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Last active April 4, 2018 12:57
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Dell iDrac Zabbix 3.0
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<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Cooling Units</name>
<name>Enclosure Management Modules</name>
<name>Enclosure Power Supplies</name>
<name>Field Replaceable Units</name>
<name>Intrusion Sensors</name>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>Network Devices</name>
<name>PCI Devices</name>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>Power Units</name>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Processor Devices Probes</name>
<name>Remote Access Cards</name>
<name>System Batteries</name>
<name>System BIOS</name>
<name>System Slots</name>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Virtual Disks</name>
<name>Voltage Probes</name>
<name>Global State of Storage</name>
<description>The overall storage status being monitored by the remote access card.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Global State of System</name>
<description>The overall rollup status of all components in the system being monitored by the remote access card. Includes system, storage, IO devices, iDRAC, CPU, memory, etc.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>ICMP Ping</name>
<name>Description of RAC</name>
<description>The product description of a remote access card.</description>
<name>Remote Access Cards</name>
<name>Firmware Version of RAC</name>
<description>The firmware version of a remote access card.</description>
<name>Remote Access Cards</name>
<name>Manufacturer of RAC</name>
<description>The product manufacturer of a remote access card.</description>
<name>Remote Access Cards</name>
<name>Name of RAC</name>
<description>The product name of a remote access card.</description>
<name>Remote Access Cards</name>
<name>Short Name of RAC</name>
<description>The short product name of a remote access card.</description>
<name>Remote Access Cards</name>
<name>URL of RAC</name>
<description>The out-of-band UI URL of a remote access card.</description>
<name>Remote Access Cards</name>
<name>Version of RAC</name>
<description>The product version of a remote access card.</description>
<name>Remote Access Cards</name>
<name>Contact person</name>
<description>The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person.</description>
<name>System description</name>
<description>A textual description of the entity. This value should include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and networking software.</description>
<name>Physical Location of the device</name>
<description>The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor').</description>
<name>System name</name>
<description>An administratively-assigned name for this managed node. By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name.</description>
<name>FQDN of System</name>
<description>The fully qualified domain name of the system. For example, hostname.domainname.</description>
<name>Model of System</name>
<description>The model name of the system.</description>
<name>NodeID of System</name>
<description>The node ID of the system. The node ID provides a unique identifier for the system.</description>
<name>OS Name of System</name>
<description>The name of the operating system that the host is running.</description>
<name>OS Version of System</name>
<description>The version of the operating system that the host is running.</description>
<name>Power State of System</name>
<description>The power state of the system.&#13;
other(1), -- the power state status is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the power state status is unknown&#13;
off(3), -- system power is off&#13;
on(4) -- system power is on</description>
<name>Uptime of System</name>
<description>The power-up time of the system in seconds.</description>
<name>Rack Name of System</name>
<description>The Rack locator of the system.</description>
<name>Service Tag of System</name>
<description>The service tag of the system.</description>
<name>System ID of System</name>
<description>The system ID of the system.</description>
<name>System uptime</name>
<name>Host SNMP availability</name>
<name>Host - Status</name>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<description>The location of the amperage probe.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the system chassis.</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Discrete Reading of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The reading for an amperage probe of type amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete. When the value for amperageProbeType is other than amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete, a value is not returned for this attribute. When the value for amperageProbeType is amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete, the value returned for this attribute is the discrete reading for the probe.</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Location Name of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The location of the amperage probe.</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Lower Critical Threshold of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The lower critical threshold of the amperage probe. The value is an integer representing the amperage of the threshold in amps.</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Lower Non-Critical Threshold of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The lower noncritical threshold of the amperage probe. The value is an integer representing the amperage of the threshold in amps.</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Lower Non-Recoverable Threshold of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The lower nonrecoverable threshold of the amperage probe. The value is an integer representing the amperage of the threshold in amps.</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Reading of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The reading for an amperage probe of type other than amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete.&#13;
When the value for amperageProbeType is amperageProbeTypeIsPowerSupplyAmps or amperageProbeTypeIsSystemAmps, the value returned for this attribute is the power usage that the probe is reading in tenths of Amps.&#13;
When the value for amperageProbeType is amperageProbeTypeIsPowerSupplyWatts or amperageProbeTypeIsSystemWatts, the value returned for this attribute is the power usage that the probe is reading in Watts.&#13;
When the value for amperageProbeType is other than amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete, amperageProbeTypeIsPowerSupplyAmps, amperageProbeTypeIsPowerSupplyWatts, amperageProbeTypeIsSystemAmps or amperageProbeTypeIsSystemWatts, the value returned for this attribute is the amperage that the probe is reading in Milliamps.&#13;
When the value for amperageProbeType is amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete, a value is not returned for this attribute.</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>State of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state settings of the amperage probe.&#13;
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled&#13;
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown&#13;
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off or enabled (online) if bit is on&#13;
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready&#13;
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The probe status of the amperage probe.&#13;
other(1), -- probe status is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- probe status is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- probe is reporting a value within the thresholds&#13;
nonCriticalUpper(4), -- probe has crossed upper noncritical threshold&#13;
criticalUpper(5), -- probe has crossed upper critical threshold&#13;
nonRecoverableUpper(6), -- probe has crossed upper non-recoverable threshold&#13;
nonCriticalLower(7), -- probe has crossed lower noncritical threshold&#13;
criticalLower(8), -- probe has crossed lower critical threshold&#13;
nonRecoverableLower(9), -- probe has crossed lower non-recoverable threshold&#13;
failed(10) -- probe is not functional</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Dell - StatusProbeEnum</name>
<name>Upper Critical Threshold of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The upper critical threshold of the amperage probe. The value is an integer representing the amperage of the threshold in amps.</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Upper Non-Critical Threshold of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The upper noncritical threshold of the amperage probe. The value is an integer representing the amperage of the threshold in amps.</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold of Amperage Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The upper nonrecoverable threshold of the amperage probe. The value is an integer representing the amperage of the threshold in amps.</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Amperage Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is failed</name>
<description>The probe is not functional.</description>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:amperageProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=5 or {Template_Dell_IDRAC:amperageProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=8</expression>
<name>Status of Amperage Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<description>The probe has crossed lower or upper critical threshold.</description>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:amperageProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=4 or {Template_Dell_IDRAC:amperageProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=7</expression>
<name>Status of Amperage Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<description>The probe has crossed lower or upper noncritical threshold</description>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:amperageProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=6 or {Template_Dell_IDRAC:amperageProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=9</expression>
<name>Status of Amperage Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The probe has crossed lower or upper non-recoverable threshold.</description>
<name>Status of Amperage Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<description>The battery's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>State of Battery &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the battery itself without the propagation of any contained component status.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: Other&#13;
2: Unknown&#13;
3: OK &#13;
4: Non-critical &#13;
5: Critical&#13;
6: Non-recoverable</description>
<name>Display Name of Battery &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The battery's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>FQDD of Battery &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The battery's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Predicted Capacity of Battery &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This entry is obsolete. Use the batteryComponentStatus or batteryState instead.&#13;
<name>Status of Battery &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Current state of battery.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: The current state could not be determined.&#13;
2: The battery is operating normally.&#13;
3: The battery has failed and needs to be replaced.&#13;
4: The battery temperature is high or charge level is depleting.&#13;
5: The battery is missing or not detected. &#13;
6: The battery is undergoing the re-charge phase.&#13;
