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Created November 27, 2020 18:52
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basesrv::ServerDllInitialization() decompiled by ghidra plugin for radare2
// WARNING: Could not reconcile some variable overlaps
// WARNING: Unknown calling convention yet parameter storage is locked
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Matching calling convention amd64 of function ServerDllInitialization failed, args may be
// inaccurate.
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Var arg_10h is stack pointer based, which is not supported for decompilation.
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Var arg_18h is stack pointer based, which is not supported for decompilation.
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Var arg_20h is stack pointer based, which is not supported for decompilation.
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Matching calling convention amd64 of function pdb.RtlStringCchPrintfW failed, args may be
// inaccurate.
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Matching calling convention amd64 of function pdb.memcpy failed, args may be inaccurate.
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Matching calling convention amd64 of function pdb.BaseSrvInitializeIniFileMappings failed, args
// may be inaccurate.
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Var arg_8h is stack pointer based, which is not supported for decompilation.
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Matching calling convention amd64 of function pdb.CreateBaseAcls failed, args may be inaccurate.
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Matching calling convention amd64 of function pdb.__security_check_cookie failed, args may be
// inaccurate.
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Var arg_0h is stack pointer based, which is not supported for decompilation.
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Matching calling convention amd64 of function pdb.__report_rangecheckfailure failed, args may be
// inaccurate.
void ServerDllInitialization(int64_t arg2, int64_t arg4, int64_t arg1)
uint32_t uVar1;
undefined8 uVar2;
code *pcVar3;
undefined8 uVar4;
uint32_t uVar5;
char cVar6;
int32_t iVar7;
int32_t iVar8;
uint32_t uVar9;
uint32_t *puVar10;
int64_t iVar11;
uint64_t arg1_00;
uint64_t uVar12;
uint64_t uVar13;
undefined4 *puVar14;
undefined4 uVar15;
int64_t arg2_00;
int64_t in_GS_OFFSET;
undefined auStack3848 [32];
undefined8 uStack3816;
undefined8 uStack3808;
undefined4 uStack3800;
undefined4 uStack3792;
undefined4 uStack3784;
undefined8 uStack3776;
undefined4 uStack3768;
undefined4 auStack3752 [2];
undefined8 uStack3744;
undefined8 *puStack3736;
undefined4 uStack3728;
undefined auStack3720 [16];
undefined8 uStack3704;
undefined8 uStack3696;
uint32_t uStack3688;
uint32_t uStack3684;
int32_t aiStack3680 [2];
int64_t iStack3672;
undefined8 uStack3664;
undefined8 uStack3656;
int64_t iStack3648;
undefined8 uStack3640;
undefined8 uStack3632;
undefined8 uStack3624;
uint32_t uStack3616;
uint32_t uStack3612;
undefined8 uStack3608;
undefined8 uStack3600;
undefined8 uStack3592;
uint64_t uStack3584;
undefined8 uStack3576;
undefined *puStack3568;
undefined4 auStack3560 [2];
undefined2 *puStack3552;
