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Last active May 20, 2024 13:10
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BME280 & BMP280 I2C Micropython Library for ESP32 based development boards
BME280 & BMP280 I2C Micropython Library for ESP32 based development boards
Originally created by Foxdan
Modified by Avaray, including tiny cosmetic changes:
- using 'uctypes' instead of 'ctypes'
- using 'SoftI2C' instead of 'I2C' in example code
- using Pins 22 and 21 in example code
Tested on:
- ESP-WROOM-32 DevkitC 38-Pin (Micropython Firmware version 1.22.2)
Tested with:
- BME280
- BMP280
Example code:
from machine import SoftI2C, Pin
import BME280
i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21))
bme = BME280.BME280(i2c)
print(bme.temperature, '°C')
print(bme.pressure/100, 'hPa')
print(bme.humidity, '%RH')
import uctypes as ctypes
from micropython import const
import utime
DEV_ADDR = const(0x76)
ADDR_CALA = const(0x88)
ADDR_CALB = const(0xE1)
ADDR_DATA = const(0xF7)
ADDR_SETTINGS = const(0xF2)
MODE_FORCED = const(1)
MODE_NORMAL = const(3)
# Index of OVERSAMPLE represents integer setting for oversample multiplier
# e.g. setting BME280 to oversample setting of `4` is 8x oversample.
OVERSAMPLE = (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16)
# Index of STANDBY represents integer setting for standby ms
# e.g. setting BME280 to standby of `3` is 250ms
STANDBY = (0.5, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 10, 20)
'ctrl_hum': (0, {
'osrs_h': ctypes.BFUINT8 | 0 << ctypes.BF_POS | 3 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
'status': (1, {
'im_update': ctypes.BFUINT8 | 0 << ctypes.BF_POS | 1 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
'measuring': ctypes.BFUINT8 | 3 << ctypes.BF_POS | 1 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
'ctrl_meas': (2, {
'mode': ctypes.BFUINT8 | 0 << ctypes.BF_POS | 2 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
'osrs_p': ctypes.BFUINT8 | 2 << ctypes.BF_POS | 3 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
'osrs_t': ctypes.BFUINT8 | 5 << ctypes.BF_POS | 3 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
'config': (3, {
'spi3w_en': ctypes.BFUINT8 | 0 << ctypes.BF_POS | 1 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
'filter': ctypes.BFUINT8 | 2 << ctypes.BF_POS | 3 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
't_sb': ctypes.BFUINT8 | 5 << ctypes.BF_POS | 3 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
DATA = {
'adc_p': 0 | ctypes.BFUINT32 | 12 << ctypes.BF_POS | 20 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
'adc_t': 3 | ctypes.BFUINT32 | 12 << ctypes.BF_POS | 20 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
'adc_h': 6 | ctypes.UINT16,
# Loaded from 0x88
'T1': 0 | ctypes.UINT16,
'T2': 2 | ctypes.INT16,
'T3': 4 | ctypes.INT16,
'P1': 6 | ctypes.UINT16,
# Referencing array is messy, just list 'em
# 'P2_9': (8 | ctypes.ARRAY, 8 | ctypes.INT16),
'P2': 8 | ctypes.INT16,
'P3': 10 | ctypes.INT16,
'P4': 12 | ctypes.INT16,
'P5': 14 | ctypes.INT16,
'P6': 16 | ctypes.INT16,
'P7': 18 | ctypes.INT16,
'P8': 20 | ctypes.INT16,
'P9': 22 | ctypes.INT16,
'H1': 25 | ctypes.UINT8,
# Following 7 bytes loaded starting at 0xE1
'H2': 26 | ctypes.INT16,
'H3': 28 | ctypes.UINT8,
# H4 and H5 are 12bit shorts across 3 bytes with the LSB of both in 0xE5
'H4_MSB': 29 | ctypes.INT8,
'H4_LSB': 30 | ctypes.BFUINT8 | 0 << ctypes.BF_POS | 4 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
'H5_LSB': 30 | ctypes.BFUINT8 | 4 << ctypes.BF_POS | 4 << ctypes.BF_LEN,
'H5_MSB': 31 | ctypes.INT8,
'H6': 32 | ctypes.INT8,
class BME280:
def __init__(self, i2c, addr=DEV_ADDR):
self.i2c = i2c
self.addr = addr
self._data_buf = bytearray(ctypes.sizeof(DATA, ctypes.BIG_ENDIAN)) = ctypes.struct(ctypes.addressof(self._data_buf), DATA,
self._settings_buf = bytearray(ctypes.sizeof(SETTINGS,
self.settings = ctypes.struct(ctypes.addressof(self._settings_buf),
self._calibration_buf = bytearray(ctypes.sizeof(CALIBRATION,
self.calibration = ctypes.struct(
self.t_fine = None
self._load_calibration(), settings=True)
def _load_calibration(self):
"""Reads and stores factory set calibration data."""
