Name | # | Haskell | Ramda | Sanctuary | Signature |
identity | I | id |
identity |
I |
a → a |
constant | K | const |
always |
K |
a → b → a |
apply | A | ($) |
call |
I ¹ |
(a → b) → a → b |
thrush | T | (&) |
applyTo |
T |
a → (a → b) → b |
duplication | W | join ² |
unnest ² |
join ² |
(a → a → b) → a → b |
flip | C | flip |
flip |
flip |
(a → b → c) → b → a → c |
compose | B | (.) , fmap ² |
map ² |
compose , map ² |
(b → c) → (a → b) → a → c |
substitution | S | (<*>) ² |
ap ² |
ap ² |
(a → b → c) → (a → b) → a → c |
chain | S_³ | (=<<) ² |
chain ² |
chain ² |
(a → b → c) → (b → a) → b → c |
converge | S2³ | apply2way , liftA2 ², liftM2 ² |
lift2 ² |
(b → c → d) → (a → b) → (a → c) → a → d |
psi | P | on |
on |
on |
(b → b → c) → (a → b) → a → a → c |
fix-point⁴ | Y | fix |
(a → a) → a |
¹) The A-combinator can be implemented as an alias of the I-combinator. Its implementation in Haskell exists because the infix nature gives it some utility. Its implementation in Ramda exists because it is overloaded with additional functionality.
²) Algebras like ap
have different implementations for different types.
They work like Function combinators only for Function inputs.
³) I could not find a consistent name for these combinators, but they are common enough in the JavaScript ecosystem to justify their inclusion. I named them myself in order to refer to their implementation.
⁴) In JavaScript and other non-lazy languages, it is impossible to
implement the Y-combinator. Instead a variant known as the applicative or
strict fix-point combinator is implemented. This variant is sometimes
rererred to as the Z-combinator. The implementation found in combinators.js
is the strictly evaluated "Z" combinator, which needs the extra wrapper
around g (g)
on the right hand side.
thanks @glebec but I fail to see how Scott encoding signatures, are written from your example.
Scott encoding
I found the following quote from Ben Lynn, on Scott encoding. Though, he does not make the distinction clear, what is Scott encoding vs Church.
"... we stress again pure lambda calculus numerals are not condemned to be unary!"
The best example I can come up with, is this for encoding a list: