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Created October 25, 2017 18:44
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  • Save AtoxIO/a35fdafc20c13e38ab609ebdd4f6a3a6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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2017-10-25 18:42:03,492 - Connecting to: /dev/ttyACM0
2017-10-25 18:42:03,514 - Changing monitoring state from 'Offline' to 'Opening serial port'
2017-10-25 18:42:03,518 - Connected to: Serial<id=0x762c3ad0, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyACM0', baudrate=250000, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=10.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor
2017-10-25 18:42:03,527 - Changing monitoring state from 'Opening serial port' to 'Connecting'
2017-10-25 18:42:03,531 - Send: N0 M110 N0*125
2017-10-25 18:42:03,763 - Recv: start
2017-10-25 18:42:03,766 - Send: N0 M110 N0*125
2017-10-25 18:42:03,766 - Recv: Info:PowerUp
2017-10-25 18:42:03,767 - Recv: Free RAM:44784
2017-10-25 18:42:03,768 - Recv: Autoretract:0
2017-10-25 18:42:03,769 - Recv: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000
2017-10-25 18:42:03,774 - Recv: SelectExtruder:0
2017-10-25 18:42:03,775 - Recv: FlowMultiply:100
2017-10-25 18:42:03,776 - Recv: ok
2017-10-25 18:42:03,778 - Changing monitoring state from 'Connecting' to 'Operational'
2017-10-25 18:42:03,784 - Send: N0 M110 N0*125
2017-10-25 18:42:03,790 - Recv: ok
2017-10-25 18:42:04,789 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:05,794 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:06,793 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:07,792 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:08,780 - Send: N1 M105*38
2017-10-25 18:42:08,788 - Recv: ok 1
2017-10-25 18:42:08,791 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.88 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:42:09,787 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:10,786 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:11,790 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:12,789 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:13,787 - Send: N2 M105*37
2017-10-25 18:42:13,795 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:13,796 - Recv: ok 2
2017-10-25 18:42:13,799 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.88 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:42:14,384 - Changing monitoring state from 'Operational' to 'Printing'
2017-10-25 18:42:14,405 - Send: N0 M110 N0*125
2017-10-25 18:42:14,411 - Recv: ok
2017-10-25 18:42:14,415 - Send: N1 G28*18
2017-10-25 18:42:14,420 - Recv: ok 1
2017-10-25 18:42:14,423 - Send: N2 G1 X20 Y-20 Z50 F5000*26
2017-10-25 18:42:14,835 - Recv: SelectExtruder:0
2017-10-25 18:42:14,837 - Recv: FlowMultiply:100
2017-10-25 18:42:14,840 - Recv: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:361.000 E:0.0000
2017-10-25 18:42:14,843 - Recv: ok 2
2017-10-25 18:42:14,850 - Send: N3 G1 X-20 Y20*7
2017-10-25 18:42:15,116 - Recv: ok 3
2017-10-25 18:42:15,119 - Send: N4 G1 X20 Y-20*0
2017-10-25 18:42:15,170 - Recv: ok 4
2017-10-25 18:42:15,173 - Send: N5 G1 X-20 Y20*1
2017-10-25 18:42:15,219 - Recv: ok 5
2017-10-25 18:42:15,222 - Send: N6 G1 X20 Y-20*2
2017-10-25 18:42:15,923 - Recv: ok 6
2017-10-25 18:42:15,932 - Send: N7 G1 X-20 Y20*3
2017-10-25 18:42:16,735 - Recv: ok 7
2017-10-25 18:42:16,738 - Send: N8 G1 X20 Y-20*12
2017-10-25 18:42:17,550 - Recv: ok 8
2017-10-25 18:42:17,558 - Send: N9 G1 X-20 Y20*13
2017-10-25 18:42:18,365 - Recv: ok 9
2017-10-25 18:42:18,372 - Send: N10 G1 X20 Y-20*53
2017-10-25 18:42:19,127 - Recv: ok 10
2017-10-25 18:42:19,134 - Send: N11 M105*23
2017-10-25 18:42:19,834 - Recv: ok 11
2017-10-25 18:42:19,840 - Send: N12 G1 X-20 Y20*55
2017-10-25 18:42:19,843 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.78 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:42:19,847 - Recv: ok 12
2017-10-25 18:42:19,852 - Send: N13 G1 X20 Y-20*54
2017-10-25 18:42:20,536 - Recv: ok 13
2017-10-25 18:42:20,539 - Send: N14 G1 X-20 Y20*49
2017-10-25 18:42:21,236 - Recv: ok 14
2017-10-25 18:42:21,239 - Send: N15 G1 X20 Y-20*48
2017-10-25 18:42:21,942 - Recv: ok 15
2017-10-25 18:42:22,029 - Send: N16 G1 X-20 Y20*51
2017-10-25 18:42:22,646 - Recv: ok16
2017-10-25 18:42:22,648 - Send: N17 G1 X20 Y-20*50
2017-10-25 18:42:23,350 - Recv: ok 17
2017-10-25 18:42:23,352 - Send: N18 G1 X-20 Y20*61
2017-10-25 18:42:24,055 - Recv: ok 18
2017-10-25 18:42:24,062 - Send: N19 M105*31
2017-10-25 18:42:24,759 - Recv: ok 19
2017-10-25 18:42:24,767 - Send: N20 G1 X20 Y-20*54
2017-10-25 18:42:24,771 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.78 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:42:24,775 - Recv: ok 20
2017-10-25 18:42:24,779 - Send: N21 G1 X-20 Y20*55
2017-10-25 18:42:25,463 - Recv: ok 21
2017-10-25 18:42:25,466 - Send: N22 G1 X20 Y-20*52
