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Last active July 30, 2020 15:23
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In a few sentences, explain what the project was and the scope of your work. Imagine explaining your answer to a technical recruiter or a developer who you'd potentially be interviewing with.

My partner Tim Keresey and me, were given the task to create an application that would be able to create, save and display random motivational posters. We prioritized the use of the data model as the source of truth and manipulation of the data model by creating specific seperate files that would keep our code organized and more readable.

While working on this project we made sure to refer to our data model to display the information we needed on the DOM. I spent most of the time researching the best practices as well as rubber ducking my ideas with mentors and . I made sure to come prepare to my team meetings by trying the code on my own and then talk about my ideas.


What was the greatest challenge you had as a group? One of my early goals during this project was to make sure that everyone participating in the creation of this project would have a full undertanding of the functionality of the app.

  • How would you describe your role in this team? How often did you interact with other team members?
  • I enjoy communication and clarity while working with others because it is a skill that requires practice. I try to be available for the team when needed while also setting clear boundaries to create a better work enviroment.
  • I am not afraid to say that 'I don't know' and that I need more time to understand a new concept.


  • What was a specific technical challenge your group faced? How did you approach this challenge? What went well? What was a struggle? During the last project's iteration we were working on the functionality that would allow the user to delete mini-poster on double click. My understanding of DOM was clear and we were able to delete the miniposter from our DOM but we needed to update the data model at the same time.

    I struggle a lot using the event object to target the poster instance to remove it. Once I notice how to use the id property from out constructor class that had a value of I made the decision to target the id to remove from the data model and injecting the update the saved posters array again to the DOM.


  • What lessons did you learn during this project? How have you applied these lessons in a recent project (or plan to)?
    • The Event bubbling and event capturing are core concepts I struggled with at the beginig of the project but while working on the project it helped to better undestand the concept and how to use it.
    • The DOM manipulation I & II lesson made clear for me how to target the node elements and madesure to use the right node methods.
    • The data-model lesson was helpful to make sure we were following the best practices on how to update our source of truth.

Group Project Reflections

  • How did you and your group approach project management in this project (what tools did you use, how did you hold each other accountable, etc.)?

We decided to use tools to help the project's organization such as:

  • Notion
  • GitHub project
  • Tuple
  • Slack
  • How would you describe your ability to communicate feedback?

Feedback is sometimes difficult to give and receive for me but I am slowly getting better at it. One of the thing that I am remind myself often is that my experience is unique and that if I struggle on something I cannot assumed the other person has a simmilar experiences.

Working with Tim

I tend to verbalize and rubber duck my ideas as much as possible to the point where I need to exhaust my ideas so I can make the decision of weather I need a break or reach out for help. I noticed that Tim needs time to think on his own, there were moments where I would ask him 'what are you thinking?' and he would answer back that he just needed space to think.

This bacame a challenge for me at the beginig so I had to re-address my working style. I decided to make sure I had rubber ducked my ideas before our project meetings. During our paired sessions I tried to give him space and time to think while making sure to beavailable to answer his qestions.

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