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Last active May 7, 2018 07:44
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package main
//golang implentation of heap algo
//Result datastructure should be changed to fit your needs
func permutations(a []int) [][]int {
n := len(a)
result := [][]int{}
c := make([]int, n)
result = cAppend(result, a)
for i<n {
if c[i] < i {
if i % 2 == 0 {
a[0], a[i] = a[i], a[0]
} else {
a[c[i]], a[i] = a[i], a[c[i]]
result = cAppend(result, a)
c[i] += 1
i = 0
} else {
c[i] = 0
i += 1
return result
func cAppend(result [][]int, n []int) [][]int {
copy_n := make([]int, len(n))
copy(copy_n, n)
return append(result, copy_n)
package main
import (
func TestPermuations(t *testing.T) {
testcases := []struct{
input []int
expected [][]int
} {
{[]int{}, [][]int{[]int{}}},
{[]int{1}, [][]int{[]int{1}}},
{[]int{1, 2}, [][]int{
[]int{1, 2},
[]int{2, 1},
{[]int{1, 2, 3}, [][]int{
[]int{1, 2, 3},
[]int{2, 1, 3},
[]int{3, 1, 2},
[]int{1, 3, 2},
[]int{2, 3, 1},
[]int{3, 2, 1},
for number, testcase := range testcases {
result := permutations(testcase.input)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, testcase.expected) {
for _,row := range testcase.expected {
for _,row := range result {
t.Error("Error testcase:", number, "input:", testcase.input, "result", result, "!=", testcase.expected)
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