2017-10-25 18:42:26,168 - Recv: ok 22
2017-10-25 18:42:26,171 - Send: N23 G1 X-20 Y20*53
2017-10-25 18:42:26,869 - Recv: ok 23
2017-10-25 18:42:26,877 - Send: N24 G1 X20 Y-20*50
2017-10-25 18:42:27,573 - Recv: ok 24
2017-10-25 18:42:27,582 - Send: N25 G1 X-20 Y20*51
2017-10-25 18:42:28,278 - Recv: ok 25
2017-10-25 18:42:28,281 - Send: N26 G1 X20 Y-20*48
2017-10-25 18:42:28,982 - Recv: ok 26
2017-10-25 18:42:28,984 - Send: N27 M105*18
2017-10-25 18:42:29,687 - Recv: ok 27
2017-10-25 18:42:29,693 - Send: N28 G1 X-20 Y20*62
2017-10-25 18:42:29,699 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.78 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:42:29,704 - Recv: ok 28
2017-10-25 18:42:29,708 - Send: N29 G1 X20 Y-20*63
2017-10-25 18:42:30,391 - Recv: ok 29
2017-10-25 18:42:30,394 - Send: N30 G1 X-20 Y20*55
2017-10-25 18:42:31,268 - Recv: start
2017-10-25 18:42:31,273 - Printer sent 'start' while already operational. External reset? Resetting line numbers to be on the safe side
2017-10-25 18:42:31,278 - Recv: Info:PowerUp
2017-10-25 18:42:31,280 - Recv: Free RAM:44784
2017-10-25 18:42:31,282 - Recv: Autoretract:0
2017-10-25 18:42:31,284 - Recv: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000
2017-10-25 18:42:31,291 - Recv: SelectExtruder:0
2017-10-25 18:42:31,295 - Recv: FlowMultiply:100
2017-10-25 18:42:32,267 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:32,271 - Send: N0 M110 N0*125
2017-10-25 18:42:32,275 - Recv: ok
2017-10-25 18:42:32,278 - Send: N1 G1 X20 Y-20*5
2017-10-25 18:42:32,285 - Recv: ok1
2017-10-25 18:42:32,291 - Send: N2 G1 X-20 Y20*6
2017-10-25 18:42:32,320 - Recv: ok 2
2017-10-25 18:42:32,323 - Send: N3 G1 X20 Y-20*7
2017-10-25 18:42:32,395 - Recv: ok 3
2017-10-25 18:42:32,397 - Send: N4 G1 X-20 Y20*0
2017-10-25 18:42:32,467 - Recv: ok 4
2017-10-25 18:42:32,470 - Send: N5 G1 X20 Y-20*1
2017-10-25 18:42:32,541 - Recv: ok 5
2017-10-25 18:42:32,544 - Send: N6 G1 X-20 Y20*2
2017-10-25 18:42:32,615 - Recv: ok 6
2017-10-25 18:42:32,622 - Send: N7 G1 X20 Y-20*3
2017-10-25 18:42:33,443 - Recv: ok 7
2017-10-25 18:42:33,451 - Send: N8 G1 X-20 Y20*12
2017-10-25 18:42:34,590 - Recv: ok 8
2017-10-25 18:42:34,595 - Send: N9 M105*46
2017-10-25 18:42:35,733 - Recv: ok 9
2017-10-25 18:42:35,741 - Send: N10 G1 X20 Y-20*53
2017-10-25 18:42:35,744 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.69 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:42:35,748 - Recv: ok 10
2017-10-25 18:42:35,752 - Send: N11 G1 X-20 Y20*52
2017-10-25 18:42:36,880 - Recv: ok 11
2017-10-25 18:42:36,887 - Send: N12 G1 X20 Y-20*55
2017-10-25 18:42:38,022 - Recv: ok 12
2017-10-25 18:42:38,031 - Send: N13 G1 X-20 Y20*54
2017-10-25 18:42:39,170 - Recv: ok 13
2017-10-25 18:42:39,175 - Send: N14 M105*18
2017-10-25 18:42:40,313 - Recv: ok 14
2017-10-25 18:42:40,322 - Send: N15 G1 X20 Y-20*48
2017-10-25 18:42:40,324 - Recv: T:24.88 /0 B:34.60 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:42:40,330 - Recv: ok 15
2017-10-25 18:42:40,333 - Send: N16 G1 X-20 Y20*51
2017-10-25 18:42:41,460 - Recv: ok 16
2017-10-25 18:42:41,468 - Send: N17 G1 X20 Y-20*50
2017-10-25 18:42:42,603 - Recv: ok 17
2017-10-25 18:42:42,611 - Send: N18 G1 X-20 Y20*61
2017-10-25 18:42:43,015 - Changing monitoring state from 'Printing' to 'Operational'
2017-10-25 18:42:43,749 - Recv: ok 18
2017-10-25 18:42:43,756 - Send: N19 M400*31
2017-10-25 18:42:44,892 - Recv: ok 19
2017-10-25 18:42:44,899 - Send: N20 M114*21
2017-10-25 18:42:50,115 - Recv: ok 20
2017-10-25 18:42:50,122 - Send: N21 M105*20
2017-10-25 18:42:50,126 - Recv: X:-20.00 Y:20.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000
2017-10-25 18:42:50,201 - Recv: ok 21
2017-10-25 18:42:50,204 - Send: N22 G28*35
2017-10-25 18:42:50,252 - Recv: T:24.88 /0 B:34.60 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:42:50,263 - Recv: ok 22
2017-10-25 18:42:50,265 - Send: N23 M84*46
2017-10-25 18:42:54,872 - Recv: SelectExtruder:0
2017-10-25 18:42:54,880 - Recv: FlowMultiply:100
2017-10-25 18:42:54,883 - Recv: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:361.000 E:0.0000
2017-10-25 18:42:54,890 - Recv: ok 23
2017-10-25 18:42:54,893 - Send: N24 M104 T0 S0*23
2017-10-25 18:42:54,896 - Recv: T:24.88 /0 B:34.60 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:42:54,901 - Recv: ok 24
2017-10-25 18:42:54,904 - Send: N25 M140 S0*82
2017-10-25 18:42:54,906 - Recv: TargetExtr0:0
2017-10-25 18:42:54,911 - Recv: ok 25
2017-10-25 18:42:54,913 - Send: N26 M106 S0*83
2017-10-25 18:42:54,920 - Recv: ok 26
2017-10-25 18:42:54,922 - Send: N27 M105*18
2017-10-25 18:42:54,928 - Recv: ok 27
2017-10-25 18:42:54,931 - Recv: T:24.88 /0 B:34.60 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:42:55,927 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:56,927 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:57,930 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:42:58,799 - Send: N28 M105*29