undefined auStack3544 [8];
undefined auStack3536 [16];
undefined8 auStack3520 [2];
undefined auStack3504 [16];
undefined4 uStack3488;
uint32_t auStack3484 [2];
undefined8 uStack3476;
undefined2 auStack3464 [2];
int32_t iStack3460;
int32_t aiStack3452 [147];
undefined auStack2864 [200];
undefined auStack2664 [512];
undefined auStack2152 [512];
undefined auStack1640 [512];
undefined auStack1128 [512];
undefined auStack616 [560];
uint64_t uStack56;
uStack56 = _pdb.__security_cookie ^ (uint64_t)auStack3848;
uStack3488 = 4;
uStack3640 = 0;
uVar13 = 0;
uStack3632 = 0;
arg2_00 = 0xc0;
auStack3484[0] = 0x100002;
auStack3484[1] = 8;
uStack3476 = 0x100004;
_pdb.SessionId = *(uint32_t *)(*(int64_t *)(in_GS_OFFSET + 0x60) + 0x2c0);
uStack3584 = 0;
iStack3648 = 0;
_pdb.ServiceSessionId = (*_RtlGetCurrentServiceSessionId)();
if (_pdb.SessionId == _pdb.ServiceSessionId) {
arg2_00 = 0xd0;
_pdb.BaseSrvHeap = *(undefined8 *)(*(int64_t *)(in_GS_OFFSET + 0x60) + 0x30);
_pdb.BaseSrvTag =
(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, 0, "B",
_pdb.BaseSrvSharedHeap = *(undefined8 *)(arg4 + 0x60);
_pdb.BaseSrvSharedTag = (*_RtlCreateTagHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvSharedHeap, 0, "B", "I");
*(undefined4 *)(arg4 + 0x20) = 0;
*(code **)(arg4 + 0x28) = pdb.BaseServerApiDispatchTable;
*(code **)(arg4 + 0x30) = pdb.BaseServerApiServerValidTable;
*(code **)(arg4 + 0x48) = pdb.BaseClientConnectRoutine;
*(code **)(arg4 + 0x50) = pdb.BaseClientDisconnectRoutine;
*(undefined4 *)(arg4 + 0x24) = 0x1d;
*(undefined4 *)(arg4 + 0x40) = 8;
iVar7 = (*_RtlInitializeCriticalSection)(pdb.BaseSrvDosDeviceCritSec);
if (iVar7 < 0) goto code_r0x00018000233d;
puStack3552 = auStack3464;
auStack3560[0] = 0x3200000;
(*_RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_U)(0, pdb.UnexpandedSystemRootString, auStack3560, 0);
if ((uint16_t)auStack3560[0] < 800) {
if (799 < ((uint64_t)(uint16_t)auStack3560[0] & 0xfffffffffffffffe)) {
pcVar3 = (code *)swi(3);
*(undefined2 *)((int64_t)auStack3464 + ((uint64_t)(uint16_t)auStack3560[0] & 0xfffffffffffffffe)) = 0;
cVar6 = (*_RtlCreateUnicodeString)(pdb.BaseSrvWindowsDirectory, auStack3464);
if (cVar6 != '\0') {
(*_wcscat_s)(auStack3464, 400, "\\");
cVar6 = (*_RtlCreateUnicodeString)(pdb.BaseSrvWindowsSystemDirectory, auStack3464);
if (cVar6 != '\0') {
if (_pdb.SessionId == _pdb.ServiceSessionId) {
(*_wcscpy_s)(auStack2664, 0x100, "\\");
} else {
uStack3816 = (int64_t *)((uint64_t)uStack3816 & 0xffffffff00000000 | (uint64_t)_pdb.SessionId);
(*_swprintf_s)(auStack2664, 0x100, "%", "\\");
uStack3816 = (int64_t *)((uint64_t)uStack3816 & 0xffffffff00000000 | (uint64_t)_pdb.SessionId);
(*_swprintf_s)(auStack1640, 0x100, "%", "\\");
uStack3816 = (int64_t *)((uint64_t)uStack3816 & 0xffffffff00000000 | (uint64_t)_pdb.SessionId);
pdb.RtlStringCchPrintfW((int64_t)"%", (int64_t)"\\", arg2_00, arg1, 0x100, (int64_t)auStack2152);
(*_RtlInitUnicodeString)(&uStack3696, auStack2664);
(*_RtlInitUnicodeString)(&uStack3640, auStack2152);
(*_RtlInitUnicodeString)(&uStack3624, auStack1640);
puVar10 = (uint32_t *)(*_RtlAllocateHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvSharedHeap, _pdb.BaseSrvSharedTag, 0xb68);
_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData = puVar10;
if (puVar10 != (uint32_t *)0x0) {