7: The battery voltage or charge level is below the threshold.</description>
<name>Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; has failed</name>
<description>The battery has failed and needs to be replaced.</description>
<name>Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is charging</name>
<description>The battery is undergoing the re-charge phase.</description>
<name>Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is missing</name>
<description>The battery is missing or not detected.</description>
<name>Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; temperature is high</name>
<description>The battery temperature is high or charge level is depleting.</description>
<name>Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; voltage is below the threshold</name>
<description>The battery voltage or charge level is below the threshold.</description>
<name>Status of Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Status of Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical</description>
<name>Status of Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Status of Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<description>The user-assigned name of the system chassis.</description>
<name>Asset Tag of Chassis &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The asset tag name of the system chassis.</description>
<name>Lock Present of Chassis &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>If true, a system lock is present on the system chassis.</description>
<name>Manufacturer Name of Chassis #$1</name>
<description>The name of the manufacturer of the system chassis.</description>
<name>Model Type of Chassis #$1</name>
<description>The system model type of the system chassis.</description>
<name>Name of Chassis #$1</name>
<description>The user-assigned name of the system chassis.</description>
<name>Service Tag of Chassis &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The service tag name of the system chassis.</description>
<name>State of Chassis &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state settings of the system chassis.&#13;
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled&#13;
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown&#13;
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off or enabled (online) if bit is on&#13;
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready&#13;
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of Chassis &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the system chassis.&#13;
other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok&#13;
nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical&#13;
critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure)&#13;
nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>System Name of Chassis &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The host name of the system chassis.</description>
<name>Type of Chassis &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The system type of the system chassis.</description>
<name>Status of Chassis &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of Chassis &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of Chassis &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of Chassis &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<description>The controller's name as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Cache Size of Controller &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The controller's current amount of cache memory in bytes.</description>
<name>Component Status of Controller &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the controller itself without the propagation of any contained component status.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: Other&#13;
2: Unknown&#13;
3: OK &#13;
4: Non-critical &#13;
5: Critical&#13;
6: Non-recoverable</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Display Name of Controller &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The controller's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Driver Version of Controller &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Currently installed driver version for this controller on the host.</description>
<name>FQDD of Controller &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The controller's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Firmware Version of Controller &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The controller's current firmware version.</description>
<name>Name of Controller &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The controller's name as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>PCI Slot of Controller &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The PCI slot on the server where the controller is seated. This data is not reported for embedded or integrated controllers</description>
<name>Combined Status of Controller &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Severity of the controller state.&#13;
This is the combined status of the controller and its components.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: Other.&#13;
2: Unknown.&#13;
3: OK &#13;
4: Non-critical &#13;
5: Critical.&#13;
6: Non-recoverable.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Security Status of Controller &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The controller's current security/encryption status.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: The current status could not be determined.&#13;
2: Controller is not operating in an encryption mode.&#13;
3: Controller is operating in the Local Key Management (LKM) encryption mode.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Controller &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Combined Status of Controller &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Combined Status of Controller &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of Controller &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of Controller &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of Controller &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of Controller &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<description>The location name of the cooling device.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Cooling Unit Index of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the index to the associated cooling unit.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Discrete Reading of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>he reading for a cooling device of type coolingDeviceSubTypeIsDiscrete. When the value for coolingDeviceSubType is other than coolingDeviceSubTypeIsDiscrete, a value is not returned for this attribute. When the value for coolingDeviceSubType is coolingDeviceSubTypeIsDiscrete, the value returned for this attribute is the discrete reading for the cooling device.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>FQDD of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the cooling device.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Location Name of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The location name of the cooling device.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Lower Critical Threshold of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The lower critical threshold of the cooling device. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). It is not applicable to OFF/ON type cooling devices or non-cooling device types.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Lower Non-Critical Threshold of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The lower noncritical threshold of the cooling device. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). It is not applicable to OFF/ON type cooling devices or non-cooling device types.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The lower nonrecoverable threshold of the cooling device. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). It is not applicable to OFF/ON type cooling devices or non-cooling device types.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Reading of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The reading for a cooling device of subtype other than coolingDeviceSubTypeIsDiscrete. When the value for coolingDeviceSubType is other than coolingDeviceSubTypeIsDiscrete, the value returned for this attribute is the speed in RPM or the OFF/ON value of the cooling device. When the value for coolingDeviceSubType is coolingDeviceSubTypeIsDiscrete, a value is not returned for this attribute.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>State of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state settings of the cooling device.&#13;
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled&#13;
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown&#13;
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off or enabled (online) if bit is on&#13;
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready&#13;
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The probe status of the cooling device.&#13;
other(1), -- probe status is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- probe status is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- probe is reporting a value within the thresholds&#13;
nonCriticalUpper(4), -- probe has crossed upper noncritical threshold&#13;
criticalUpper(5), -- probe has crossed upper critical threshold&#13;
nonRecoverableUpper(6), -- probe has crossed upper non-recoverable threshold&#13;
nonCriticalLower(7), -- probe has crossed lower noncritical threshold&#13;
criticalLower(8), -- probe has crossed lower critical threshold&#13;
nonRecoverableLower(9), -- probe has crossed lower non-recoverable threshold&#13;
failed(10) -- probe is not functional</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Dell - StatusProbeEnum</name>
<name>Type of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the type of the cooling device.&#13;
coolingDeviceTypeIsOther(1), -- type is other than following values&#13;
coolingDeviceTypeIsUnknown(2), -- type is unknown&#13;
coolingDeviceTypeIsAFan(3), -- type is Fan&#13;
coolingDeviceTypeIsABlower(4), -- type is Centrifugal Blower&#13;
coolingDeviceTypeIsAChipFan(5), -- type is Fan on Integrated Circuit&#13;
coolingDeviceTypeIsACabinetFan(6), -- type is Cabinet Fan&#13;
coolingDeviceTypeIsAPowerSupplyFan(7), -- type is Power Supply Fan&#13;
coolingDeviceTypeIsAHeatPipe(8), -- type is Heat Pipe&#13;
coolingDeviceTypeIsRefrigeration(9), -- type is Integrated Refrigeration Unit&#13;
coolingDeviceTypeIsActiveCooling(10), -- type is Active Cooling Device&#13;
coolingDeviceTypeIsPassiveCooling(11) -- type is Passive Cooling Device</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Upper Critical Threshold of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The upper critical threshold of the cooling device. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). It is not applicable to OFF/ON type cooling devices or non-cooling device types.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Upper Non-Critical Threshold of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The upper noncritical threshold of the cooling device. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). It is not applicable to OFF/ON type cooling devices or non-cooling device types.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold of Cooling Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The upper nonrecoverable threshold of the cooling device. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). It is not applicable to OFF/ON type cooling devices or non-cooling device types.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:coolingDevice[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=5 or {Template_Dell_IDRAC:coolingDevice[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=8</expression>
