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Last active September 1, 2018 07:28
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Save Auke1810/bbc1e91b0e3318988d42 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Enfold full width button with event tracking
* Button
* Displays a button that links to any url of your choice
* Gives a extra field in settings where you can give a Google Events label (line 89).
* When the button is clicked you will find a Event category UX with Action click and the label you have provided.
if ( !class_exists( 'avia_sc_button_full' ) )
class avia_sc_button_full extends aviaShortcodeTemplate
static $count = 0;
* Create the config array for the shortcode button
function shortcode_insert_button()
$this->config['name'] = __('Fullwidth Button', 'avia_framework' );
$this->config['tab'] = __('Content Elements', 'avia_framework' );
$this->config['icon'] = AviaBuilder::$path['imagesURL']."sc-button.png";
$this->config['order'] = 84;
$this->config['target'] = 'avia-target-insert';
$this->config['shortcode'] = 'av_button_big';
$this->config['tooltip'] = __('Creates a colored button that stretches across the full width', 'avia_framework' );
$this->config['tinyMCE'] = array('tiny_always'=>true);
* Popup Elements
* If this function is defined in a child class the element automatically gets an edit button, that, when pressed
* opens a modal window that allows to edit the element properties
* @return void
function popup_elements()
$this->elements = array(
"type" => "tab_container", 'nodescription' => true
"type" => "tab",
"name" => __("Content" , 'avia_framework'),
'nodescription' => true
array( "name" => __("Button Title", 'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("This is the text that appears on your button.", 'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "label",
"type" => "input",
"std" => __("Click me", 'avia_framework' )),
"name" => __("Additional Description",'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Enter an additional description",'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "content",
"type" => "textarea",
"std" => ""
"name" => __("Description position", 'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Show the description above or below the title?", 'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "description_pos",
"type" => "select",
"subtype" => array(
__('Description above title', 'avia_framework' ) =>'above',
__('Description below title', 'avia_framework' ) =>'below',
"std" => "below"),
"name" => __("Button Link?", 'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Where should your button link to?", 'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "link",
"type" => "linkpicker",
"fetchTMPL" => true,
"subtype" => array(
__('Set Manually', 'avia_framework' ) =>'manually',
__('Single Entry', 'avia_framework' ) =>'single',
__('Taxonomy Overview Page', 'avia_framework' )=>'taxonomy',
"std" => ""),
array( "name" => __("GA Event Label", 'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Dit is de Event label die je terug kunt vinden in Google analytics .", 'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "glabel",
"type" => "input",
"std" => __("unlabeled", 'avia_framework' )),
"name" => __("Open Link in new Window?", 'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Select here if you want to open the linked page in a new window", 'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "link_target",
"type" => "select",
"std" => "",
"subtype" => AviaHtmlHelper::linking_options()),
"name" => __("Button Icon", 'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Should an icon be displayed at the left side of the button", 'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "icon_select",
"type" => "select",
"std" => "no",
"subtype" => array(
__('No Icon', 'avia_framework' ) =>'no',
__('Yes, display Icon to the left of the title', 'avia_framework' ) => 'yes-left-icon' ,
__('Yes, display Icon to the right of the title', 'avia_framework' ) =>'yes-right-icon',
"name" => __("Icon Visibility",'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Check to only display icon on hover",'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "icon_hover",
"type" => "checkbox",
"std" => "",
