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Udacity - Web Development - Install Google App Engine

Follow this Udacity Instruction to put create a simple web app via Google App Engine.

Youtube Link here.

Install the Python App Engine SDK (for Mac, in my case).

After installation some new symbolic links are created under /usr/local/bin - taken a snapshot for future refernce (just in case!)


In my case, I somehow got errors at the deployment stage - I seem to have errors when deploying from the Google App Engine Launcher from my Mac.

So I turned to this alternative Hello World tutorial instead (took 5 minutes to do) - and it works.

Deployed to:

Handy GoodAppEngine commands

if the project folder helloworld is stored at /User/Johnny/, then just navigate to /User/Johnny/, and issue followings to test and/or deploy.

To test: helloworld/

(This will enable you to view on localhost. Port numbers will be given in console when you run the command).

To deploy:

Ensure you create a project up-front via the Google Cloud Platform console. Get YOUR_PROJECT_ID there. -A YOUR_PROJECT_ID update helloworld/

The deployed website URL takes the form like this:

More info:

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