*(uint32_t **)(arg4 + 0x60) = puVar10;
*(uint32_t **)(puVar10 + 0x2d4) = puVar10;
puVar10[0x2cc] = 0xffffffff;
puVar10[0x2ce] = 0;
iVar7 = (*_NtQuerySystemInformation)(3, puVar10 + 0x50, 0x30);
puVar10 = _pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData;
uVar5 = *(uint32_t *)0x18001093c;
uVar9 = *(uint32_t *)0x180010938;
uVar1 = *(uint32_t *)0x180010934;
uVar15 = _pdb.BaseSrvSharedTag;
uVar4 = _pdb.BaseSrvSharedHeap;
if (-1 < iVar7) {
*_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData = _pdb.BaseSrvWindowsDirectory;
puVar10[1] = uVar1;
puVar10[2] = uVar9;
puVar10[3] = uVar5;
iVar11 = (*_RtlAllocateHeap)(uVar4, uVar15, _pdb.BaseSrvWindowsDirectory >> 0x10);
puVar10 = _pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData;
if (iVar11 != 0) {
pdb.memcpy(iVar11, *(undefined8 *)(_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 2),
_pdb.BaseSrvWindowsDirectory >> 0x10);
uVar15 = _pdb.BaseSrvSharedTag;
uVar4 = _pdb.BaseSrvSharedHeap;
*(int64_t *)(puVar10 + 2) = iVar11;
uVar5 = *(uint32_t *)0x18001094c;
uVar9 = *(uint32_t *)0x180010948;
uVar1 = *(uint32_t *)0x180010944;
puVar10[4] = _pdb.BaseSrvWindowsSystemDirectory;
puVar10[5] = uVar1;
puVar10[6] = uVar9;
puVar10[7] = uVar5;
iVar11 = (*_RtlAllocateHeap)(uVar4, uVar15, _pdb.BaseSrvWindowsSystemDirectory >> 0x10);
puVar10 = _pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData;
if (iVar11 != 0) {
pdb.memcpy(iVar11, *(undefined8 *)(_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 6),
_pdb.BaseSrvWindowsSystemDirectory >> 0x10);
uVar15 = _pdb.BaseSrvSharedTag;
uVar4 = _pdb.BaseSrvSharedHeap;
*(int64_t *)(puVar10 + 6) = iVar11;
*(undefined8 *)(puVar10 + 0x25a) = 0;
puVar10[600] = 0;
puVar10[8] = (uint32_t)uStack3696;
puVar10[9] = uStack3696._4_4_;
puVar10[10] = uStack3688;
puVar10[0xb] = uStack3684;
*(uint16_t *)((int64_t)puVar10 + 0x22) = (uint16_t)uStack3696 + 2;
iVar11 = (*_RtlAllocateHeap)(uVar4, uVar15, (uint64_t)(uint16_t)uStack3696 + 2);
puVar10 = _pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData;
if (iVar11 != 0) {
pdb.memcpy(iVar11, *(undefined8 *)(_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 10),
*(undefined2 *)((int64_t)_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x22));
uVar15 = _pdb.BaseSrvSharedTag;
uVar4 = _pdb.BaseSrvSharedHeap;
*(int64_t *)(puVar10 + 10) = iVar11;
puVar10[0x2d0] = (uint32_t)uStack3624;
puVar10[0x2d1] = uStack3624._4_4_;
puVar10[0x2d2] = uStack3616;
puVar10[0x2d3] = uStack3612;
*(uint16_t *)((int64_t)puVar10 + 0xb42) = (uint16_t)uStack3624 + 2;
iVar11 = (*_RtlAllocateHeap)(uVar4, uVar15, (uint64_t)(uint16_t)uStack3624 + 2);
puVar10 = _pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData;
if (iVar11 != 0) {
pdb.memcpy(iVar11, *(undefined8 *)(_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x2d2),
*(undefined2 *)((int64_t)_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0xb42));
uVar15 = _pdb.BaseSrvSharedTag;
uVar4 = _pdb.BaseSrvSharedHeap;
*(int64_t *)(puVar10 + 0x2d2) = iVar11;
puVar10[0x2d6] = (uint32_t)uStack3640;
puVar10[0x2d7] = uStack3640._4_4_;
puVar10[0x2d8] = (uint32_t)uStack3632;
puVar10[0x2d9] = uStack3632._4_4_;
*(int16_t *)((int64_t)puVar10 + 0xb5a) = (int16_t)uStack3640 + 2;
iVar11 = (*_RtlAllocateHeap)(uVar4, uVar15, (uStack3640 & 0xffff) + 2);