"required" => array('icon_select','not_empty_and','no')
"name" => __("Button Icon",'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Select an icon for your Button below",'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "icon",
"type" => "iconfont",
"std" => "",
"required" => array('icon_select','not_empty_and','no')
"type" => "close_div",
'nodescription' => true
"type" => "tab",
"name" => __("Colors",'avia_framework' ),
'nodescription' => true
"name" => __("Font Color", 'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Select a custom font color for your Button here", 'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "custom_font",
"type" => "colorpicker",
"std" => "#ffffff",
"name" => __("Background Color", 'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Choose a background color for your button here", 'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "color",
"type" => "select",
"std" => "theme-color",
"subtype" => array(
__('Theme Color', 'avia_framework' )=>'theme-color',
__('Theme Color Subtle', 'avia_framework' )=>'theme-color-subtle',
__('Blue', 'avia_framework' )=>'blue',
__('Red', 'avia_framework' )=>'red',
__('Green', 'avia_framework' )=>'green',
__('Orange', 'avia_framework' )=>'orange',
__('Aqua', 'avia_framework' )=>'aqua',
__('Teal', 'avia_framework' )=>'teal',
__('Purple', 'avia_framework' )=>'purple',
__('Pink', 'avia_framework' )=>'pink',
__('Silver', 'avia_framework' )=>'silver',
__('Grey', 'avia_framework' )=>'grey',
__('Black', 'avia_framework' )=>'black',
__('Custom Color', 'avia_framework' )=>'custom',
"name" => __("Custom Background Color", 'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Select a custom background color for your Button here", 'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "custom_bg",
"type" => "colorpicker",
"std" => "#444444",
"required" => array('color','equals','custom')
"name" => __("Background Hover Color", 'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Choose a background hover color for your button here", 'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "color_hover",
"type" => "select",
"std" => "theme-color-subtle",
"subtype" => array(
__('Theme Color', 'avia_framework' )=>'theme-color',
__('Theme Color Subtle', 'avia_framework' )=>'theme-color-subtle',
__('Blue', 'avia_framework' )=>'blue',
__('Red', 'avia_framework' )=>'red',
__('Green', 'avia_framework' )=>'green',
__('Orange', 'avia_framework' )=>'orange',
__('Aqua', 'avia_framework' )=>'aqua',
__('Teal', 'avia_framework' )=>'teal',
__('Purple', 'avia_framework' )=>'purple',
__('Pink', 'avia_framework' )=>'pink',
__('Silver', 'avia_framework' )=>'silver',
__('Grey', 'avia_framework' )=>'grey',
__('Black', 'avia_framework' )=>'black',
__('Custom Color', 'avia_framework' )=>'custom',
"name" => __("Custom Hover Color", 'avia_framework' ),
"desc" => __("Select a custom background color for your Button here", 'avia_framework' ),
"id" => "custom_bg_hover",
"type" => "colorpicker",
"std" => "#444444",
"required" => array('color_hover','equals','custom')
"type" => "close_div",
'nodescription' => true
"type" => "close_div",
'nodescription' => true
* Editor Element - this function defines the visual appearance of an element on the AviaBuilder Canvas
* Most common usage is to define some markup in the $params['innerHtml'] which is then inserted into the drag and drop container
* Less often used: $params['data'] to add data attributes, $params['class'] to modify the className
* @param array $params this array holds the default values for $content and $args.
* @return $params the return array usually holds an innerHtml key that holds item specific markup.
function editor_element($params)
extract(av_backend_icon($params)); // creates $font and $display_char if the icon was passed as param "icon" and the font as "font"
$inner = "<div class='avia_button_box avia_hidden_bg_box avia_textblock avia_textblock_style'>";
$inner .= " <div ".$this->class_by_arguments('icon_select, color' ,$params['args']).">";
$inner .= " <span ".$this->class_by_arguments('font' ,$font).">";
$inner .= " <span data-update_with='icon_fakeArg' class='avia_button_icon avia_button_icon_left'>".$display_char."</span>";
$inner .= " </span>";
$inner .= " <span data-update_with='label' class='avia_iconbox_title' >".$params['args']['label']."</span>";