2017-10-25 18:42:58,808 - Recv: ok 28
2017-10-25 18:42:58,811 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.51 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:42:59,807 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:00,806 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:01,810 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:02,809 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:03,803 - Send: N29 M105*28
2017-10-25 18:43:03,810 - Recv: ok 29
2017-10-25 18:43:03,813 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.51 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:43:04,812 - Recv: wat
2017-10-25 18:43:05,811 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:06,811 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:07,815 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:08,805 - Send: N30 M105*20
2017-10-25 18:43:08,812 - Recv: ok 30
2017-10-25 18:43:08,815 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.51 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:43:09,810 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:10,812 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:11,813 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:12,817 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:13,809 - Send: N31 M105*21
2017-10-25 18:43:13,815 - Recv: ok 31
2017-10-25 18:43:13,817 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.42 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:43:14,815 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:15,815 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:16,818 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:17,818 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:18,813 - Send: N32 M105*22
2017-10-25 18:43:18,820 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:18,822 - Recv: ok 32
2017-10-25 18:43:18,825 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.42 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:43:19,821 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:20,820 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:21,824 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:22,823 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:23,813 - Send: N33 M105*23
2017-10-25 18:43:23,818 - Recv: ok 33
2017-10-25 18:43:23,822 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.33 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:43:24,819 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:25,821 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:26,822 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:27,821 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:28,814 - Send: N34 M105*16
2017-10-25 18:43:28,820 - Recv: ok 34
2017-10-25 18:43:28,825 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.33 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:43:29,824 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:30,823 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:31,823 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:32,826 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:33,815 - Send: N35 M105*17
2017-10-25 18:43:33,826 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:33,961 - Recv: ok 35
2017-10-25 18:43:33,964 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.33 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:43:34,961 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:35,965 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:36,963 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:37,963 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:38,816 - Send: N36 M105*18
2017-10-25 18:43:38,828 - Recv: ok 36
2017-10-25 18:43:38,831 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.23 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:43:39,827 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:40,831 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:41,830 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:42,829 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:43,817 - Send: N37 M105*19
2017-10-25 18:43:43,829 - Recv: ok 37
2017-10-25 18:43:43,832 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.23 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:43:44,828 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:45,828 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:46,831 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:47,831 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:48,819 - Send: N38 M105*28
2017-10-25 18:43:48,830 - Recv: ok 38
2017-10-25 18:43:48,833 - Recv: T:24.76 /0 B:34.23 /0 B@:0 @:0
2017-10-25 18:43:49,829 - Recv: wait
2017-10-25 18:43:50,830 - Recv: wait
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