puVar10 = _pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData;
if (iVar11 != 0) {
pdb.memcpy(iVar11, *(undefined8 *)(_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x2d8),
*(undefined2 *)((int64_t)_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0xb5a));
*(int64_t *)(puVar10 + 0x2d8) = iVar11;
*(undefined **)0x180010968 = auStack2864;
*(undefined *)(puVar10 + 0x25c) = 0;
_pdb.BaseSrvCSDString = 0xc80000;
uStack3816 = (int64_t *)0x0;
iVar7 = (*_RtlQueryRegistryValuesEx)
(3, pdb.___C__11LOCGONAA___AA__AA,
puVar10 = _pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData;
if (iVar7 < 0) {
*(undefined4 *)((int64_t)_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x36) = 0;
} else {
*(undefined2 *)((int64_t)_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x36) =
*(undefined2 *)(puVar10 + 0xe) = *(undefined2 *)0x180010972;
uStack3816 = (int64_t *)0x0;
iVar7 = (*_RtlQueryRegistryValuesEx)
(3, pdb.___C__11LOCGONAA___AA__AA,
if (iVar7 < 0) {
*(undefined2 *)((int64_t)_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x3a) = 0;
} else {
(*_wcsncpy_s)((int64_t)_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x3a, 0x80,
*(undefined **)0x180010968,
(_pdb.BaseSrvCSDString & 0xffff) >> 1);
iVar7 = (*_RtlInitUnicodeStringEx)(pdb.BaseSrvCSDString, 0);
if (((-1 < iVar7) &&
(iVar7 = (*_NtQuerySystemInformation)(0, pdb.SysInfo, 0x40), -1 < iVar7)
) && (iVar7 = pdb.BaseSrvInitializeIniFileMappings(arg2_00, iVar11),
-1 < iVar7)) {
*(undefined *)(_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x256) = 0;
puStack3736 = (undefined8 *)0x18000c0e8;
auStack3752[0] = 0x30;
uStack3744 = 0;
uStack3728 = 0x40;
auStack3720 = ZEXT816(0);
iVar7 = (*_NtOpenKey)(&uStack3608, 0x20019, auStack3752);
if (-1 < iVar7) {
uStack3808 = auStack3544;
uStack3816 = (int64_t *)CONCAT44(uStack3816._4_4_, 800);
iVar7 = (*_NtQueryValueKey)(uStack3608, 0x18000c968, 2, auStack3464)
if (-1 < iVar7) {
if (iStack3460 == 4) {
*(bool *)(_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x256) =
aiStack3452[0] != 0;
} else {
if ((iStack3460 == 1) &&
((iVar7 = (*__wcsicmp)(aiStack3452,
pdb.___C__17IHBDLLG___AAy__AAe__AAs__AA__AA), iVar7 == 0 ||
(iVar7 = (*__wcsicmp)(aiStack3452,
iVar7 == 0)))) {
*(undefined *)(_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x256) =
uStack3816 = (int64_t *)0x0;
*(undefined *)((int64_t)_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x959) = 0;
(*_RtlQueryRegistryValuesEx)(2, "S", pdb.BnoRegistryConfigurationTable);
arg1_00 = (*_RtlAllocateHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, _pdb.BaseSrvTag, 0x400);
if (((arg1_00 != 0) &&
(iVar7 = (*_RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor)(arg1_00, 1), -1 < iVar7))
&& ((uVar12 = (*_RtlAllocateHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, _pdb.BaseSrvTag,
0x28), uVar12 != 0 &&
(iVar7 = (*_RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor)(uVar12, 1), -1 < iVar7))
)) {
if (_pdb.InteractiveUserNameSpaceSeparation == 0) {
uStack3816 = (int64_t *)0x0;
} else {
uVar13 = (*_RtlAllocateHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, _pdb.BaseSrvTag,
uStack3584 = uVar13;
if ((uVar13 == 0) ||
(iVar7 = (*_RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor)(uVar13, 1),
iVar7 < 0)) goto code_r0x000180004f77;