$inner .= " <span ".$this->class_by_arguments('font' ,$font).">";
$inner .= " <span data-update_with='icon_fakeArg' class='avia_button_icon avia_button_icon_right'>".$display_char."</span>";
$inner .= " </span>";
$inner .= " </div>";
$inner .= "</div>";
$params['innerHtml'] = $inner;
$params['class'] = "";
return $params;
* Frontend Shortcode Handler
* @param array $atts array of attributes
* @param string $content text within enclosing form of shortcode element
* @param string $shortcodename the shortcode found, when == callback name
* @return string $output returns the modified html string
function shortcode_handler($atts, $content = "", $shortcodename = "", $meta = "")
$atts = shortcode_atts(array('label' => 'Click me',
'link' => '',
'link_target' => '',
'color' => 'theme-color',
'color_hover' => 'theme-color-subtle',
'custom_bg' => '#444444',
'custom_bg_hover' => '#444444',
'custom_font' => '#ffffff',
'position' => 'center',
'icon_select' => 'no',
'icon' => '',
'font' =>'',
'icon_hover' => '',
'description_pos' => '',
'glabel' => ''
), $atts, $this->config['shortcode']);
$display_char = av_icon($atts['icon'], $atts['font']);
$style = "color:".$atts['custom_font']."; ";
$style_hover = "";
if($atts['color'] == "custom")
$style .= "background-color:".$atts['custom_bg']."; ";
if($atts['color_hover'] == "custom")
$style_hover = "style='background-color:".$atts['custom_bg_hover']."; '";
$extraClass = $atts['icon_hover'] ? "av-icon-on-hover" : "";
$blank = strpos($atts['link_target'], '_blank') !== false ? ' target="_blank" ' : "";
$blank .= strpos($atts['link_target'], 'nofollow') !== false ? ' rel="nofollow" ' : "";
$link = AviaHelper::get_url($atts['link']);
$link = $link == "http://" ? "" : $link;
//Google event code
$gag_label = $atts['glabel'];
if($gag_label) $gag_event_code = "onclick=\"ga('send', 'event', 'UX', 'click', '{$gag_label}');\"";
if($style) $style = "style='{$style}'";
$content_html = "";
if($content && $atts['description_pos'] == 'above')
$content_html .= "<div class='av-button-description av-button-description-above'>".ShortcodeHelper::avia_apply_autop(ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop($content) )."</div>";
if('yes-left-icon' == $atts['icon_select']) $content_html .= "<span class='avia_button_icon avia_button_icon_left ' {$display_char}></span>";
$content_html .= "<span class='avia_iconbox_title' >".$atts['label']."</span>";
if('yes-right-icon' == $atts['icon_select']) $content_html .= "<span class='avia_button_icon avia_button_icon_right' {$display_char}></span>";
if($content && $atts['description_pos'] == 'below')
$content_html .= "<div class='av-button-description av-button-description-below'>".ShortcodeHelper::avia_apply_autop(ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop($content) )."</div>";
$output = "";
$output .= "<a href='{$link}' class='avia-button avia-button-fullwidth {$extraClass} ".$this->class_by_arguments('icon_select, color' , $atts, true)."' {$blank} {$style} {$gag_event_code}>";
$output .= $content_html;
$output .= "<span class='avia_button_background avia-button avia-button-fullwidth avia-color-".$atts['color_hover']."' {$style_hover} ></span>";
$output .= "</a>";
$output = "<div class='avia-button-wrap avia-button-".$atts['position']." ".$meta['el_class']."'>".$output."</div>";
$params['class'] = "main_color av-fullscreen-button avia-no-border-styling ".$meta['el_class'];
$params['open_structure'] = false;
$id = AviaHelper::save_string($atts['label'],'-');
$params['id'] = !empty($id) ? $id : "av-fullwidth-button-".avia_sc_button_full::$count;
$params['custom_markup'] = $meta['custom_markup'];
//we dont need a closing structure if the element is the first one or if a previous fullwidth element was displayed before
if($meta['index'] == 0) $params['close'] = false;
if(!empty($meta['siblings']['prev']['tag']) && in_array($meta['siblings']['prev']['tag'], AviaBuilder::$full_el_no_section )) $params['close'] = false;
if(!ShortcodeHelper::is_top_level()) return $output;
$button_html = $output;
$output = avia_new_section($params);
$output .= $button_html;
$output .= avia_section_after_element_content( $meta , 'after_fullwidth_button' );
return $output;
return $output;
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