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Created January 1, 2023 16:34
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LLL Leet Code Example
* Note: The returned array must be malloced, assume caller calls free().
__attribute__ ((naked)) int* twoSum(int* nums,
int numsSize,
int target,
int* returnSize)
/* Inline assembly version - using AT&T syntax... */
__asm__(".intel_syntax noprefix;\
push rbx;\
sub rsp, 0x40;\
/* Store our params on the stack... */;\
/* Note - int's are dword & int* are qword. */;\
/* rsp + 0x10 <- nums* */;\
/* rsp + 0x18 <- numsSize */;\
/* rsp + 0x20 <- target */;\
/* rsp + 0x28 <- returnSize */;\
/* rsp + 0x30 <- 'output indicies' */;\
mov qword ptr[rsp + 0x10], rdi;\
mov dword ptr[rsp + 0x18], esi;\
mov dword ptr[rsp + 0x20], edx;\
mov qword ptr[rsp + 0x28], rcx;\
/* malloc memory... */;\
mov rdi, 0x08;\
call malloc;\
/* store ptr to malloc-ed memory */;\
mov qword ptr[rsp + 0x30], rax;\
/* outer-loop - iterate over the nums */;\
xor r8, r8;\
/* inner-loop - iterate over the other nums */;\
mov r9, r8;\
add r9, 0x01;\
/* Set rbx to point to the first pointer in nums */;\
mov rbx, qword ptr [rsp + 0x10];\
xor rax, rax;\
/* Set rbx to point to r8th value of nums... */;\
/* ...and add value to rax. */;\
lea rbx, [rbx + r8 * 4];\
add eax, dword ptr [rbx];\
/* Do the same for the r9th value... */;\
/* ...remembering to reload rbx. */;\
mov rbx, qword ptr [rsp + 0x10];\
lea rbx, [rbx + r9 * 4];\
add eax, dword ptr [rbx];\
/* Load target for comparison... */;\
mov ebx, dword ptr[rsp + 0x20];\
cmp ebx, eax;\
/* If not equal – continue the loop */;\
jne continue%=;\
/* Otherwise prepare for returning the answers */;\
/* Set rax to point to the output memory & copy */;\
/* the lower half of r8 (r8d) to the first byte ... */;\
/* ...and r9d to the second byte. */;\
mov rax, qword ptr [rsp + 0x30];\
mov dword ptr [rax], r8d;\
lea rax, [rax + 4];\
mov dword ptr [rax], r9d;\
/* Put a 2 into returnSize... */;\
mov rax, qword ptr [rsp + 0x28];\
mov dword ptr [rax], 0x02;\
jmp leave%=;\
/* Increment & check the loop counters */;\
inc r9;\
cmp r9d, dword ptr[rsp + 0x18];\
jle innerloop%=;\
inc r8;\
cmp r8d, dword ptr[rsp + 0x18];\
jle outerloop%=;\
/* Return the answers, via rax */;\
mov rax, qword ptr [rsp + 0x30];\
add rsp, 0x40;\
pop rbx;\
.att_syntax;" : :);
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