<name>Status of Cooling Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of Cooling Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is failed</name>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:coolingDevice[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=4 or {Template_Dell_IDRAC:coolingDevice[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=7</expression>
<name>Status of Cooling Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:coolingDevice[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=6 or {Template_Dell_IDRAC:coolingDevice[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=9</expression>
<name>Status of Cooling Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of Cooling Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Cooling Units</name>
<description>The name of the cooling unit.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of Cooling Unit &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>Cooling Units</name>
<name>Name of Cooling Unit &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the name of the cooling unit.</description>
<name>Cooling Units</name>
<name>Redundancy Status of Cooling Unit &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The redundancy status of the cooling unit.&#13;
other(1), -- redundancy status is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- redundancy status is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
full(3), -- object is fully redundant&#13;
degraded(4), -- object's redundancy has been degraded&#13;
lost(5), -- object's redundancy has been lost&#13;
notRedundant(6), -- redundancy status does not apply or object is not redundant&#13;
redundancyOffline(7) -- redundancy object taken offline</description>
<name>Cooling Units</name>
<name>Dell - StatusRedundancyEnum</name>
<name>State of Cooling Unit &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the state settings of the cooling unit.&#13;
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled&#13;
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown&#13;
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off&#13;
-- or enabled (online) if bit is on&#13;
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready&#13;
<name>Cooling Units</name>
<name>Status of Cooling Unit &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the status of the cooling unit.&#13;
other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the&#13;
-- following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown&#13;
-- (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok&#13;
nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical&#13;
critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure)&#13;
nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Cooling Units</name>
<name>Redundancy of Cooling Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; does not apply</name>
<name>Redundancy of Cooling Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; has been lost</name>
<name>Redundancy of Cooling Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is degraded</name>
<description>Cooling Unit's redundancy has been degraded.</description>
<name>Redundancy of Cooling Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is offline</name>
<name>Status of Cooling Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of Cooling Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of Cooling Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of Cooling Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<description>The enclosure/backplane's name as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Asset Tag of Enclosure &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The asset tag information for the enclosure.</description>
<name>State of Enclosure &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the enclosure/backplane itself without the propagation of any contained component status.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: Other.&#13;
2: Unknown.&#13;
3: OK.&#13;
4: Non-critical.&#13;
5: Critical.&#13;
6: Non-recoverable.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Drive Count of Enclosure &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The number of disks present in the enclosure/backplane.</description>
<name>Display Name of Enclosure #$1</name>
<description>The enclosure/backplane's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Firmware Version of Enclosure &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The firmware information for the enclosure/backplane.</description>
<name>FQDD of Enclosure #$1</name>
<description>The enclosure/backplane's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Name of Enclosure #$1</name>
<description>The enclosure/backplane's name as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Enclosure &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Severity of the enclosure/backplane state. This is the combined status of the enclosure and its sub-components.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: Other.&#13;
2: Unknown.&#13;
3: OK.&#13;
4: Non-critical.&#13;
5: Critical.&#13;
6: Non-recoverable.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Service Tag of Enclosure &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Enclosure identification used when consulting customer support.</description>
<name>Status of Enclosure &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The current state of this enclosure/backplane.&#13;
Possible states:&#13;
1: The current state could not be determined.&#13;
2: The enclosure is operating normally.&#13;
3: The enclosure has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding.&#13;
4: The enclosure is no longer connected to the controller or there exists a problem communicating to the enclosure.&#13;
5: The enclosure is unstable.</description>
<name>Total Slots of PD on Enclosure &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The total physical drive slots in a storage enclosure or server backplane.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Enclosure &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Combined Status of Enclosure &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Combined Status of Enclosure &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Enclosure &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; has no more free slots [{ITEM.LASTVALUE2}]</name>
<name>Enclosure &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is degraded</name>
<description>The enclosure management module is unstable.</description>
<name>Enclosure &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is failed</name>
<description>The enclosure management module has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding.</description>
<name>Enclosure &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is missing</name>
<description>The enclosure management module is no longer connected to the enclosure or there exists a problem communicating to it.</description>
<name>Status of Enclosure &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of Enclosure &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of Enclosure &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of Enclosure &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Enclosure FAN's</name>
<description>The fan's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Enclosure Management Modules (EMM)</name>
<description>The enclosure management module's name as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Component Status of Enclosure Management Module &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the enclosure management module itself without the propagation of any contained component status.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: Other.&#13;
2: Unknown.&#13;
3: OK.&#13;
4: Non-critical.&#13;
5: Critical.&#13;
6: Non-recoverable.</description>
<name>Enclosure Management Modules</name>
<name>Display Name of Enclosure Management Module &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The enclosure management module's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Enclosure Management Modules</name>
<name>FQDD of Enclosure Management Module &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The enclosure management module's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Enclosure Management Modules</name>
<name>Firmware Version of Enclosure Management Module &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Firmware version of the enclosure management module.</description>
<name>Enclosure Management Modules</name>
<name>Name of Enclosure Management Module &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The enclosure management module's name as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Enclosure Management Modules</name>
<name>Part Number of Enclosure Management Module &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The part number of the enclosure management module.</description>
<name>Enclosure Management Modules</name>
<name>Status of Enclosure Management Module &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The current state of this enclosure management module.&#13;
Possible states:&#13;
1: The current state could not be determined.&#13;
2: The enclosure management module is operating normally.&#13;
3: The enclosure management module has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding.&#13;
4: The enclosure management module is no longer connected to the enclosure or there exists a problem communicating to it.&#13;
5: The enclosure management module is unstable.</description>
<name>Enclosure Management Modules</name>
<name>Enclosure Management Module &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is degraded</name>
<description>The enclosure management module is unstable.</description>
<name>Enclosure Management Module &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is failed</name>
<description>The enclosure management module has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding.</description>
<name>Enclosure Management Module &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is missing</name>
<description>The enclosure management module is no longer connected to the enclosure or there exists a problem communicating to it.</description>
<name>Status of Enclosure Management Module &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of Enclosure Management Module &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of Enclosure Management Module &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of EMM &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Enclosure Power Supply's</name>
<description>The power supply unit's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Component Status of Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the power supply unit itself without the propagation of any contained component status.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: Other.&#13;
2: Unknown.&#13;
3: OK.&#13;
4: Non-critical.&#13;
5: Critical.&#13;
6: Non-recoverable.</description>
<name>Enclosure Power Supplies</name>
<name>Display Name of Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<description>The power supply unit's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Enclosure Power Supplies</name>
<name>FQDD of Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<description>The power supply unit's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Enclosure Power Supplies</name>
<name>Name of Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<description>The power supply unit's name as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Enclosure Power Supplies</name>
<name>Part Number of Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<description>The part number of the power supply unit.</description>
<name>Enclosure Power Supplies</name>
