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Last active September 21, 2017 04:58
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Property delegation Examples
fun backgroundColorAnimator(): ReadWriteProperty<View, Int> =
object : ReadWriteProperty<View, Int> {
override fun getValue(thisRef: View, property: KProperty<*>): Int {
return (thisRef.background as? ColorDrawable)?.color ?: 0
override fun setValue(thisRef: View, property: KProperty<*>, value: Int) {
ValueAnimator.ofObject(ArgbEvaluator(), getValue(thisRef, property), value).apply {
duration = 1000L
interpolator = AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator()
addUpdateListener { thisRef.setBackgroundColor(it.animatedValue as Int) }
//View ahora tiene una propiedad bgColor que si la cmabiamos animará el background de la vista de forma animada
var View.bgColor: Int by backgroundColorAnimator()
fun <Param> View.invalidator(initialValue: Param, afterChangeBlock: ((Param) -> Unit)? = {}): ReadWriteProperty<Any?, Param> =
object : ObservableProperty<Param>(initialValue) {
override fun afterChange(property: KProperty<*>, oldValue: Param, newValue: Param) {
fun <Param> View.layoutRequester(initialValue: Param, afterChangeBlock: ((Param) -> Unit)? = {}): ReadWriteProperty<Any?, Param> =
object : ObservableProperty<Param>(initialValue) {
override fun afterChange(property: KProperty<*>, oldValue: Param, newValue: Param) {
fun <Param : Number> View.propertyAnimator(initValue: Param, beforAnimationBlock: ((Param) -> Param)? = null): ReadWriteProperty<Any?, Param> =
object : ReadWriteProperty<Any?, Param> {
private var innerValue: Param = initValue
private val persistedInitialValue = innerValue
override fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Param {
return innerValue
override fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: Param) {
val finalValue = beforAnimationBlock?.invoke(value) ?: value
obtainValueAnimator(persistedInitialValue, finalValue).apply {
duration = 1500L
interpolator = BounceInterpolator()
addUpdateListener { innerValue = it.animatedValue as Param; invalidate() }
private fun obtainValueAnimator(innerValue: Param, value: Param): ValueAnimator {
return when (innerValue) {
is Float -> ValueAnimator.ofFloat(innerValue, value.toFloat())
is Double -> ValueAnimator.ofFloat(innerValue.toFloat(), value.toFloat())
is Int -> ValueAnimator.ofInt(innerValue, value.toInt())
is Short -> ValueAnimator.ofInt(innerValue.toInt(), value.toInt())
is Long -> ValueAnimator.ofInt(innerValue.toInt(), value.toInt())
else -> ValueAnimator.ofFloat(innerValue.toFloat(), value.toFloat())
//estas propiedades están siendo definidas dentro de una View
var startingDegree: Int by invalidator(270)
var prefixText: String by layoutRequester("£")
var progress: Int by propertyAnimator(0)
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