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Last active May 27, 2024 21:26
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  • Save Avantol13/18b1b1314d40a90800ba39877b386e4c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Avantol13/18b1b1314d40a90800ba39877b386e4c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AutoHotKey script with text conversion to upper, lower, invert, CamelCase to CAP_CASE, and CAP_CASE to CamelCase
; Quick Text Formatting/Style Changes and Other Helpful Windows Tools
; - High-compatibility and unifies keyboard shortcuts b/t programs
; - Shortcuts for converting selected text to the following:
; All lower: THIS_is-a_tESt -> this_is-a_test
; All Upper: THIS_is-a_tESt -> THIS_IS-A_TEST
; Caps case: ThisIsAnExample -> THIS_IS_AN_EXAMPLE
; thisIsAnExample -> THIS_IS_AN_EXAMPLE
; Camel Case: THIS_IS_AN_EXAMPLE -> ThisIsAnExample
; this_is_an_example -> ThisIsAnExample
; tHIS_Is_an_ExAmPLE -> ThisIsAnExample.
; Copy-Paste Buffer
; Use Ctrl+Shift+c to copy into the FIFO buffer (can do multiple times)
; Use Ctrl+Shift+v to paste from the FIFO buffer
; Convert selected text to lower case
; Ex: THIS_is-a_tESt -> this_is-a_test
; Usage: Windows_Key + Alt + Down Arrow
; save original contents of clipboard
Clip_Save:= ClipboardAll
; empty clipboard
Clipboard:= ""
; copy highlighted text to clipboard
Send ^c{delete}
; convert clipboard to desired case
StringLower Clipboard, Clipboard
; send desired text
Send %Clipboard%
Len:= Strlen(Clipboard)
; highlight text
Send +{left %Len%}
; restore clipboard
Clipboard:= Clip_Save
; Convert selected text to upper case
; Ex: THIS_is-a_tESt -> THIS_IS-A_TEST
; Usage: Windows_Key + Alt + Up Arrow
; save original contents of clipboard
Clip_Save:= ClipboardAll
; empty clipboard
Clipboard:= ""
; copy highlighted text to clipboard
Send ^c{delete}
; convert clipboard to desired case
StringUpper Clipboard, Clipboard
; send desired text
Send %Clipboard%
Len:= Strlen(Clipboard)
; highlight text
Send +{left %Len%}
; restore clipboard
Clipboard:= Clip_Save
; Convert selected text to inverted case
; Ex: THIS_is-a_tESt -> this_IS-A_TesT
; Usage: Windows_Key + Alt + I
; save original contents of clipboard
Clip_Save:= ClipboardAll
; empty clipboard
Clipboard:= ""
; copy highlighted text to clipboard
Send ^c{delete}
; clear variable that will hold output string
Inv_Char_Out:= ""
; loop for each character in the clipboard
Loop % Strlen(Clipboard)
; isolate the character
Inv_Char:= Substr(Clipboard, A_Index, 1)
; if upper case
if Inv_Char is upper
; convert to lower case
Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Chr(Asc(Inv_Char) + 32)
; if lower case
else if Inv_Char is lower
; convert to upper case
Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Chr(Asc(Inv_Char) - 32)
; copy character to output var unchanged
Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Inv_Char
; send desired text
Send %Inv_Char_Out%
Len:= Strlen(Inv_Char_Out)
; highlight desired text
Send +{left %Len%}
; restore original clipboard
Clipboard:= Clip_Save
; Convert selected text from CamelCase to CAPS_CASE
; Ex: ThisIsAnExample -> THIS_IS_AN_EXAMPLE
; Usage: Windows_Key + Alt + Right Arrow Key
; save original contents of clipboard
Clip_Save:= ClipboardAll
; empty clipboard
Clipboard:= ""
; copy highlighted text to clipboard
Send ^c{delete}
; clear variable that will hold output string
Inv_Char_Out:= ""
; loop for each character in the clipboard
Loop % Strlen(Clipboard)
; isolate the character
Inv_Char:= Substr(Clipboard, A_Index, 1)
; if upper case
if Inv_Char is upper
if A_Index != 1
Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Chr(Asc("_"))
Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Chr(Asc(Inv_Char))
; if lower case