<name>Status of Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<description>The current state of this power supply unit.&#13;
Possible states:&#13;
1: The current state could not be determined.&#13;
2: The power supply unit is operating normally.&#13;
3: The power supply unit has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding.&#13;
4: The power supply unit is no longer connected to the enclosure or there exists a problem communicating to it.&#13;
5: The power supply unit is unstable.</description>
<name>Enclosure Power Supplies</name>
<name>Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is degraded</name>
<description>The power supply unit is unstable.</description>
<name>Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is failed</name>
<description>The power supply unit has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding.</description>
<name>Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is missing</name>
<description>The power supply unit is no longer connected to the enclosure or there exists a problem communicating to it.</description>
<name>Status of Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure)</description>
<name>Status of Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Status of Enclosure Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<description>the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Enclosure Temperature Probes</name>
<description>The temperature probe's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<description>The index (one based) of the firmware.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of Firmware #$1</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>Size of Firmware #$1</name>
<description>The image size of the firmware in bytes. Zero indicates size is unknown.</description>
<name>State of Firmware #$1</name>
<description>The state settings of the firmware.</description>
<name>Status of Firmware #$1</name>
<description>This attribute defines the status of the firmware.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Type Name of Firmware #$1</name>
<description>The type name of the firmware.</description>
<name>Version of Firmware #$1</name>
<description>The version of the firmware.</description>
<name>Status of Firmware &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure)</description>
<name>Status of Firmware &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical</description>
<name>Status of Firmware &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Status of Firmware #{#SNMPINDEX}</name>
<name>Field Replaceable Units (FRU)</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the field replaceable unit.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of FRU #$1</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the system chassis containing the field replaceable unit.</description>
<name>Field Replaceable Units</name>
<name>FQDD of FRU #$1</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the field replaceable unit.</description>
<name>Field Replaceable Units</name>
<name>Information Status of FRU #$1</name>
<description>The status of the field replaceable unit information.</description>
<name>Field Replaceable Units</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Manufacturer of FRU #$1</name>
<description>The manufacturer of the field replaceable unit.</description>
<name>Field Replaceable Units</name>
<name>Part Number of FRU #$1</name>
<description>The part number of the field replaceable unit.</description>
<name>Field Replaceable Units</name>
<name>Revision Number of FRU #$1</name>
<description>The revision of the field replaceable unit.</description>
<name>Field Replaceable Units</name>
<name>Serial Number of FRU #$1</name>
<description>The serial number of the field replaceable unit.</description>
<name>Field Replaceable Units</name>
<name>Status of FRU &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure)</description>
<name>Status of FRU &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical</description>
<name>Status of FRU &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Status of FRU #{#SNMPINDEX}</name>
<name>Intrusion Sensors</name>
<description>The location of the intrusion sensor.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of Intrusion Sensor &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>Intrusion Sensors</name>
<name>Location Name of Intrusion Sensor &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The location of the intrusion sensor.</description>
<name>Intrusion Sensors</name>
<name>Reading of Intrusion Sensor &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the reading of the intrusion sensor.&#13;
chassisNotBreached(1), -- chassis not breached and no uncleared breaches&#13;
chassisBreached(2), -- chassis currently breached&#13;
chassisBreachedPrior(3), -- chassis breached prior to boot and has not been cleared&#13;
chassisBreachSensorFailure(4) -- intrusion sensor has failed</description>
<name>Intrusion Sensors</name>
<name>State of Intrusion Sensor &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state settings of the intrusion sensor.&#13;
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled&#13;
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown&#13;
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off or enabled (online) if bit is on&#13;
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready&#13;
<name>Intrusion Sensors</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of Intrusion Sensor &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the status of the intrusion sensor.&#13;
other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the&#13;
-- following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown&#13;
-- (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok&#13;
nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical&#13;
critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure)&#13;
nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Intrusion Sensors</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Status of Intrusion Sensor &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure)</description>
<name>Status of Intrusion Sensor &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical</description>
<name>Status of Intrusion Sensor &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Status of Intrusion Sensor &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<description>The location of the memory device.</description>
<name>Bank Name of Memory Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The location of the bank for the memory device.</description>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>Chassis Index of Memory Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>FQDD of Memory Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the memory device.</description>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>Location Name of Memory Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The location of the memory device.</description>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>Manufacturer Name of Memory Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The manufacturer of the memory device.</description>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>Part Number of Memory Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The manufacturer's part number for the memory device.</description>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>Serial Number of Memory Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The serial number of the memory device.</description>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>Size of Memory Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The size in bytes of the memory device. Zero indicates no memory installed; 2,147,483,647 indicates an unknown memory size.</description>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>Speed of Memory Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The speed in nanoseconds of the memory device. Zero indicates an unknown speed.</description>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>State of Memory Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state settings of the memory device.&#13;
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled&#13;
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown&#13;
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off or enabled (online) if bit is on&#13;
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready&#13;
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of Memory Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the memory device.&#13;
other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok&#13;
nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical&#13;
critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure)&#13;
nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Status of Memory Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of Memory Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of Memory Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of Memory Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Network Devices</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the network device.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of Network Device #$1</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the system chassis that contains the network device.</description>
<name>Network Devices</name>
<name>Connection Status of Network Device #$1</name>
<description>The connection status of the network device.&#13;
-- unknown(0), - unable to determine connection status&#13;
connected(1), -- media reports connected&#13;
disconnected(2), -- media reports disconnected&#13;
driverBad(3), -- driver cannot be opened to determine status&#13;
driverDisabled(4), -- driver is disabled&#13;
hardwareInitalizing(10), -- hardware is initializing&#13;
hardwareResetting(11), -- hardware is resetting&#13;
hardwareClosing(12), -- hardware is closing down&#13;
hardwareNotReady(13) -- hardware is not ready</description>
<name>Network Devices</name>
<name>Current MAC of Network Device #$1</name>
<description>The current MAC address of the network device.</description>
<name>Network Devices</name>
<name>FQDD of Network Device #$1</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the network device.</description>
<name>Network Devices</name>
<name>Permanent MAC of Network Device #$1</name>
<description>The permanent MAC address of the network device.</description>
<name>Network Devices</name>
<name>Product Name of Network Device #$1</name>
<description>The product name of the network device.</description>
<name>Network Devices</name>
<name>Status of Network Device #$1</name>
<description>The status of the network device.&#13;
other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok&#13;
nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical&#13;
critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure)&#13;
nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Network Devices</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Vendor Name of Network Device #$1</name>
<description>The name of the vendor of the network device.</description>
<name>Network Devices</name>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:networkDevice[{#SNMPINDEX},ConnectionStatus].last(#2)}=1 and {Template_Dell_IDRAC:networkDevice[{#SNMPINDEX},ConnectionStatus].last(#2)}=2</expression>
<name>Network Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; Connection has been disconnected</name>
<name>Status of Enclosure Management Module &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure)</description>
<name>Status of Enclosure Management Module &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical</description>
