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Created November 25, 2019 19:47
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Same as parseURL.js but with comments
function parsePort(url) {
// if able to grab item in port array position return it
try { return parseInt(url.split(':')[2].split('/')[0]) }
// else when fails return null
catch { return null }
function parsePath(url) {
let tmp = null;
// checks to see if on base path. if not returns home (base) path
if (url.split('/')[3] == undefined) return '/';
// check for the query indicator (?). if it is there, remove query params, else return path
(url.includes('?')) ? tmp = `/${url.split('/')[3].split('?')[0]}` : tmp = `/${url.split('/')[3]}`;
return tmp
function parseQuery(url) {
let tmp = [], obj = {};
// check if query indicator (?). If it is there return query params as array
(url.includes('?')) ? tmp = url.split('?')[1].split('&') : tmp = [];
// loop through query array and assign key/value based on query string
for (var i of tmp) obj[i.split('=')[0]] = i.split('=')[1];
// check to see if obj is empty. if so return null (no query given)
if (Object.keys(obj).length == 0) return null
return obj
function parseURL(url) {
let obj = {}
obj['url'] = url // store orginal url
obj['protocol'] = url.split(':')[0] // splits into array and grabs first item
obj['host'] = url.split('//')[1].split('/')[0] // host includes name and port
obj['hostname'] = obj['host'].split(':')[0] // hostname only includes name
obj['port'] = parsePort(url) // see comments in parsePort() function
obj['path'] = parsePath(url) // see comments in parsePath() function
obj['query'] = parseQuery(url) // see comments in parseQuery() function
return obj
console.log(parseURL(' Jorgensen'))
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