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Last active June 10, 2020 16:07
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Project Reflections


As I created this application I was required to make use of HTML to create the game's content. CSS was use to style the applicationa and JavaScript to access the data model and manipulate the DOM. A clear understanding of this concepts were crucial to set up the structure of the program created. I was able to have the initial template using HTML and CSS early on the project.

Overall (Choose one)

  • How do you think you did working with this group compared with groups you've worked with in the past? Working by myself presented me with challenges I didn't

  • If you were to work with this same group again, what is one change the group could make to work together more effectively?

What was the greatest challenge you had?

  • Setting up my own iterations, I understimated this part and struggled to deliver the final product on time.

Technical (Choose one)

  • What was a specific technical challenge your group faced? How did you approach this challenge? What went well? What was a struggle?

    • Understand the rules of the game as soon as possible to understand what code needed to be produced.
    • My time management and setting goals since the very begging.
    • I would also have prioritized the data model over the DOM manipulation earlier in the project. I prioritize more testing that the project itself and underestimated the time I needed for the project.
    • I felt intimidated by a solo project but by the end, it was not as bad as I thought.
    • Make use of a list-making application so I can better track my progress. This will also help me to prioritize specific iteration over others that require more time and preparation.
    • What resources or strategies did you use when you were presented with a technical challenge?


  • What lessons did you learn during this project? How have you applied these lessons in a recent project (or plan to)?

I was able to implement different concepts learned from mod 1 into this project. This project required me a better understanding on how parameter can be used to identify the player who invokes an function. Refactoring is a big part of my areas of growth. I am at the point where I can create a function that does something work but refactoring requires a depper understanding of the concepts and how they are applied. The interconnection of every single function to bring the user to the ultimate goal is challenging butI have learned to like this process.

  • Another concept I was able to make use of was the data model. I have a better understanding now of what the DOM is and what the data model is.

Group Project Reflections

  • As my first mod at Turing, School of Software and Design ends. I can confidently say that I feel more comfortable receiving feedback and being open to hear better ways I can apporach specific problems. As I finisehd this last project I noticed what are my areas of personal and professioanl growth as a software develope. It is more clear to me now the concepts I want to put more effort into, such as classes and methods. I have learned also to think data model fisrt. Object oriented programming is the way I want to work. I want to practice developer's empathy to create a better and inclusive enviromente where I go.
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