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NW 9-4 notes
Example App
1. Clone
2. Check out with_interactions branch
3. Install, run, and understand
Assignment App
1. Create a new react app per “Clean Start” checkpoint
2. Push react app repo to GitHub for sharing & collaboration
3. Map out google book search app UI to identify components, props, state
4. Determine where to store state, where to fetch API data. App component, perhaps?
5. Sketch your state object (your “data dictionary”) using pseudocode
6. Sketch your booklist & book props using pseudocode
1. title
2. author
3. price
4. description
7. Re-use & adapt search parameters code from bookmarks app or a previous assignment
8. Re-use & adapt fetch code from bookmarks app
9. Re-use & adapt book list code from bookmarks app or a previous assignment
10. Identify opportunities for “loading" placeholders. Fetching thumbnails, perhaps?
11. Identify opportunities for simultaneous promises. Fetching thumbnails, perhaps?
Notes on google books api (performed in concert with above)
1. Get a key by creating a project, then creating credentials.
2. Skim docs at
3. Focus on parameters:
1. “q”
2. “filter”
3. “printType”
4. Update state with parameter names
5. Use Postman to see data structure for returned data
6. Update book props with JSON identifiers
7. Refer to earlier assignment to see how to extract data from nested JSON
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