if (_pdb.InteractiveUserNameSpaceSeparation == 0)
goto code_r0x000180001d7f;
uStack3816 = &iStack3648;
iVar7 = pdb.CreateBaseAcls(arg2_00, arg1_00, (int64_t)&uStack3592,
if (((((-1 < iVar7) &&
(iVar7 = (*_RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor)
(arg1_00, 1, uStack3656, 0),
uVar4 = uStack3664, -1 < iVar7)) &&
(iVar7 = (*_RtlSetSaclSecurityDescriptor)
(arg1_00, 1, uStack3664, 0), -1 < iVar7)) &&
(iVar7 = (*_RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor)
(uVar12, 1, uStack3600, 0), -1 < iVar7)) &&
((_pdb.InteractiveUserNameSpaceSeparation == 0 ||
(iVar7 = (*_RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor)
(uVar13, 1, iStack3648, 0), -1 < iVar7)))) {
auStack3752[0] = 0x30;
uStack3744 = 0;
puStack3736 = &uStack3696;
uVar15 = (undefined4)arg2_00;
auStack3720 = ZEXT816(arg1_00);
uStack3728 = uVar15;
iVar7 = (*_NtCreateDirectoryObject)
(pdb.BaseSrvNamedObjectDirectory, 0xf000f,
if (-1 < iVar7) {
auStack3752[0] = 0x30;
uStack3744 = 0;
puStack3736 = &uStack3624;
auStack3720 = CONCAT88(SUB168(auStack3720 >> 0x40, 0),
uVar12) &
(undefined [16])0xffffffffffffffff;
uStack3728 = uVar15;
iVar7 = (*_NtCreateDirectoryObject)
(pdb.BaseSrvLowBoxObjectDirectory, 0xf000f
, auStack3752);
if (-1 < iVar7) {
if (_pdb.SessionId == _pdb.ServiceSessionId) {
iVar7 = (*_NtSetInformationObject)
, 5, 0);
if (iVar7 < 0) goto code_r0x000180004f77;
if (_pdb.SessionId != 0) {
uStack3816 = (int64_t *)
((uint64_t)uStack3816 &
0xffffffff00000000 |
(*_swprintf_s)(auStack1128, 0x100, "%", "\\");
(auStack3520, auStack1128);
puStack3736 = auStack3520;
auStack3752[0] = 0x30;
uStack3744 = 0;
auStack3720 = ZEXT816(arg1_00);
uStack3728 = uVar15;
iVar7 = (*_NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject)
(&uStack3704, 0xf0001,
auStack3752, 0x18000c020);
if (iVar7 < 0) goto code_r0x00018000233d;
if ((_pdb.InteractiveUserNameSpaceSeparation != 0) &&
(_pdb.SessionId == 0)) {
puStack3736 = &uStack3640;
auStack3752[0] = 0x30;
auStack3720 = ZEXT816(uVar13);
uStack3744 = 0;
uStack3728 = uVar15;
iVar7 = (*_NtCreateDirectoryObject)
0xf000f, auStack3752);
if (iVar7 < 0) goto code_r0x000180004f77;
uStack3816 = (int64_t *)0x0;
iVar7 = (*_NtQueryInformationProcess)
(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x1c, aiStack3680
if (iVar7 < 0) {
*(undefined *)
(_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x2cd) = 0;
} else {
*(bool *)(_pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData + 0x2cd) =
aiStack3680[0] != 0;
if ((iVar7 < 0 || aiStack3680[0] == 0) ||
(iVar7 = (*_RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount)
0x80000000), -1 < iVar7)) {
uStack3744 = _pdb.BaseSrvNamedObjectDirectory;
auStack3752[0] = 0x30;
puStack3736 = (undefined8 *)0x18000c030;
auStack3720 = ZEXT816(arg1_00);
uStack3728 = uVar15;
iVar7 = (*_NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject)
(&uStack3704, 0xf0001, auStack3752
, 0x18000c020);
if (-1 < iVar7) {
if (_pdb.SessionId == _pdb.ServiceSessionId) {
(auStack3536, auStack2664);
uStack3744 = _pdb.BaseSrvNamedObjectDirectory;
auStack3752[0] = 0x30;
puStack3736 = (undefined8 *)0x18000c010;
auStack3720 = ZEXT816(arg1_00);
uStack3728 = uVar15;
iVar7 = (*_NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject)
(&uStack3704, 0xf0001,
auStack3752, auStack3536);
if (-1 < iVar7) {
