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Created September 3, 2015 02:25
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JavaScript Evening Retrospective 2015/09/02
* Please feel free to edit and add to this etherpad. You can remain anonymous if you wish.
* If you prefer, you can send us anonymous feedback at
* And, please contact Kristina, Cris, or Collaine if you have concerns that you would prefer to discuss in person.
We will ask everybody to contribute something in both of the following areas. When it's your turn, if you agree with something that's already here, that's great. Please +1 the existing comment and then also tell us your perspective.
What is working well?
* The class is a firehose. There's no wasted time
* ++Dan is great; clearly knows his stuff; explains things well; adapts to the needs of the class
* Tom's great. Good 1 on 1, most patient man in the united states of america
* TAs are very, very helpful
* We've been given enough to do the assign.
* Curriculum is great, we are challenged
* Working together is good
* Looking forward to a week off
* Appreciate the teacher's willingness to explain things to me 300 times, and the time people put in
* Office hours are great
* This is the most I've learned in one time in my life
* Good that the TA's were students so they have empathy and understand the assignments
* Can tell that Dan is already trying to improve the class as we go
* I love the students - I'm becoming a better person
* I like how Dan & Tom will explain things 50 times
* Well-laid out
* Good examples to answer questions
* Classes are interactive - get to work through problems togther
* Homework is engaging
* Can work in groups and as individuals
* Working with other people is good.
* Good depth - deeper than expected
* +Good job with the cards sequence - building on each step - expecting big things for this in the future
* Topic pages are good, but they can be more helpful for people who had to miss class
* Challenge day was good
* Fun variable names are fun
* Everyone is willing to help, rearranging office hours to fit student schedules
* We could not have wished for a better teacher than Dan. He could teach kindergartners. Visuals are good.
* Slack is good. Helps get people unstuck
How specifically can we improve?
(It's ok to tell us that you don't like something, but it's more useful to tell us what you would prefer instead. Many of the improvements we make to our classes come directly from student suggestions in these retrospectives.)
* Revisit the full-stack overview from the first week to see where we are and how what we're learning fits in. Provide context and explicitly remind us of how what we're doing connects with what we've done and where we're headed.
* Connect us with contacts -- people in industry who are looking for people
* Set up talk & tours like previous classes
* Start on time -- get the class's attention and get underway
* "I push to complete homework as soon as possible and don't wait until I understand it"
* Give us more time for the pre-class work
* Settle on a fixed time schedule for break times. A longer break and a shorter break.
* +Use an app like Spectacle or Moom to keep windows visible and reduce the amount of flipping back and forth
* ++Set up review sessions where people get caught up - people who are up-to-date can mentor people who are catching up
* ++Counteract the feeling of tunnel vision - help us learn how to use this - how what what you're learning can be applied to the real world. Example: node. explain what servers do in the overall IT enviroment and why node is well-suited to those tasks. We're so focused on what we're learning that we don't know what it's for.
* +Knowing what this is for and how it's used early-on would help people learn and be motivated
* Mini get-togethers to talk about real-world use, or optional readings about applications or context
* More homework with optional exercises focusing on the week's topics. Like the extra layers in the current homework.
* Have a set of information for every possible thing (like arrays) that breaks it down and explains in Dan's voice. Maybe a hologram? A huggable Dan doll? +++
* +Film the classes and post them later for review. include the whiteboard and the screen and the instructor. They don't have to stay up long.
* Save scratch pads and diagrams and add them to the class web site
* +The front door is horrible.
* Tell me it's okay. I just need a hug when I see people pushing to github before I do.
* Show us what is going to be covered in the class so we can prepare for upcoming class
* Tell us what the rate of class success is - testimonials on web site are old. need more recent input
* Provide some guidance on how/what to do for extra-curricular
* Compare listings for junior dev jobs and show how the course material maps on to that
* Provide examples of sucessful graduates and their portfolios; success stories to learn from - like the alumni night we've done before
* +Tom sometimes wanders into cool/interesting things which can be confusing - not sure if a particular thing is needed or just something that is fun
* ++Build in time to back off and catch up
* ++Not sure I'm going to come out of this ready for developer job - anxiety about where I'll be when I come out.
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