else if Inv_Char is lower
; convert to upper case
Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Chr(Asc(Inv_Char) - 32)
; copy character to output var unchanged
Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Inv_Char
; send desired text
Send %Inv_Char_Out%
Len:= Strlen(Inv_Char_Out)
; highlight desired text
Send +{left %Len%}
; restore original clipboard
Clipboard:= Clip_Save
; Convert selected text from CAPS_CASE to CamelCase
; Ex: THIS_IS_AN_EXAMPLE -> ThisIsAnExample
; Usage: Windows_Key + Alt + Left Arrow Key
; save original contents of clipboard
Clip_Save:= ClipboardAll
; empty clipboard
Clipboard:= ""
; copy highlighted text to clipboard
Send ^c{delete}
; clear variable that will hold output string
Char_Out:= ""
; Find number of _'s in string by replacing with self
; and counting how many times we do it with ErrorLevel
; Result is in ErrorLevel
StringReplace Clipboard,Clipboard,_,_,UseErrorLevel
; set Index
; loop for each character in the clipboard
Loop % Strlen(Clipboard) - ErrorLevel
; isolate the character
Char:= Substr(Clipboard, Index, 1)
; isolate the next character too
Next_Char:= Substr(Clipboard, Index + 1, 1)
if Index = 1
if Char != "_"
; convert to upper case
if Char is lower
Char_Out:= Char_Out Chr(Asc(Char) - 32)
Char_Out:= Char_Out Char
; if _
if Chr(Asc(Char)) == Chr(Asc("_"))
if Next_Char != ""
; convert to upper case
if Next_Char is lower
Char_Out:= Char_Out Chr(Asc(Next_Char) - 32)
Char_Out:= Char_Out Next_Char
if Char is upper
; convert to lower case
Char_Out:= Char_Out Chr(Asc(Char) + 32)
Char_Out:= Char_Out Char
; increment index
; send desired text
Send %Char_Out%
Len:= Strlen(Char_Out)
; highlight desired text
Send +{left %Len%}
; restore original clipboard
Clipboard:= Clip_Save
; Find selected text
; Ex: Select FindMeInProgram, use this, opens find dialog (if Ctrl-F)
; and pastes FindMeInProgram
; Usage: Windows_Key + Alt + F
Send, ^c
Sleep 100
Send, ^f
Sleep 100
Send, ^v
; Open windows identical windows explorer
Send, !d
Sleep 50
Send, ^c
Sleep 50
Send, #e
Sleep 300
Send, !d
Sleep 50
Send, ^v
Sleep 50
Send, {enter}
Sleep 50
Send, #{Right}
; Copy selected text into a Copy FIFO Buffer (can do multiple times)
FileEncoding UTF-8
filename := "C:\Temp\_clipboard_buffer.txt"
Send, ^c
Sleep 50
FileAppend, {{clipboard_buffer_delimiter}}%clipboard%, %filename%
; Paste by getting first item from the Copy Buffer (can do multiple times)
; NOTE: Once pasted, you cannot restore that item to the Copy Buffer (e.g. Undo)
; except by re-copying it
FileEncoding UTF-8
filename := "C:\Temp\_clipboard_buffer.txt"
clipboard_content := ""
new_file_content := ""
FileRead, file_text, %filename%
copies_array := StrSplit(file_text, "{{clipboard_buffer_delimiter}}")
Loop % copies_array.MaxIndex()
item_content := copies_array[a_index]
; first item is empty since we start the items with a delimeter,
; so item at index 2 is what we want on the clipboard
If (a_index == 2)
clipboard_content := item_content
; Keep appending other items to the new file content with delimiter to write back
Else If (a_index >= 2)
new_file_content = %new_file_content% {{clipboard_buffer_delimiter}} %item_content%
; Do nothing for first empty items
; Rewrite the file with the new content (e.g. last item popped off)
file := FileOpen(filename, "w")
if !IsObject(file)
MsgBox Can't open "%filename%" for reading.
; Finally, paste the popped item
clipboard = %clipboard_content%
Send, ^v
Sleep 50
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dnlw07 commented Sep 21, 2019

awesome script!

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gclsoft commented Sep 13, 2021

card_info_type to cardInfoType, but it will change to CardInfoType, how to fix it?

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