<name>Status of Enclosure Management Module &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Connection Status of Network Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Status of Network Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>PCI Devices</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the PCI device.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of PCI Device #$1</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>PCI Devices</name>
<name>Description of PCI Device #$1</name>
<description>The description of the PCI device.</description>
<name>PCI Devices</name>
<name>FQDD of PCI Device #$1</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the PCI device.</description>
<name>PCI Devices</name>
<name>Manufacturer of PCI Device #$1</name>
<description>The name of the manufacturer of the PCI device.</description>
<name>PCI Devices</name>
<name>State of PCI Device #$1</name>
<description>The state settings of the PCI device.</description>
<name>PCI Devices</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of PCI Device #$1</name>
<description>The status of the PCI device.</description>
<name>PCI Devices</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Status of PCI Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure)</description>
<name>Status of PCI Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical</description>
<name>Status of PCI Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Status of PCI Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Physical disks</name>
<description>The physical disk's name as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Bus Type of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The bus type of the physical disk.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: The bus type could not be determined.&#13;
2: Small Computer System Interface (SCSI).&#13;
3: Serial Attached SCSI (SAS).&#13;
4: Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA).&#13;
5: Fibre channel</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Size of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The size of the physical disk in bytes.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>State of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the physical disk itself without the propagation of any contained component status.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: Other&#13;
2: Unknown&#13;
3: OK &#13;
4: Non-critical &#13;
5: Critical&#13;
6: Non-recoverable</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Display Name of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The physical disk's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>FQDD of Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<description>The physical disk's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Free space on Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The amount of free space in bytes on the physical disk.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Manufacturer Name of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The name of the physical disk's manufacturer.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Name of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The physical disk's name as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Operational State of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state of the physical disk when there are progressive operations ongoing.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: There is no active operation running.&#13;
2: Data from a redundant virtual disk is currently being rebuilt onto the physical disk.&#13;
3: Data on the disk is being erased.&#13;
4: Data is being copied from a hot spare disk to the physical disk or vice versa.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Part Number of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The part number of the disk.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Product ID of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The physical disk's unique identification number from the manufacturer.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Operation Progress on Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The progress percentage of the operation that is being performed on the physical disk. This is applicable only if there is a progressive operations ongoing.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Revision of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The firmware version of the physical disk.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Serial Number of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The physical disk's unique identification number from the manufacturer.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>S.M.A.R.T Status of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Indicates whether the physical disk has received a predictive failure alert.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Status of Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The current state of this physical disk.&#13;
Possible states:&#13;
1: The current state could not be determined.&#13;
2: The physical disk is available for use, but no RAID configuration has been assigned. &#13;
3: A RAID configuration has been assigned to the physical disk.&#13;
4: The physical disk has been moved from another controller and contains all or some portion of a virtual disk.&#13;
5: The physical disk is not available to the RAID controller. &#13;
6: The physical disk is currently blocked by controller.&#13;
7: The physical disk is not operational.&#13;
8: The physical disk is not a RAID capable disk &#13;
9: The physical disk has been removed.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Used space on Physical Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The amount of used space in bytes on the physical disk.</description>
<name>Physical Disks</name>
<name>Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; has been removed</name>
<description>The physical disk has been removed.</description>
<name>Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; has failed</name>
<description>The physical disk is not operational.</description>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:physicalDisk[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,OperationalState,{#SNMPINDEX}].last()}=4 and {Template_Dell_IDRAC:physicalDisk[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Progress,{#SNMPINDEX}].last()}&lt;&gt;0</expression>
<name>Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is being copied [{ITEM.LASTVALUE2}]</name>
<description>Data is being copied from a hot spare disk to the physical disk or vice versa.</description>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:physicalDisk[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,OperationalState,{#SNMPINDEX}].last()}=3 and {Template_Dell_IDRAC:physicalDisk[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Progress,{#SNMPINDEX}].last()}&lt;&gt;0</expression>
<name>Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is being erased [{ITEM.LASTVALUE2}]</name>
<description>Data on the disk is being erased.</description>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:physicalDisk[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,OperationalState,{#SNMPINDEX}].last()}=2 and {Template_Dell_IDRAC:physicalDisk[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Progress,{#SNMPINDEX}].last()}&lt;&gt;0</expression>
<name>Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is being rebuilt [{ITEM.LASTVALUE2}]</name>
<description>Data from a redundant virtual disk is currently being rebuilt onto the physical disk.</description>
<name>Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is blocked</name>
<description>The physical disk is currently blocked by controller.</description>
<name>Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is foreign</name>
<description>The physical disk has been moved from another controller and contains all or some portion of a virtual disk.</description>
<name>Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-raid</name>
<description>The physical disk is not a RAID capable disk</description>
<name>Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is offline</name>
<description>The physical disk is not available to the RAID controller.</description>
<name>S.M.A.R.T Status of Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is not good</name>
<description>The physical disk has received a predictive failure alert.</description>
<name>Status of Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of Physical Disk &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the power supply.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of Power Supply &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the system chassis.</description>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>Input Voltage of Power Supply &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The input voltage to the power supply (in Volts).</description>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>Location Name of Power Supply &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The location of the power supply.</description>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>Max Output of Power Supply &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The maximum sustained output wattage of the power supply (in Watts).</description>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>FQDD of Power Supply &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the power supply.</description>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>Power Unit Index of Power Supply &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index to the associated power unit if the power supply is part of a power unit.</description>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>Rated Input of Power Supply &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The rated input wattage of the power supply (in Watts).</description>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>Status of Sensor on Power Supply &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state reported by the power supply sensor. This attribute supplements the attribute powerSupplyStateSettingsUnique.&#13;
-- Note: These values are bit masks, so combination values are possible.&#13;
presenceDetected(1), -- state is Presence detected&#13;
psFailureDetected(2), -- state is PS Failure detected&#13;
predictiveFailure(4), -- state is Predictive Failure&#13;
psACLost(8), -- state is PS AC lost&#13;
acLostOrOutOfRange(16), -- state is AC lost or out-of-range&#13;
acOutOfRangeButPresent(32), -- state is AC out-of-range, but present&#13;
configurationError(64) -- state is Configuration error</description>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>State of Power Supply &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the state settings of the power supply.&#13;
-- If 0 (zero), there are no power supply state setting&#13;
-- Note: These values are bit masks, so combination values are possible.&#13;
unknown(1), -- state settings are unknown&#13;
onLine(2), -- power supply is enabled (online)&#13;
notReady(4), -- power supply is not ready&#13;
fanFailure(8), -- power supply fan has failed&#13;
powerSupplyIsON(16), -- power supply is supplying power&#13;
powerSupplyIsOK(32), -- power supply is indicating it is OK&#13;
acSwitchIsON(64), -- power supply is indicating AC power switch is on&#13;
acPowerIsON(128), -- power supply is indicating AC power is on&#13;
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>Status of Power Supply &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the power supply.&#13;
other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok&#13;
nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical&#13;
critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure)&#13;
nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Type of Power Supply &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the type of the power supply.&#13;
