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Last active June 16, 2016 04:04
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  • Save Au1st3in/11104784 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Au1st3in/11104784 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cleanup Infected LUA from Garry's Mod Client or Server
@echo off
color 0f
title Garry's Mod LUA Infection Cleanup
if not exist garrysmod (
echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Wrong directory has been dectected
echo Move this .bat file to your Garry's Mod directory
echo --------------------------------------------------
if exist "hl2.exe" (
cd "garrysmod"
) else if exist "srcds.exe" (
cd "garrysmod"
echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Infected Files will be removed
echo from your Garry's Mod Directory
echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Cleaning Up Directory...
echo --------------------------------------------------
taskkill /F /IM hl2.exe > nul
taskkill /F /IM srcds.exe > nul
echo --------------------------------------------------
set i=0
if exist "engine_win32.dll" (
echo "engine_win32.dll" has been found.
set i=%i%+1
attrib -h "engine_win32.dll"
del /F /Q "engine_win32.dll"
echo "engine_win32.dll" has been removed.
) else (
echo "engine_win32.dll" has not been found.
if exist "materials\cooltexture.vtf" (
echo "materials\cooltexture.vtf" has been found.
set i=%i%+1
del /F /Q "materials\cooltexture.vtf"
echo "materials\cooltexture.vtf" has been removed.
) else (
echo "materials\cooltexture.vtf" has not been found.
if exist "bin\game_shader_generic_engine.dll" (
echo "bin\game_shader_generic_engine.dll" has been found.
set i=%i%+1
attrib -h "bin\game_shader_generic_engine.dll"
del /F /Q "bin\game_shader_generic_engine.dll"
echo "bin\game_shader_generic_engine.dll" has been removed.
) else (
echo "bin\game_shader_generic_engine.dll" has not been found.
if exist "download\engine_win32.dll" (
echo "download\engine_win32.dll" has been found.
set i=%i%+1
attrib -h "download\engine_win32.dll"
del /F /Q "download\engine_win32.dll"
echo "download\engine_win32.dll" has been removed.
) else (
echo "download\engine_win32.dll" has not been found.
if exist "download\cfg" (
echo "download\cfg" has been found.
set i=%i%+1
RD /S /Q "download\cfg"
echo "download\cfg" has been removed.
) else (
echo "download\cfg" has not been found.
if exist "lua\autorun\server\default.lua" (
echo "lua\autorun\server\default.lua" has been found.
set i=%i%+1
attrib -h "lua\autorun\server\default.lua"
del /F /Q "lua\autorun\server\default.lua"
echo "lua\autorun\server\default.lua" has been removed.
) else (
echo "lua\autorun\server\default.lua" has not been found.
echo --------------------------------------------------
if %i% == 0 (
call :ColorText 0a "%i%"
set /p ".= " <nul
echo Files have been removed.
) else (
call :ColorText 0c "%i%"
set /p ".= " <nul
echo Files have been removed.
echo Cleanup is Complete.
echo --------------------------------------------------
:ColorText [%1 = Color] [%2 = Text]
set /p ".=." > "%~2" <nul
findstr /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul 2>nul
set /p ".=" <nul
if "%3" == "end" set /p ".= " <nul
del "%~2" >nul 2>nul
exit /b
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