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Created July 25, 2010 22:06
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# import the pygame module, so you can use it
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
#Main class
class Main:
scale = 1
basewidth = 320
baseheight = 240
def __init__(self):
# initialize the pygame module
pygame.key.set_repeat(1, 30)
# load and set the logo
#logo = pygame.image.load("logo32x32.png")
pygame.display.set_caption("Can you tell what it is yet?")
self.width, self.height = self.basewidth*self.scale, self.baseheight*self.scale
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height))
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Load the dlw file. Currently we discard all but the first tile image
f = open('forest.dlw', 'rb') # World to open!
tilenumber = 1
tile = * tilenumber)
# Grab the tile!
self.tileimage = pygame.image.fromstring(tile, (32, 24*tilenumber), 'P')
print self.tileimage
self.tileimage.set_palette( [(0,0,0), (8,8,8), (16,16,16), (24,24,24), (32,32,32), (40,40,40), (48,48,48), (56,56,56),
(64,64,64), (72,72,72), (80,80,80), (88,88,88), (96,96,96), (104,104,104), (112,112,112), (120,120,120),
(128,128,128), (136,136,136), (144,144,144), (152,152,152), (160,160,160), (168,168,168), (176,176,176), (184,184,184),
(192,192,192), (200,200,200), (208,208,208), (216,216,216), (228,228,228), (236,236,236), (244,244,244), (252,252,252),
(0,0,0), (0,16,0), (0,32,0), (0,48,0), (0,64,0), (0,84,0), (0,100,0), (0,116,0),
(0,132,0), (0,148,0), (0,168,0), (0,184,0), (0,200,0), (0,216,0), (0,232,0), (0,252,0),
(16,252,16), (32,252,32), (44,252,44), (60,252,60), (76,252,76), (92,252,92), (108,252,108), (124,252,124),
(140,252,140), (156,252,156), (172,252,172), (188,252,188), (204,252,204), (220,252,220), (236,252,236), (252,252,252),
(0,0,0), (8,4,0), (16,12,4), (28,20,8), (36,24,12), (44,32,16), (56,40,16), (64,44,20),
(72,52,24), (84,60,28), (92,64,32), (100,72,32), (112,80,36), (120,84,40), (128,92,44), (140,100,48),
(144,108,60), (152,116,72), (160,128,84), (168,136,96), (172,148,112), (180,156,124), (188,164,136), (196,176,148),
(200,184,160), (208,192,176), (216,204,188), (224,212,200), (228,224,212), (236,232,224), (244,240,236), (252,252,252),
(0,0,0), (0,0,16), (0,0,32), (0,0,48), (0,0,68), (0,0,84), (0,0,100), (0,0,116),
(0,0,136), (0,0,152), (0,0,168), (0,0,184), (0,0,204), (0,0,220), (0,0,236), (0,0,252),
(16,16,252), (32,32,252), (44,44,252), (60,60,252), (76,76,252), (92,92,252), (108,108,252), (124,124,252),
(140,140,252), (156,156,252), (172,172,252), (188,188,252), (204,204,252), (220,220,252), (236,236,252), (252,252,252),
(0,0,0), (16,0,0), (32,0,0), (48,0,0), (64,0,0), (84,0,0), (100,0,0), (116,0,0),
(132,0,0), (148,0,0), (168,0,0), (184,0,0), (200,0,0), (216,0,0), (232,0,0), (252,0,0),
(252,16,16), (252,32,32), (252,44,44), (252,60,60), (252,76,76), (252,92,92), (252,108,108), (252,124,124),
(252,140,140), (252,156,156), (252,172,172), (252,188,188), (252,204,204), (252,220,220), (252,236,236), (252,252,252),
(0,0,0), (16,16,0), (32,32,0), (48,48,0), (68,68,0), (84,84,0), (100,100,0), (116,116,0),
(136,136,0), (152,152,0), (168,168,0), (184,184,0), (204,204,0), (220,220,0), (236,236,0), (252,252,0),
(252,252,16), (252,252,32), (252,252,44), (252,252,60), (252,252,76), (252,252,92), (252,252,108), (252,252,124),
(252,252,140), (252,252,156), (252,252,172), (252,252,188), (252,252,204), (252,252,220), (252,252,236), (252,252,252),
(0,0,0), (16,0,16), (32,0,32), (48,0,48), (68,0,68), (84,0,84), (100,0,100), (116,0,116),
(136,0,136), (152,0,152), (168,0,168), (184,0,184), (204,0,204), (220,0,220), (236,0,236), (252,0,252),
(252,16,252), (252,32,252), (252,44,252), (252,60,252), (252,76,252), (252,92,252), (252,108,252), (252,124,252),
(252,140,252), (252,156,252), (252,172,252), (252,188,252), (252,204,252), (252,220,252), (252,236,252), (252,252,252),
(0,0,0), (0,16,16), (0,32,32), (0,48,48), (0,68,68), (0,84,84), (0,100,100), (0,116,116),
(0,136,136), (0,152,152), (0,168,168), (0,184,184), (0,204,204), (0,220,220), (0,236,236), (0,252,252),
(16,252,252), (32,252,252), (44,252,252), (60,252,252), (76,252,252), (92,252,252), (108,252,252), (124,252,252),
(140,252,252), (156,252,252), (172,252,252), (188,252,252), (204,252,252), (220,252,252), (236,252,252), (252,252,252)])
s = pygame.image.tostring(self.tileimage, 'P')
temp = ''
for c in s:
temp += `ord(c)` + ', '
print temp
self.tileimage = self.tileimage.convert(self.screen)
print self.tileimage
def mainLoop(self):
# define a variable to control the main loop
self.running = True
# main loop
while self.running:
# event handling, gets all event from the eventqueue
for event in pygame.event.get():
# only do something if the event is of type QUIT
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# change the value to False, to exit the main loop
self.running = False
elif event.type == KEYUP:
if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
self.running = False
elif event.key == K_SPACE:
pass #self.running =
# elif ((event.key == K_RIGHT) or (event.key == K_LEFT)
# or (event.key == K_UP) or (event.key == K_DOWN)):
# self.level.player.sprite.move(event.key)
# Drawing
pygame.transform.scale(self.tileimage, (self.width, self.height), self.screen)
#self.screen.blit(self.tileimage, (0,0))
#self.screen.blit( , (0,0) )
# run the main function only if this module is executed as the main script
# (if you import this as a module then nothing is executed)
if __name__=="__main__":
# call the main function
Game = Main()
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