powerSupplyTypeIsOther(1), -- type is other than following values&#13;
powerSupplyTypeIsUnknown(2), -- type is unknown&#13;
powerSupplyTypeIsLinear(3), -- type is Linear&#13;
powerSupplyTypeIsSwitching(4), -- type is Switching&#13;
powerSupplyTypeIsBattery(5), -- type is Battery&#13;
powerSupplyTypeIsUPS(6), -- type is Uninterruptible Power Supply&#13;
powerSupplyTypeIsConverter(7), -- type is Converter&#13;
powerSupplyTypeIsRegulator(8), -- type is Regulator&#13;
powerSupplyTypeIsAC(9), -- type is AC&#13;
powerSupplyTypeIsDC(10), -- type is DC&#13;
powerSupplyTypeIsVRM(11) -- type is VRM</description>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:powerSupply[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,StateSettingsUnique,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=8 or {Template_Dell_IDRAC:powerSupply[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,StateSettingsUnique,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=10</expression>
<name>Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; has FAN failure</name>
<name>State of Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is predicative failure</name>
<name>Status of Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Input Voltage on Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Status of Power Supply &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Power Units</name>
<description>The name of the power unit.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of Power Unit &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the system chassis.</description>
<name>Power Units</name>
<name>Count PS for full Redundancy of Power Unit &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The total number of power supplies required for this power unit to have full redundancy.</description>
<name>Power Units</name>
<name>Name of Power Unit &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The name of the power unit.</description>
<name>Power Units</name>
<name>Redundancy Status of Power Unit &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The redundancy status of the power unit.&#13;
other(1), -- redundancy status is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- redundancy status is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
full(3), -- object is fully redundant&#13;
degraded(4), -- object's redundancy has been degraded&#13;
lost(5), -- object's redundancy has been lost&#13;
notRedundant(6), -- redundancy status does not apply or object is not redundant&#13;
redundancyOffline(7) -- redundancy object taken offline</description>
<name>Power Units</name>
<name>Dell - StatusRedundancyEnum</name>
<name>State of Power Unit &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state settings of the power unit.&#13;
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled&#13;
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown&#13;
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off or enabled (online) if bit is on&#13;
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready&#13;
<name>Power Units</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of Power Unit &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the power unit.&#13;
other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok&#13;
nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical&#13;
critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure)&#13;
nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Power Units</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Redundancy of Power Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; does not apply</name>
<description>Redundancy status does not apply or Power Unit is not redundant</description>
<name>Redundancy of Power Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; has been degraded</name>
<description>Power Unit redundancy has been degraded.</description>
<name>Redundancy of Power Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; has been lost</name>
<description>Power Unit's redundancy has been lost.</description>
<name>Redundancy of Power Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; taken offline</name>
<description>Redundancy Power Unit taken offline</description>
<name>Status of Power Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of Power Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of Power Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of Power Unit &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<description>The name of the entity associated with this power usage information.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of Power Usage #$1</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>Total Power Usage of Power Usage #$1</name>
<description>The total wattage used (in Watt-hours) by this entity since the date and time specified by the powerUsageCumulativeWattageStartDateName attribute.</description>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>Entity Name of Power Usage #$1</name>
<description>The name of the entity associated with this power usage information</description>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>Idle Power of Power Usage #$1</name>
<description>The system idle power (in Watts). This is the minimum power the system can consume based on the current hardware configuration.</description>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>System Instantaneous Headroom of Power Usage #$1</name>
<description>The system instantaneous headroom (in Watts). This is the theoretical maximum power drawn by the power supply minus instantaneous power draw.</description>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>Max Potential Power of Power Usage #$1</name>
<description>The system maximum potential power (in Watts). This is the maximum power the system can consume based on the current hardware configuration.</description>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>Peak Amps of Power Usage #$1</name>
<description>The peak amperage reading (in Amps) for this entity since the date and time specified by the powerUsagePeakAmpsStartDateName attribute.</description>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>System Peak Headroom of Power Usage #$1</name>
<description>The system peak headroom (in Watts). This is the theoretical maximum power drawn by the power supply minus peak power draw.</description>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>Peak Power Usage of Power Usage #$1</name>
<description>The peak wattage reading (in Watts) for this entity since the date and time specified by the powerUsagePeakWattsStartDateName attribute.</description>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>State of Power Usage #$1</name>
<description>The state settings of the power usage information.&#13;
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled&#13;
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown&#13;
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off or enabled (online) if bit is on&#13;
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready&#13;
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of Power Usage #$1</name>
<description>The status of the power usage information.&#13;
other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok&#13;
nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical&#13;
critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure)&#13;
nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Power Usage</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Status of Power Usage #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<name>Status of Power Usage #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of Power Usage #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of Power Usage #{#SNMPINDEX}</name>
<name>Wattage of Power Usage #{#SNMPINDEX}</name>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the processor device.</description>
<name>Brand of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The brand of the processor device.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Chassis Index of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Core Count of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The number of processor cores detected for the processor device.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Enabled Core Count of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The number of processor cores enabled for the processor device.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Current Speed of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the current speed of the processor device in Hz. Zero indicates the current speed is unknown.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>FQDD of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Fully qualified device descriptor (FQDD) of the processor device.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Manufacturer of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The name of the manufacturer of the processor device.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Max Speed of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The maximum speed of the processor device in Hz. Zero indicates the maximum speed is unknown.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>State of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state settings of the processor device.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the processor device.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Thread Count of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The number of processor threads detected for the processor device.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Version of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The version of the processor device. On some systems, this value contains the brand and stepping information; on other systems, this value contains the model and stepping information.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Voltage of Processor Device &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The voltage powering the processor device in millivolts. Zero indicates the voltage is unknown.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Status of Processor Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of Processor Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of Processor Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Speed of Processor Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Status of Processor Device &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Processor Device Status Probes</name>
<description>The location name of the processor device status probe.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of Processor Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>Processor Devices Probes</name>
<name>Location Name of Processor Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The location name of the processor device status probe.</description>
<name>Processor Devices Probes</name>
<name>Reading of Processor Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The reading of the processor device status probe.&#13;
-- Note: These values are bit masks, so combination values are possible.&#13;
internalError(1), -- Internal Error&#13;
thermalTrip(2), -- Thermal Trip&#13;
configurationError(32), -- Configuration Error&#13;
processorPresent(128), -- Processor Present&#13;
processorDisabled(256), -- Processor Disabled&#13;
terminatorPresent(512), -- Terminator Present&#13;
processorThrottled(1024) -- Processor Throttled</description>
<name>Processor Devices Probes</name>
<name>State of Processor Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state settings of the processor device status probe.</description>
