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Last active July 30, 2020 16:15
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In a few sentences, explain what the project was and the scope of your work. Imagine explaining your answer to a technical recruiter or a developer who you'd potentially be interviewing with.

As a group Kristi Miller, Demaceo Howard and me, were assigned with the task to recreate an application that would be able to create idea cards that would persist when the page reloaded. As a team we made use of concepts such as Data model, Local storageand DOM manipulation.


What was the greatest challenge you had as a group?

  • One of th greatest challenge as a group was to divide and balance the work load
  • The planning of the first 2 iterations of the project (CSS and HTML)
  • How would you describe your role in this team? How often did you interact with other team members?
  • I enjoy having a todo-list before starting the group session
  • I try organize the ideas of the group when needed so we can accomplish what we have agreed upon before starting the session.


  • What was a specific technical challenge your group faced? How did you approach this challenge? What went well? What was a struggle?

    • The use of an idea class to create the object intances what would create the user ideas.
    • the use of methods to save to storage
    • Create the functionality that would search for the user ideas
    • Display only the favorited ideas.

    I struggled with the event object when using event bubbling to target elemetns that were not in the HTML file when the page fisrt loaded. An other big obstacle that I overcame was the use of local storage to get the user's information and to know when and where to save the information.


  • What lessons did you learn during this project? How have you applied these lessons in a recent project (or plan to)?

    • The Event bubbling and event capturing are core concepts that know I feel more confortable using.
    • Local storage
    • Data model
    • Git and Github workflow
    • DOM manipulation

Group Project Reflections

  • How did you and your group approach project management in this project (what tools did you use, how did you hold each other accountable, etc.)? WE started witht the DTR wo we could all know everyone's expectation and learning goals. While working on the project We decided to use tools to help with the project's organization such as:
  • Notion
  • GitHub project
  • Tuple
  • Slack
  • How would you describe your ability to communicate feedback?
  • When giving feedback I don't like to use the word but because it diminishes everything that was said before
  • I am always honest about feedback and I belive that to be one of my strengths.
  • Feedback is sometimes difficult to give and receive for me but I am slowly getting better at it.
  • One of the thing that I am remind myself often is that my experience is unique and that if I struggle on something I - cannot assumed the other person has a simmilar experiences.

Working with Kristi and Demaceo

Working with Kristi and Demaceo was challenging at times, we tried to find the best time and space to work on the project together. While working together I realized that we all brought a unique touch to this projects. I am happy I was able to get as far as we did on the iterations and yes, while I wish I could've done some things differently I am happy I was able to have them as teammates because I had developed a relationship with them that will persist through Turing, just like local storage.

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