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# How to Explain Your Project - Notes on a video resource (Resource posted below)
A Template to explain your projects:
## Steps
1. How to Introduct the project title
a. Purpose of the project
b. Application of use of the project
c. Motivation for choosing the project
- Example: "We did a project on creating an interactive chatboard system. Customers visiting a webpage can query/ask about a product/service. The idea is to help the customer get the right information. The company will be able to engage customers and save on the resource cost/overhead of hiring employees to do this. We chose this idea bc I was having trouble getting the information from those sites, and so we thought this chatbot would be helpful in making that more accessible and on a bigger scale for less cost for the company."
- Tip: Add an adjective to the project title that describes the feature.
2. How to explain the technologies and tools used
a. Why you chose the tools, technologies and platforms
b. Describe them and the technical aspects of why they are applicable to your project
c. Why you selected one over the other as a comparison and to demostrate that you understand their purpose and how they work.
3. How was the work distributed in the team and what was your role: Explain your role and contribution to the project.
a. Emphasis on aspect of Teamwork
b. not to boast your ability to lead the team.
c. what was your contribution in executing the project?
d. prepare for incoming questions from the interviewer, related to the work you did on that project.
e. How you portray yourself and your contribution to the project is what makes all the difference.
- Example: Explain which of the following aspects you worked on:
- One person worked on building the UI
- Another person worked on building the database
- Last person worked on generating the logics.
- Tip: You should also be able to cover the remaining aspects of the project that shows your ability to understand the overall aspects of project management. You may or may not have time to cover these in the interview, so cover your contribution first, but if there is time, be prepared to cover the rest upon request.
FOCUS ON TEAMWORK Abilities: Not just your ability to lead the team.
4. How to describe the project
a. Use the S.T.A.R(L) approach (See Jeff H. Sipe YT channel for more detail on this)
- S: Situation
- T: Task
- A: Action
- R: Result
- L: Learning
* This is effective when answering competency focused questions where interviewers expect you to present real-world business issues. This helps interviews learn more about your behavior & how you apply your skills and experience when reaching the goal gets tough/in tough situations.
- This also demonstrates:
- How you set and manage your priorities
- How you make decisions
- Your ability to meet deadlines
- How you delegate/assign tasks
- How you handle conflicts/challenges
- How you generate solutions
5. What challenges did you face?
6. How did you overcome those challenges?
7. How to conclude
- include that you are looking forward to taking on bigger projects.
# Resource
["How To Explain Your Project In Interview" - YT - Talentio Success Academy](
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