<name>Processor Devices Probes</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of Processor Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the processor device status probe. This status will be joined into the processorDeviceStatus attribute.&#13;
other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok&#13;
nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical&#13;
critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure)&#13;
nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Processor Devices Probes</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Status of Processor Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Status of Processor Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical</description>
<name>Status of Processor Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Status of Processor Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>System Batteries</name>
<description>The location of the battery.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of System Battery &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the system chassis that contains the battery.</description>
<name>System Batteries</name>
<name>Location Name of System Battery &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The location of the battery.</description>
<name>System Batteries</name>
<name>Reading of System Battery &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the reading of the battery.&#13;
-- Note: These values are bit masks, so combination values are possible.&#13;
predictiveFailure(1), -- battery predictive failure&#13;
failed(2), -- battery failed&#13;
presenceDetected(4) -- battery presence detected</description>
<name>System Batteries</name>
<name>State of System Battery &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state settings of the battery.&#13;
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled&#13;
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown&#13;
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off or enabled (online) if bit is on&#13;
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready&#13;
<name>System Batteries</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of System Battery &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the battery.&#13;
other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok&#13;
nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical&#13;
critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure)&#13;
nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>System Batteries</name>
<name>Status of System Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure)</description>
<name>Status of System Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical</description>
<name>Status of System Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Status of System Battery &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>System BIOS</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the system BIOS.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of BIOS #$1</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>System BIOS</name>
<name>Manufacturer of BIOS #$1</name>
<description>The name of the manufacturer of the system BIOS.</description>
<name>System BIOS</name>
<name>Release Date of BIOS #$1</name>
<description>The release date name of the system BIOS.</description>
<name>System BIOS</name>
<name>State of System BIOS #$1</name>
<description>The state settings of the system BIOS.&#13;
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled&#13;
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown&#13;
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off or enabled (online) if bit is on&#13;
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready&#13;
<name>System BIOS</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of System BIOS #$1</name>
<description>The status of the system BIOS.&#13;
other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok&#13;
nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical&#13;
critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure)&#13;
nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>System BIOS</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Version of BIOS #$1</name>
<description>The version name of the system BIOS.</description>
<name>System BIOS</name>
<name>Status of System BIOS #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<name>Status of System BIOS #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of System BIOS #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of System BIOS #{#SNMPINDEX}</name>
<name>System Slots</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the system slot.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of System Slot #$1</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>System Slots</name>
<name>External Slot Name of System Slot #$1</name>
<description>The name of the external connector name of the system slot.</description>
<name>System Slots</name>
<name>State of System Slot #$1</name>
<description>The state settings of the system slot.</description>
<name>System Slots</name>
<name>Status of System Slot #$1</name>
<description>The status of the system slot.</description>
<name>System Slots</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Status of System Slot &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<name>Status of System Slot &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<name>Status of System Slot &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<name>Status of System Slot #{#SNMPINDEX}</name>
<name>System State</name>
<description>The index (one based) of this chassis.</description>
<name>Combined Amperage Status of System $1</name>
<description>The combined status of all amperage probes of this system.</description>
<name>Amperage Probes</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined System Battery Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all batteries of this system.</description>
<name>System Batteries</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined Intrusion Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all intrusion detection devices of this system chassis.</description>
<name>Intrusion Sensors</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>State of Chassis #$1</name>
<description>The state settings of this system chassis.</description>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of Chassis #$1</name>
<description>The status of this system chassis.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Cooling Device Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all cooling devices of this system.</description>
<name>Cooling Devices</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined Cooling Unit Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all cooling units of this system.</description>
<name>Cooling Units</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Redundancy Cooling Unit Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined redundancy status of all cooling units of this system.</description>
<name>Cooling Units</name>
<name>Dell - StatusRedundancyEnum</name>
<name>Global Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The global system status of all system chassis being monitored by the systems management software.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined IDSDM Card Device Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all IDSDM Card devices of this system.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined IDSDM Card Unit Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all IDSDM Card units of this system.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined Memory Device Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all memory devices of this system.</description>
<name>Memory Devices</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined Power Supply Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all power supplies of this system.</description>
<name>Power Supplies</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined Power Unit Status of System #$1</name>
<description>This attribute defines the combined status of all power units of this chassis.</description>
<name>Power Units</name>
<name>Power Unit Redundancy Status of Chassis #$1</name>
<description>The combined redundancy status of all power units of this system.</description>
<name>Power Units</name>
<name>Dell - StatusRedundancyEnum</name>
<name>Combined Processor Device Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all processor devices of this system.</description>
<name>Processor Devices</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined SD Card Device Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all SD Card devices of this system.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined SD Card Unit Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all SD Card units of this system.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined Temperature Stats Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all temperature statistics objects of this system.</description>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined Temperature Status of System #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all temperature probes of this system.</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Voltage Status of Chassis #$1</name>
<description>The combined status of all voltage probes of this system.</description>
<name>Voltage Probes</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Combined Status of Amperage Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Amperage Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Amperage Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Batteries on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Batteries on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical</description>
<name>Combined Status of Batteries on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Cooling Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Cooling Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Cooling Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Cooling Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Cooling Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Cooling Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Cooling Units Redundancy on Chassis #{#SNMPVALUE} does not apply</name>
<description>Redundancy status does not apply or Cooling Units are not redundant.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Cooling Units Redundancy on Chassis #{#SNMPVALUE} has been lost</name>
<description>Cooling Units redundancy has been lost.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Cooling Units Redundancy on Chassis #{#SNMPVALUE} is degraded</name>
<description>Cooling Units redundancy has been degraded.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Cooling Units Redundancy on Chassis #{#SNMPVALUE} is offline</name>
<description>Redundancy Cooling Units taken offline.</description>
<name>Combined Status of IDSDM Card Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of IDSDM Card Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of IDSDM Card Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of IDSDM Card Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of IDSDM Card Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of IDSDM Card Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Intrusion Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Intrusion Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Intrusion Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Memory Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Memory Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Memory Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Power Supplies on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Power Supplies on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Power Supplies on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Power Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Power Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Power Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Power Units Redundancy on Chassis #{#SNMPVALUE} does not apply</name>
