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Last active January 28, 2019 08:21
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def process_marked(marked, doc):
res = []
pos = 2
done = False
forbidden = None
auxil = doc[1].text
start_index = 2
if doc[2].dep_ == "neg":
auxil += " not"
start_index = 3
pos = 3
for token in doc[start_index:]:
deps = ["det", "acomp", "advmod", "amod", "neg", "prep", "nummod"]
ancestors = list(token.ancestors)
ancestors_new = []
if marked in ancestors:
ancestors_new = ancestors[:ancestors.index(marked)]
ancestors_deps = [x.dep_ != "nsubj" for x in ancestors_new]
if marked in ancestors and token.dep_ in deps and not done and pos != start_index and all(ancestors_deps)\
and forbidden not in ancestors:
if marked is not None and marked.tag_ == "VBG" and forbidden is None and marked.i == start_index:
forbidden = token
done = True
marked = None
if marked == token and pos != start_index and not done:
done = True
if token.text != "?":
pos += 1
if done:
return " ".join(res)
return ""
def be_processing(question):
question = question.replace(" ", " ").replace("isnt", "isn't")
doc = nlp(question)
if len(doc) == 4:
return " ".join([doc[2].text, doc[1].text, doc[3].text])
ancestors = list(doc[1].ancestors)
if "aux" in doc[1].dep_ and len(ancestors) == 1:
res = process_marked(ancestors[0], doc)
if res:
return res
mini = len(doc)
best_temp = []
best_res = ""
for dep in ["acomp", "attr", "npadvmod", "advmod", "prep", "ccomp"]:
temp = [x for x in doc[1].children if x.dep_ == dep and x.i > 2]
if len(temp) == 1:
res = process_marked(temp[0], doc)
if temp[0].i < mini and res:
mini = temp[0].i
best_temp = temp
best_res = res
#if best_res:
# return best_res
temp = [x for x in doc[1].children if x.dep_ == "nsubj"]
if temp:
temp = [x for x in temp[0].children if x.dep_ == "amod" and x.i > temp[0].i]
if len(temp) == 0:
temp = [x for x in doc[1].children if x.dep_ == "nsubj"]
temp = [x for x in temp[0].children if x.dep_ == "acl" and x.i > temp[0].i]
if len(temp) == 0 and not best_res:
temp = [x for x in doc[1].children if x.dep_ == "nsubj"]
temp = [x for x in temp[0].children if x.dep_ == "prep" and x.i > temp[0].i]
if len(temp) == 1:
res = process_marked(temp[0], doc)
if temp[0].i < mini and res:
mini = temp[0].i
best_temp = temp
best_res = res
#if res:
# return res
if best_res:
return best_res
return ""
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