if (_pdb.SessionId == _pdb.ServiceSessionId)
uStack3744 =
auStack3752[0] = 0x30;
puStack3736 = (undefined8 *)0x18000c000;
auStack3720 = ZEXT816(arg1_00);
uStack3728 = uVar15;
iVar7 = (*_NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject)
(&uStack3704, 0xf0001, auStack3752,
if (-1 < iVar7) {
if (_pdb.SessionId == _pdb.ServiceSessionId) {
(*_RtlInitUnicodeString)(&uStack3696, "S");
(*_RtlInitUnicodeString)(auStack3536, "\\");
uStack3744 = _pdb.BaseSrvNamedObjectDirectory;
puStack3736 = &uStack3696;
auStack3752[0] = 0x30;
auStack3720 = ZEXT816(arg1_00);
uStack3728 = uVar15;
iVar7 = (*_NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject)
(&uStack3704, 0xf0001, auStack3752,
if (-1 < iVar7) {
if (_pdb.SessionId == _pdb.ServiceSessionId) {
(*_RtlInitUnicodeString)(&uStack3696, "R");
iVar7 = (*_RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor)
(arg1_00, 1, uStack3592, 0);
if (-1 < iVar7) {
uStack3744 = _pdb.BaseSrvNamedObjectDirectory;
puStack3736 = &uStack3696;
auStack3752[0] = 0x30;
auStack3720 = CONCAT88(SUB168(auStack3720 >>
0x40, 0), arg1_00)
& (undefined [16])
uStack3728 = uVar15;
iVar7 = (*_NtCreateDirectoryObject)
pdb.BaseSrvRestrictedObjectDirectory, 0xf000f, auStack3752);
if (-1 < iVar7) {
uVar2 = *(undefined8 *)(uVar12 + 0x20);
iVar7 = 0;
iVar8 = (*_RtlGetAce)(uVar2, 0);
while (-1 < iVar8) {
puVar14 = &uStack3488;
uVar1 = *(uint32_t *)(iStack3672 + 4);
*(undefined2 *)(iStack3672 + 4) = 0;
uVar9 = 4;
do {
if (uVar9 == (uVar1 & uVar9 & 0xffff)) {
*(uint32_t *)(iStack3672 + 4) =
*(uint32_t *)(iStack3672 + 4) |
uVar9 = puVar14[2];
puVar14 = puVar14 + 2;
} while (uVar9 != 0);
iVar7 = iVar7 + 1;
iVar8 = (*_RtlGetAce)(uVar2, iVar7);
uVar4 = uStack3664;
puStack3568 = auStack616;
uStack3576._0_4_ = 0x2240000;
(*_RtlAppendUnicodeToString)(&uStack3576, "\\");
(&uStack3576, &uStack3624);
uStack3768 = 0;
puStack3736 = &uStack3576;
uStack3776 = 0;
uStack3784 = 1;
uStack3792 = 2;
uStack3800 = 3;
uStack3808 = (undefined *)
CONCAT44(uStack3808._4_4_, 0x80);
uStack3816 = (int64_t *)0x0;
auStack3752[0] = 0x30;
uStack3744 = 0;
uStack3728 = 0x40;
auStack3720 = ZEXT816(uVar12);
iVar7 = (*_NtCreateFile)(pdb.BaseSrvLowBoxPipePrefix,
0x1f01ff, auStack3752,
if (-1 < iVar7) {
(*_RtlFreeHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, 0, uStack3656);
(*_RtlFreeHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, 0, uStack3592);
(*_RtlFreeHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, 0, uStack3600);
(*_RtlFreeHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, 0, uVar4);
(*_RtlFreeHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, 0, arg1_00);
(*_RtlFreeHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, 0, uVar12);
if (iStack3648 != 0) {
(*_RtlFreeHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, 0);
if (uStack3584 != 0) {
(*_RtlFreeHeap)(_pdb.BaseSrvHeap, 0);
puVar10 = _pdb.BaseSrvpStaticServerData;
iVar7 = (*_RtlInitializeCriticalSection)
if (-1 < iVar7) {
_pdb.pNlsRegUserInfo = puVar10 + 0x5e;
goto code_r0x00018000233d;
pdb.__security_check_cookie((uint32_t)uStack56 ^ (int32_t)*(BADSPACEBASE **)0x20 - 0xf08U);
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Auscitte commented Jul 3, 2021

What the heck is this? The answer is here.

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