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Forked from WeiiswurstDev/
Last active May 31, 2023 05:30
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Save Aurelien30000/7824cd4bcf91ee2eca37c7fa3c4e9bca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple tool to manage scoreboards in minecraft (lines up to 48 characters !). This Fork uses ProtocolLib and is therefore compatible with 1.13.x - 1.16.x. To use it in your project, you need to use ProtocolLib as a dependency!


// Your plugin package, like "fr.myplugin.utils;"
import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType;
import com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolLibrary;
import com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolManager;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.EnumWrappers;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedChatComponent;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* @author zyuiop
* <p>
* Updated by Weiiswurst on 21/05/2020 to use the ProtocolLib API
* instead of reflection, which allows cross-version compatibility.
* <p>
* Updated by Giovanni75 on 10/07/2020 for some code cleanup.
* Reviewed and shared to Spigot by Aurelien30000 on 10/07/2020.
* 1.8 - 1.12.2 Support dropped to make this library working with 1.13.2+, by Aurelien30000 on 27/08/2020.
public class ScoreboardSign {
private static final ProtocolManager pm = ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager();
private final Player player;
private String objectiveName;
private boolean created;
private final VirtualTeam[] lines = new VirtualTeam[15];
* Create a scoreboard sign for a given player and using a specific objective name.
* @param player the player viewing it
* @param objectiveName its name (displayed at the top of the scoreboard)
public ScoreboardSign(final Player player, final String objectiveName) {
this.player = player;
this.objectiveName = objectiveName;
private void sendPacket(final PacketContainer pc) {
try {
pm.sendServerPacket(player, pc);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
* Send the initial creation packets for this scoreboard sign. Must be called at least once.
public void create() {
if (created) return;
sendPacket(createObjectivePacket(0, objectiveName));
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
created = true;
* Send the packets to remove this scoreboard sign. A destroyed scoreboard sign must
* be recreated using {@link ScoreboardSign#create()} in order to be used again.
public void destroy() {
if (!created) return;
sendPacket(createObjectivePacket(1, null));
for (VirtualTeam team : lines)
if (team != null)
created = false;
* Change the name of the objective. The name is displayed at the top of the scoreboard.
* @param name the name of the objective - max 32 characters
public void setObjectiveName(final String name) {
this.objectiveName = name;
if (created)
sendPacket(createObjectivePacket(2, name));
* Change a scoreboard line and send the packets to the player. Can be called asynchronously.
* @param line the number of the line - between 0 and 14
* @param value the new value for the scoreboard line
public void setLine(final int line, final String value) {
final VirtualTeam team = getOrCreateTeam(line);
final String old = team.getCurrentPlayer();
if (value.equals(old)) return;
if (old != null && created)
* Set all scoreboard lines to the list and send these to the player.
* @param list the list of the new scoreboard lines
public void setLines(final Iterable<String> list) {
int i = 0;
for (String s : list) {
setLine(i, s);
* Remove a given scoreboard line.
* @param line the line to remove
public void removeLine(final int line) {
final VirtualTeam team = getOrCreateTeam(line);
final String old = team.getCurrentPlayer();
if (old != null && created) {
lines[line] = null;
* Get the current value for a line.
* @param line the line
* @return its content
public String getLine(final int line) {
return line < 0 || line > 14 ? null : getOrCreateTeam(line).getValue();
* Get the team assigned to a line.
* @return the {@link VirtualTeam} used to display this line
public VirtualTeam getTeam(final int line) {
return line < 0 || line > 14 ? null : getOrCreateTeam(line);
private void sendLine(final int line) {
if (line < 0 || line > 14 || !created) return;
final VirtualTeam team = getOrCreateTeam(line);
for (PacketContainer pc : team.sendLine())
sendPacket(sendScore(team.getCurrentPlayer(), line));
private VirtualTeam getOrCreateTeam(final int line) {
if (lines[line] == null)
lines[line] = new VirtualTeam("__fakeScore" + line, "", "");
return lines[line];
// 0 : Create
// 1 : Delete
// 2 : Update
private PacketContainer createObjectivePacket(final int mode, final String displayName) {
final PacketContainer pc = pm.createPacket(PacketType.Play.Server.SCOREBOARD_OBJECTIVE, true);
pc.getIntegers().write(0, mode);
pc.getStrings().write(0, player.getName());
if (mode == 0 || mode == 2)
pc.getChatComponents().write(0, WrappedChatComponent.fromText(displayName));
return pc;
private PacketContainer setObjectiveSlot() {
final PacketContainer pc = pm.createPacket(PacketType.Play.Server.SCOREBOARD_DISPLAY_OBJECTIVE);
pc.getIntegers().write(0, 1);
pc.getStrings().write(0, player.getName());
return pc;
private PacketContainer sendScore(final String line, final int score) {
final PacketContainer pc = pm.createPacket(PacketType.Play.Server.SCOREBOARD_SCORE);
