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Last active December 26, 2015 02:29
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Save Autoplectic/7078605 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A git pre-commit hook to run tests and pylint prior to a commit, and fail if any tests fail.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Ryan James
This pre-commit hook runs nosetests and pylint, reporting their scores.
It blocks commits with failing tests.
To install
Place this file in the .git/hooks/ directory of your repo and make it
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from regex import findall, MULTILINE
from clint.textui import puts, indent
from clint.textui.colored import green, red, yellow
from sarge import capture_both, get_stdout, run
MODULE = 'dit'
STASH_INDEX = r'{(.*)}'
FAILED_TESTS = r'(?:errors|failures)=(\d+)'
COVERAGE = r'^TOTAL.*?(\d+)%'
PYLINT_SCORE = r'(\d\d?\.\d\d)/10'
WIDTH = 40
FORMAT = '{{:.<{}}} '.format(WIDTH)
NOSE_CMD = 'nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package={}'
def stashed():
Stash and unstash non-indexed changes. This way code that won't be commited
doesn't effect results.
run('git stash save -q -u --keep-index "pre-commit"')
stashes = get_stdout('git stash list | grep pre-commit')
index = findall(STASH_INDEX, stashes)
if index:
run('git stash pop -q --index={}'.format(index[0]))
def get_test_status():
Returns the number of test failures and coverage level.
result = capture_both(NOSE_CMD.format(MODULE))
output =
if result.returncode != 0:
failed = sum(map(int, findall(FAILED_TESTS, output, MULTILINE)))
failed = 0
coverage = int(findall(COVERAGE, output, MULTILINE)[0])
return failed, coverage
def get_pylint_score():
Returns the pylint score.
result = get_stdout('pylint {}'.format(MODULE))
score = findall(PYLINT_SCORE, result)[0]
return float(score)
def get_color(value):
Return a color formatter. Red for low, yellow medium and green high.
color = green if value > 85 else (yellow if value > 60 else red)
return color
def remove_pyc():
Remove all *.pyc files.
path = Path('.')
for pyc in path.glob('**/*.pyc'):
def main():
Stash non-commiting files, run tests and pylint, report results, unstash.
with stashed():
with indent(4):
puts(FORMAT.format('Running tests '), newline=False)
failures, coverage = get_test_status()
if failures == 0:
plural = failures > 1
puts(red('{} failure{}'.format(failures, 's' if plural else '')))
with indent(4):
puts(FORMAT.format('Coverage '), newline=False)
with indent(4):
puts(FORMAT.format('Running pylint '), newline=False)
score = get_pylint_score()
if failures != 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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