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Last active May 30, 2024 07:58
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Interaction and Estimation
import numpy as np
class Agent:
longitudinal_buffer = 2.
a_pass = 0.1
def __init__(self, agent_id, state, yield_intention=0.5, cooperative=True):
self.state = state.astype(float)
self.yield_intention = yield_intention
self.other_yield_intention = 0.5
self.other_last_action = None
self.last_action = 0. = agent_id
self.cooperative = cooperative
def propagate(self, action, time_duration=0.1):
jerk = (action - self.last_action) / time_duration
if abs(jerk) > 2:
jerk = jerk / abs(jerk) * 2
action = self.last_action + jerk * time_duration
action += np.random.randn() * 0.05
ds = np.array([max(self.state[1] * time_duration + 0.5 * action * time_duration**2, 0),
action * time_duration])
self.state += ds
self.state[1] = min(max(0, self.state[1]), 11.1)
self.last_action = action
def contingency_policy(ego, other):
s0, v0 = ego.state[0],ego.state[1]
s1, v1 = other.state[0], other.state[1]
s0 += Agent.longitudinal_buffer
s1 -= Agent.longitudinal_buffer
if s0 > 0:
return 0.
elif s0 < 0 and s1 > 0 or s0 > 0 and s1 > s0:
if v0 < v1:
return 0.
b = max(1e-5, (v1 - v0)**2 / (2 * (other.state[0] - ego.state[0])))
return b
# time agent 1 arrives the conflict point
t1 = max(-s1 / max(v1, 1e-3), 1e-3)
# s0 + v0 t - 0.5 b t^2 <= 0
# b >= (s0 + v0t) / (0.5 t^2)
# v0 - bt <= v1
# b >= (v0 - v1) / t
b1 = max((s0 + v0 * t1) / (0.5 * t1**2), 0.)
b2 = max((v0 - v1) / t1, 0.)
b3 = max(0., v0**2 / (2 * max(s1 - s0, 1e-3)))
b = min(max(b1, b2), b3)
tc = max((v0 - v1) / max(b, 1e-5), 0.)
return np.clip(-b, a_min=-10, a_max=0)
def aggressive_policy(ego, other):
s0, v0 = ego.state[0], ego.state[1]
s1, v1 = other.state[0], other.state[1]
s0 -= Agent.longitudinal_buffer
s1 += Agent.longitudinal_buffer
if s1 > 0 and s1 > s0:
return 1e3
elif s1 < 0 and s0 > 0 or s1 > 0 and s0 > s1:
return 0
# time agent 1 arrives the conflict point
t1 = max(-s1 / max(v1, 1e-3), 1e-3)
# s0 + v0 t + 0.5 a t^2 >= 0
# a >= (-s0 -v0t) / (0.5 t^2)
# v0 + at >= v1
# a >= (v1- v0) / t
a1 = (-s0 - v0 * t1) / (0.5 * t1**2)
a2 = (v1 - v0) / t1
# print(f"aggr:{s0},{s1},{v0},{v1}\t{s1}\tt1: {t1}\t{a1}, {a2}")
a = max(a1, a2)
ta = max((v1 - v0) / max(a, 1e-5), 0)
return np.clip(a, a_min=0, a_max=10)
def observe(self, other_action):
self.other_last_action = other_action
def update_intention(self, other_agent):
aggr_action_0 = Agent.aggressive_policy(
self, other_agent)
cont_action_0 = Agent.contingency_policy(
self, other_agent)
aggr_action_1 = Agent.aggressive_policy(
other_agent, self)
cont_action_1 = Agent.contingency_policy(
other_agent, self)
# Bayesian filter for intention estimatino
# x \in {0, 1} meaning yielding
# Prediction: p(x_{k-1} | y_{k-1}) =
# \sum {p(x_{k-1}) p(x_k | x_{k-1})
# p(x_{k-1} | y_{1:k-1})
# }
# Update: p(x_k | y_{1:k-1}) = \frac{1}{Z_k}
# p(y_k|x_k) p(x_k|y_{1:k-1})
# print(f"CONT: {aggr_action_0}, {cont_action_0}, {self.last_action}")
# print("CONT:", aggr_action_1, cont_action_1, self.other_last_action)
obs_prob = np.clip((2 + 1e-3 - self.other_last_action) /
(2 + 1e-3 + 5), 0, 1)
# print(obs_prob, self.other_yield_intention)
z = obs_prob * self.other_yield_intention + \
(1 - obs_prob) * (1 - self.other_yield_intention)
# print(z, obs_prob * self.other_yield_intention)
self.other_yield_intention = obs_prob * self.other_yield_intention / z
# print(self.other_yield_intention)
# print(self.yield_intention, self.other_yield_intention)
self.yield_intention = 1 - self.other_yield_intention
def policy(self, other_agent):
if self.state[0] > 0:
a = self.idm_policy(other_agent)
return np.clip(a, a_min=-5, a_max=2)
c0 = Agent.contingency_policy(
self, other_agent)
a0 = Agent.aggressive_policy(
self, other_agent)
c1 = Agent.contingency_policy(
other_agent, self)
a1 = Agent.aggressive_policy(
other_agent, self)
p0 = c0 if abs(c0) < abs(a0) else a0
coop_p0 = a0 if abs(c0) < abs(a0) else c0
if not self.cooperative:
return p0
p1 = c0 if abs(c0) < abs(a0) else a0
cost_ego_yield = abs(c0) + abs(a1)
cost_ego_pass = abs(a0) + abs(c1)
# print(f"{}: policies: {c0}, {a1}, {c1}, {a0}, costs: {cost_ego_yield}, {cost_ego_pass}")
if min(cost_ego_pass, cost_ego_yield) < 4:
a = self.idm_policy(other_agent)
elif cost_ego_pass > cost_ego_yield + 1:
a = c0 * 1.1 # yield
elif cost_ego_yield > cost_ego_pass + 1:
a = a0 * 1.1
a = self.idm_policy(other_agent)
# elif abs(p0) + 2 < abs(p1):
# a = p0
# elif abs(p0) > abs(p1) + 2:
# a = coop_p0
return np.clip(a, a_min=-5, a_max=2)
def idm_policy(self, other_agent):
s0 = 1.0
v0 = 12.
T = 1.5
a_max = 0.73
b_max = 1.67
delta = 4
v = self.state[1]
if other_agent is None or self.state[0] > other_agent.state[0]:
dv = 0
s = 1000
dv = self.state[1] - other_agent.state[1]
s = max(other_agent.state[0] - self.state[0] - Agent.longitudinal_buffer * 2, 1e-3)
s_star = s0 + v * T + v * dv / (2*(np.sqrt(a_max * b_max)))
a = a_max*(1-(v/v0)**delta - (s_star / s)**2)
# print(v/v0, s_star/s, (s_star / s))
# print(f"idm: {}, {a}")
return a
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from copy import copy
from agent import Agent
import tqdm
from multiprocessing import Pool
import itertools
def experiment(states, plot=False, T=10.):
# print(s0, s1)
# print(states)
s0, s1, v0, v1 = states
a0 = Agent(0, np.array([s0, v0]))
a1 = Agent(1, np.array([s1, v1]), cooperative=False)
state_list = [[], []]
time_stamps = np.arange(0, T, 0.1)
res = True
for t in time_stamps:
actions = [a0.policy(a1), a1.policy(a0)]
if plot:
print(f"t={t}, state:{a0.state}, {a1.state}\tactions:{actions}")
# a0.update_intention(a1)
# a1.update_intention(a0)
# print(actions)
# print(a0.state, actions[0])
# print(a1.state)
# print(f"T={t}")
# print("Ego:", a0.yield_intention, a0.other_yield_intention)
# print("Agent:", a1.yield_intention, a1.other_yield_intention)
# print(f"{a0.state}\t{a1.state}\t{abs(a0.state[0]-a1.state[0])}")
if a0.state[0] > 0 and a1.state[0] > 0 and abs(a0.state[0] - a1.state[0]) < 2.0:
# print(a0.state, a1.state)
print(s0, s1, v0, v1)
res = False
# print(state_list)
state_list_arr = np.array(state_list)
# print(state_list_arr)
# print(state_list_arr[0, :])
if res and plot:
plt.plot(time_stamps[state_list_arr[0, :, 0] < 0], state_list_arr[0,
state_list_arr[0, :, 0] < 0, 0], linewidth=5, linestyle='--', c='skyblue')
plt.plot(time_stamps[state_list_arr[0, :, 0] > 0], state_list_arr[0,
state_list_arr[0, :, 0] > 0, 0], linewidth=5, c='skyblue')
plt.plot(time_stamps[state_list_arr[1, :, 0] < 0], state_list_arr[1,
state_list_arr[1, :, 0] < 0, 0], linestyle='--', c='orange')
plt.plot(time_stamps[state_list_arr[1, :, 0] > 0],
state_list_arr[1, state_list_arr[1, :, 0] > 0, 0], c='orange')
plt.plot(time_stamps, np.zeros(time_stamps.shape), c='green')
plt.plot(time_stamps, state_list_arr[0, :, 1], c='skyblue')
plt.plot(time_stamps, state_list_arr[1, :, 1], c='orange')
elif plot:
tlen = state_list_arr.shape[1]
plt.plot(time_stamps[:tlen], state_list_arr[0, :, 0], c='skyblue')
plt.plot(time_stamps[:tlen], state_list_arr[1, :, 0], c='orange')
plt.plot(time_stamps, np.zeros(time_stamps.shape), c='green')
return res
def run_all():
succ, total = 0, 0
fail_list = []
for s0 in tqdm(np.arange(-50, -10, 2.)):
for s1 in tqdm(np.arange(-50, -10, 2.)):
for v0 in tqdm(np.arange(0, 11.1, 1)):
for v1 in np.arange(0, 11.1, 1):
res = experiment(s0, s1, v0, v1)
total += 1
if res:
succ += 1
print(s0, s1, v0, v1)
fail_list.append([s0, s1, v0, v1])
print(f"Successful rate: {succ / total}")
print(f"Final Successful rate: {succ / total}")
print([(f[0].state, f[1].state) for f in fail_list])
def run_parallel():
pool = Pool(8)
succ, total = 0, 0
for result in tqdm.tqdm(pool.imap(
experiment, itertools.product(np.arange(-50, -20, 1.), np.arange(-50, -20, 1.), np.arange(0, 11.1, 1), np.arange(0, 11.1, 1)
total += 1
if result:
succ += 1
print(f"Final Successful rate: {succ / total}")
print(f"Final Successful rate: {succ / total}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# print(experiment([-30.0, -20.0 ,5, 3.0], True, T=10))
# print(experiment([-45.0, -47.0, 10.0, 11.0], True))
print(experiment([-21.0, -23.0, 10.0, 11.0], True))
# run_parallel()
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This is a very simple demo for longitudinal spatiotemporal interactive agents. In the scripts, agents can estimate joint cost and figure out the reasonable gap to merge in the traffic. The most important concept here is the JOINT COST, which makes everything work as expected.

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