pc.getIntegers().write(0, score);
pc.getScoreboardActions().write(0, EnumWrappers.ScoreboardAction.CHANGE);
pc.getStrings().write(0, line).write(1, player.getName());
return pc;
private PacketContainer removeLine(final String line) {
final PacketContainer pc = pm.createPacket(PacketType.Play.Server.SCOREBOARD_SCORE);
pc.getScoreboardActions().write(0, EnumWrappers.ScoreboardAction.REMOVE);
pc.getStrings().write(0, line);
return pc;
* This class is used to manage the content of a line. Advanced users can use it as they want, but they are
* encouraged to read and understand the code before doing so. Thus, use these methods at your own risk.
public static class VirtualTeam {
private final String name;
private String currentPlayer, oldPlayer;
private String prefix, suffix;
private boolean playerChanged, prefixChanged, suffixChanged;
private boolean first = true;
// Virtual team
private VirtualTeam(final String name, final String prefix, final String suffix) { = name;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.suffix = suffix;
public void reset() {
prefixChanged = false;
suffixChanged = false;
playerChanged = false;
oldPlayer = null;
public String getName() {
return name;
// Prefix
public String getPrefix() {
return prefix;
public void setPrefix(final String prefix) {
if (this.prefix == null || !this.prefix.equals(prefix))
this.prefixChanged = true;
this.prefix = prefix;
// Suffix
public String getSuffix() {
return suffix;
public void setSuffix(final String suffix) {
if (this.suffix == null || !this.suffix.equals(prefix))
this.suffixChanged = true;
this.suffix = suffix;
// Packets
private static final WrappedChatComponent emptyWrappedChatComponent = WrappedChatComponent.fromText("");
private PacketContainer createPacket(final int mode) {
final PacketContainer pc = pm.createPacket(PacketType.Play.Server.SCOREBOARD_TEAM, true);
pc.getStrings().write(0, name).write(1, "always");
pc.getChatComponents().write(0, emptyWrappedChatComponent).write(1, WrappedChatComponent.fromText(prefix)).write(2, WrappedChatComponent.fromText(suffix));
pc.getIntegers().write(0, mode);
return pc;
public Iterable<PacketContainer> sendLine() {
final List<PacketContainer> packets = new ArrayList<>();
if (first) {
first = false;
} else if (prefixChanged || suffixChanged) {
if (first || playerChanged) {
if (oldPlayer != null)
packets.add(addOrRemovePlayer(4, oldPlayer));
return packets;
// Team
public PacketContainer createTeam() {
return createPacket(0);
public PacketContainer removeTeam() {
final PacketContainer pc = pm.createPacket(PacketType.Play.Server.SCOREBOARD_TEAM);
pc.getIntegers().write(0, 1);
pc.getStrings().write(0, name);
first = true;
return pc;
public PacketContainer updateTeam() {
return createPacket(2);
// Player
public PacketContainer addOrRemovePlayer(final int mode, final String playerName) {
final PacketContainer pc = pm.createPacket(PacketType.Play.Server.SCOREBOARD_TEAM);
pc.getIntegers().write(0, mode);
pc.getSpecificModifier(Collection.class).write(0, Lists.newArrayList(playerName));
pc.getStrings().write(0, name);
return pc;
public PacketContainer changePlayer() {
return addOrRemovePlayer(3, currentPlayer);
public String getCurrentPlayer() {
return currentPlayer;
public void setPlayer(final String name) {
if (this.currentPlayer == null || !this.currentPlayer.equals(name))
this.playerChanged = true;
this.oldPlayer = this.currentPlayer;
this.currentPlayer = name;
// Value
public String getValue() {
return getPrefix() + getCurrentPlayer() + getSuffix();
public void setValue(final String value) {
final int length = value.length();
if (length <= 64) {
} else if (length <= 80) {
setPrefix(value.substring(0, 64));
} else if (length <= 144) {
setPrefix(value.substring(0, 64));
setPlayer(value.substring(64, 80));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too long virtual team value (" + length + " > 48 characters)");
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Don't worry about both ^^
First is about your Java version your probably updated to 11+, just completely ignore it.
The second one is simple a warning, you can also ignore it. However, to fix it and make your plugin more stable, add ProtocolLib to the dependencies list (plugin.yml).
Something like this:

depend: [ ProtocolLib ]
Weird thing is that this is my plugin.yml and I'm still having the issue, I've heard other people have this too I just don't remember how they fixed it

:/ I don't know any more, this isn't an annoying issue anyways.

That's fine, thank you for trying anyways! I'll edit this if I find a fix so anyone else who might have the same issue can see how I resolved it, incase I resolve it

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Perhaps the checks are sensitive to the position of the line, try to write it before and also try to remove spaces I put in my example.

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Is there a version for the 1.17.1?

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Is there a version for the 1.17.1?

@D151l Probably doesn't work, this library is a bit outdated tbh, I would recommend this one instead for recent versions:

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Is there a version for the 1.17.1?

@D151l Probably doesn't work, this library is a bit outdated tbh, I would recommend this one instead for recent versions:


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