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Created March 20, 2024 05:18
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Game of life in clojure
;; Game of life generated by Claude3-Opus
(ns game-of-life.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(def rows 50)
(def cols 50)
(def steps 100)
(defn create-board []
(vec (repeat rows (vec (repeat cols false)))))
(defn rand-bool []
(< (rand) 0.5))
(defn rand-board []
(vec (repeatedly rows #(vec (repeatedly cols rand-bool)))))
(defn neighbors [[x y]]
(for [dx [-1 0 1]
dy [-1 0 1]
:when (not= 0 dx dy)]
[(mod (+ x dx) rows) (mod (+ y dy) cols)]))
(defn alive? [board pos]
(get-in board pos))
(defn count-neighbors [board pos]
(count (filter #(alive? board %) (neighbors pos))))
(defn next-cell [board pos]
(let [alive (alive? board pos)
cnt (count-neighbors board pos)]
(or (and alive (#{2 3} cnt))
(and (not alive) (= 3 cnt)))))
(defn next-board [board]
(vec (for [i (range rows)]
(vec (for [j (range cols)]
(next-cell board [i j]))))))
(defn board-str [board]
(str/join "\n" (for [row board]
(str/join " " (for [cell row]
(if cell "●" " "))))))
(defn clear-screen []
(print (str (char 27) "[2J"))
(print (str (char 27) "[;H")))
(defn game-loop [board step]
(println "Step:" step)
(println (board-str board))
(Thread/sleep 200)
(if (< step steps)
(recur (next-board board) (inc step))
(println "Game over!")))
(defn -main []
(game-loop (rand-board) 0))
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