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Created January 28, 2019 08:03
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import os
import spacy
import inflect
_plural_engine = inflect.engine()
_nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
class StatementMaker(object):
def __init__(self):
self._cache_dir = "question2statement/"
self._filename = "cache.tsv"
if not os.path.exists(self._cache_dir):
# Load previous q2s
self._q2s = dict()
def _load_q2s(self):
if os.path.isfile(self._cache_dir + self._filename):
with open(self._cache_dir + self._filename) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip().split("\t")
if len(line) < 2:
self._q2s[line[0]] = line[1]
def _save_q2s(self, question, statement, subject):
with open(self._cache_dir + self._filename, "a") as f:
f.write(question.strip() + "\t" + statement.strip() +
"\t" + subject + "\n")
def _correct_tokens(self, tokens, pos):
merge_next = False
res_tokens = []
res_pos = []
for i in range(len(tokens)):
if tokens[i] == "-":
res_tokens[-1] = res_tokens[-1] + "-"
res_pos[-1] = (res_pos[-1][0] + "-", res_pos[-1][1])
merge_next = True
elif merge_next:
merge_next = False
res_tokens[-1] = res_tokens[-1] + tokens[i]
res_pos[-1] = (res_pos[-1][0] + pos[i][0], pos[i][1])
return res_tokens, res_pos
def to_statement(self, question, subject):
subject2 = _plural_engine.plural(subject)
if question.strip() in self._q2s:
return self._q2s[question.strip()]
tokens = []
pos = []
statement = ""
question = question.replace(" cant ", " can't ")
for token in _nlp(question):
if token.text == "'s":
tokens[-1] = tokens[-1] + "'s"
pos[-1] = (pos[-1][0] + "'s", pos[-1][1])
elif token.text == "?":
pos.append((token.text, token.tag_))
begin = []
middle = []
end = []
# Correct nano - particule
tokens, pos = self._correct_tokens(tokens, pos)
tokens_begin = []
if (tokens[1] == "are" or tokens[1] == "is" \
or tokens[1] == "was" or tokens[1] == "were") and \
len(tokens) == 4:
statement = " ".join([tokens[2], tokens[1], tokens[3]])
elif tokens[1] == "are" or tokens[1] == "is" \
or tokens[1] == "was" or tokens[1] == "were" and\
tokens[2] in ["there", "it", "i", "they", "she", "he", "we",
statement = " ".join([tokens[2], tokens[1]] + tokens[3:])
elif tokens[1] == "are" or tokens[1] == "is" \
or tokens[1] == "was" or tokens[1] == "were":
found_noun = False
found_second = False
found_something_else = False
found_final_adj = False
found_cc = False
found_in = False
for i in range(2, len(pos)):
p = pos[i]
if not found_noun and \
((subject in " ".join(begin) + " " + p[0] or \
subject2 in " ".join(begin) + " " + p[0])\
and (not found_cc or "NN" in p[1] or "VBZ" in p[1])):
if (tokens[1] != "are" or "NNS" == p[1] or found_cc or "CC" in p[1]\
or (i != len(pos) -1 and "NN" in p[1] and ("RB" in pos[i+1][1] or "JJ" in pos[i+1][1])))\
and (p[1] != "VBG" and p[1] != "DT" and\
("JJ" not in p[1] or len(pos) < 8)):
if "CC" in p[1]:
found_cc = True
elif found_cc and "NN" in p[1]:
found_noun = True
elif not found_cc:
found_noun = True
elif found_noun and not found_something_else and \
not found_second and ("CC" in p[1] or "of" == p[0]):
found_cc = True
found_noun = False
elif found_noun and not found_something_else and found_second\
and ("CC" in p[1] or "of" == p[0]):
found_second = False
elif not found_something_else and found_noun and \
("NN" in p[1] or "IN" in p[0])\
and not found_final_adj:
if "IN" in p[0]:
found_in = True
found_second = True
elif not found_noun:
if "JJ" in p[1]:
found_final_adj = True
found_something_else = True
if middle and middle[0] == tokens[1]:
middle = middle[1:]
if end and end[0] == tokens[1]:
end = end[1:]
if begin[-1] == "not":
begin = begin[:-1]
middle = ["not"] + middle
if len(begin) == 0:
statement = ""
elif len(middle) == 0 and len(end) == 0:
statement = ""
elif len(middle) == 0:
statement = " ".join(begin) + " " + tokens[1] + \
" " + " ".join(end)
elif len(end) == 0:
statement = " ".join(begin) + " " + tokens[1] + " " +\
" ".join(middle)
elif found_in:
statement = " ".join(begin) + " " + tokens[1] + " " + \
" ".join(middle) + \
" " + \
" ".join(end)
elif tokens[1] == "are" and "NN" in tokens_begin[-1]\
and tokens[0] == "why":
statement = " ".join(begin) + " have " + " ".join(middle) + \
" " +\
" ".join(end)
mid = " ".join(middle)
if mid.startswith(tokens[1]+ " "):
statement = " ".join(begin) + " " + " ".join(end) + " " + \
statement = " ".join(begin) + " " + " ".join(end) + " " + \
tokens[1] + " " + mid
elif tokens[1] == "do" or tokens[1] == "does":
statement = " ".join(tokens[2:])
elif tokens[1] == "can" or tokens[1] == "could" or \
tokens[1] == "cannot":
if len(tokens) == 4:
statement = tokens[2] + " " + tokens[1] + " " + tokens[3]
# Look for first verb, in base form
found_noun = False
for i in range(len(pos)):
p = pos[i]
if p[1] == "VBP" or p[1] == "VB" and found_noun:
statement = " ".join(tokens[2:i]) + " " + tokens[1] + " " +\
" ".join(tokens[i:])
elif "NN" in p[1]:
found_noun = True
elif tokens[1] == "ca" and tokens[2] == "n't":
# I have to turn it to an affirmato_station to make openIE work
temp = self.to_statement(tokens[0] + " can " +
" ".join(tokens[3:]), subject)
statement = temp
# return temp.replace(" can ", " cannot ")
statement = question
self._save_q2s(question, statement, subject)
return statement
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