":"2014.10.03.44303","executable":"EliteDangerous32.exe"} (2.04)
{"Version":"2014.10.08.44726","executable":"EliteDangerous32.exe"} (2.05)
{"Version":"2014.10.14.45307","executable":"EliteDangerous32.exe"} (2.06)
{"Version":"2014.10.28.47442","executable":"EliteDangerous32.exe"} (3.00)
{"Version":"2014.10.30.47674","executable":"EliteDangerous32.exe"} (3.02)
Athanasius / ed-bgs-debounce.pseudo
Created October 20, 2018 13:20
ED BGS faction info debounce pseudo-code
for factions:
for oldest = 0 ; oldest < sizeof(factionhistory) ; oldest++:
old = oldest + 1
next = old + 1
# Handle wild bounce back and forth
# [ A B A ] B A B A B A B
# [ A B X ] B A B A B A B
# [ A B ] B A B A B A B