<description>Redundancy status does not apply or Power Units are not redundant.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Power Units Redundancy on Chassis #{#SNMPVALUE} has been lost</name>
<description>Power Units redundancy has been lost.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Power Units Redundancy on Chassis #{#SNMPVALUE} is degraded</name>
<description>Power Units redundancy has been degraded.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Power Units Redundancy on Chassis #{#SNMPVALUE} is offline</name>
<description>Redundancy Power Units taken offline.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Processor Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Processor Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Processor Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of SDCard Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of SDCard Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of SDCard Devices on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of SDCard Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of SDCard Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of SDCard Units on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of System #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of System #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of System #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Combined Status of Temperature Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Temperature Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Temperature Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead)</description>
<name>Combined Status of Temperature Stats on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Temperature Stats on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical.</description>
<name>Combined Status of Temperature Stats on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Voltage Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is critical (failure).</description>
<name>Combined Status of Voltage Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-critical</name>
<description>The status of the object is warning, non-critical</description>
<name>Combined Status of Voltage Probes on Chassis #{#SNMPINDEX} is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The status of the object is non-recoverable (dead).</description>
<name>Temperature Probes</name>
<description>The location name of the temperature probe.</description>
<name>Chassis Index of Temperature Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The index (one based) of the associated system chassis.</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Discrete Reading of Temperature Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the reading for a temperature probe of type temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete. When the value for temperatureProbeType is other than temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete, a value is not returned for this attribute. When the value for temperatureProbeType is temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete, the value returned for this attribute is the discrete reading for the probe.</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Location of Temperature Probe #$1</name>
<description>The location name of the temperature probe.</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Lower Critical Temperature of Temperature Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the lower critical threshold of the temperature probe. The value is an integer representing the temperature of the threshold in tenths of degrees Centigrade.</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Lower Non-Critical Temperature of Temperature Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the lower noncritical threshold of the temperature probe. The value is an integer representing the temperature of the threshold in tenths of degrees Centigrade.</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Lower Non-Recoverable Temperature of Temperature Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The lower nonrecoverable threshold of the temperature probe. The value is an integer representing the temperature of the threshold in degrees Centigrade.</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Reading of Temperature Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The reading for a temperature probe of type other than temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete. When the value for temperatureProbeType is other than temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete, the value returned for this attribute is the temperature that the probe is reading in tenths of degrees Centigrade. When the value for temperatureProbeType is temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete, a value is not returned for this attribute.</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>State of Temperature Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state settings of the temperature probe.&#13;
-- If set to 0 (zero), object has no state settings enabled and is disabled&#13;
unknown(1), -- object's state is unknown&#13;
enabled(2), -- object's state is disabled (offline) if bit is off or enabled (online) if bit is on&#13;
notReady(4), -- object's state is not ready&#13;
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Dell - StateSettingsFlags</name>
<name>Status of Temperature Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The probe status of the temperature probe.&#13;
other(1), -- probe status is not one of the following:&#13;
unknown(2), -- probe status is unknown (not known or monitored)&#13;
ok(3), -- probe is reporting a value within the thresholds&#13;
nonCriticalUpper(4), -- probe has crossed upper noncritical threshold&#13;
criticalUpper(5), -- probe has crossed upper critical threshold&#13;
nonRecoverableUpper(6), -- probe has crossed upper non-recoverable threshold&#13;
nonCriticalLower(7), -- probe has crossed lower noncritical threshold&#13;
criticalLower(8), -- probe has crossed lower critical threshold&#13;
nonRecoverableLower(9), -- probe has crossed lower non-recoverable threshold&#13;
failed(10) -- probe is not functional</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Dell - StatusProbeEnum</name>
<name>Upper Critical Temperature of Temperature Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the upper critical threshold of the temperature probe. The value is an integer representing the temperature of the threshold in tenths of degrees Centigrade.</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Upper Non-Critical Temperature of Temperature Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>This attribute defines the upper noncritical threshold of the temperature probe. The value is an integer representing the temperature of the threshold in tenths of degrees Centigrade.</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<name>Upper Non-Recoverable Temperature of Temperature Probe &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The upper nonrecoverable threshold of the temperature probe. The value is an integer representing the temperature of the threshold in degrees Centigrade.</description>
<name>Temperature probes</name>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:temperatureProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=5 or {Template_Dell_IDRAC:temperatureProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=8</expression>
<name>Status of Temperature Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is critical</name>
<description>The probe has crossed lower or upper critical threshold.</description>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:temperatureProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=4 or {Template_Dell_IDRAC:temperatureProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=7</expression>
<name>Status of Temperature Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-critical</name>
<description>The probe has crossed lower or upper noncritical threshold</description>
<expression>{Template_Dell_IDRAC:temperatureProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=6 or {Template_Dell_IDRAC:temperatureProbe[&quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;,Status,{#SNMPINDEX}].last(0)}=9</expression>
<name>Status of Temperature Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is non-recoverable</name>
<description>The probe has crossed lower or upper non-recoverable threshold</description>
<name>Temperature Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot; is failed</name>
<description>The probe is not functional</description>
<name>Status of Temperature Probe &quot;{#SNMPVALUE}&quot;</name>
<name>Virtual disks</name>
<description>The virtual disk's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Bad Blocks on Virtual Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>Indicates whether the virtual disk has bad blocks.</description>
<name>Virtual Disks</name>
<name>State of Virtual Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The status of the virtual disk itself without the propagation of any contained component status.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: Other.&#13;
2: Unknown.&#13;
3: OK.&#13;
4: Non-critical .&#13;
5: Critical.&#13;
6: Non-recoverable.</description>
<name>Virtual Disks</name>
<name>Dell - ObjectStatusEnum</name>
<name>Display Name of Virtual Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The virtual disk's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Virtual Disks</name>
<name>FQDD of Virtual Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The virtual disk's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management.</description>
<name>Virtual Disks</name>
<name>RAID Type of Virtual Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The virtual disk's RAID type.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: Not one of the following&#13;
2: RAID-0&#13;
3: RAID-1&#13;
4: RAID-5&#13;
5: RAID-6&#13;
6: RAID-10&#13;
7: RAID-50&#13;
8: RAID-60&#13;
9: Concatenated RAID 1&#13;
10: Concatenated RAID 5</description>
<name>Virtual Disks</name>
<name>Name of Virtual Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The virtual disk's label as entered by the user.</description>
<name>Virtual Disks</name>
<name>Operational State of Virtual Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The state of the virtual disk when there are progressive operations ongoing.&#13;
Possible values:&#13;
1: There is no active operation running.&#13;
2: The virtual disk configuration has changed. The physical disks included in the virtual disk are being modified to support the new configuration.&#13;
3: A Consistency Check (CC) is being performed on the virtual disk.&#13;
4: The virtual disk is being initialized.&#13;
5: BackGround Initialization (BGI) is being performed on the virtual disk.</description>
<name>Virtual Disks</name>
<name>Operation Progress on Virtual Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The progress percentage of the operation that is being performed on the virtual disk. This is applicable only if there is a progressive operations ongoing.</description>
<name>Virtual Disks</name>
<name>Size of Virtual Disk &quot;$1&quot;</name>
<description>The size of the virtual disk in bytes.</description>
<name>Virtual Disks</name>
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rankyl commented Apr 4, 2018


The file ends at line 16984 and seems to not be full; could you provide a link for full file ?

Thank you very much

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