buf_ref = memoryview(self._calibration_buf)
cal_a = buf_ref[:-7]
cal_b = buf_ref[-7:]
self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.addr, ADDR_CALA, cal_a)
self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.addr, ADDR_CALB, cal_b)
def temperature(self):
"""Calculation as set out in datasheet."""
adc =
c = self.calibration
var1 = ((((adc >> 3) - (c.T1 << 1))) * c.T2) >> 11
var2 = (((((adc >> 4) - c.T1) * ((adc >> 4) - c.T1)) >> 12) * c.T3) >> 14
self.t_fine = var1 + var2
return ((self.t_fine * 5 + 128) >> 8) / 100
def pressure(self):
"""Calculation as set out in datasheet."""
adc =
c = self.calibration
if self.t_fine is None:
var1 = self.t_fine - 128000
var2 = var1 * var1 * c.P6
var2 = var2 + ((var1*c.P5)<<17)
var2 = var2 + (c.P4<<35)
var1 = ((var1 * var1 * c.P3)>>8) + ((var1 * c.P2)<<12);
var1 = (((1<<47)+var1))*(c.P1)>>33
if var1 == 0:
raise Exception("Ohno")
p = 1048576-adc
p = (((p<<31)-var2)*3125)//var1
var1 = (c.P9 * (p>>13) * (p>>13)) >> 25
var2 =(c.P8 * p) >> 19
p = ((p + var1 + var2) >> 8) + (c.P7<<4)
return p / 256
def humidity(self):
"""Calculation as set out in datasheet."""
adc =
c = self.calibration
if self.t_fine is None:
H4 = c.H4_MSB << 4 | c.H4_LSB
H5 = c.H5_MSB << 4 | c.H5_LSB
v_x1_u32r = self.t_fine - 76800
v_x1_u32r = ((((adc << 14) -(H4 << 20) - (H5 * v_x1_u32r)) + 16384) >> 15) * (((((((v_x1_u32r * c.H6) >> 10) * (((v_x1_u32r * c.H3) >> 11) + 32768)) >> 10) + 2097152) * c.H2 + 8192) >> 14)
v_x1_u32r = (v_x1_u32r - (((((v_x1_u32r >> 15) * (v_x1_u32r >> 15)) >> 7) * c.H1) >> 4))
return (v_x1_u32r>>12) / 1024
def write_settings(self):
for _byte in self._settings_buf:
self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.addr, waddr, bytearray((_byte,)))
waddr += 1
def delay(self):
"""Return maximum ms update delay.
For forced mode this is the length of time to wait before reading the
For normal mode these values should be added to standby time.
If normal is True standby time is added to the delay.
This is essentially the max data rate
i.e. (1000 / delay) = max data rate in Hz
t_oversample = OVERSAMPLE[self.settings.ctrl_meas.osrs_t]
p_oversample = OVERSAMPLE[self.settings.ctrl_meas.osrs_p]
h_oversample = OVERSAMPLE[self.settings.ctrl_hum.osrs_h]
ms = t_oversample + p_oversample + h_oversample
ms = (ms * 2.3) + 1.25
if p_oversample > 0:
ms += 0.575
if h_oversample > 0:
ms += 0.575
if self.settings.ctrl_meas.mode == MODE_NORMAL:
ms += STANDBY[self.settings.config.t_sb]
return ms
def read(self, force=True, settings=False, t_oversample=8):
"""Read current values from device registers.
force -- instructs a sample to be taken (i.e. if auto sample off)
settings -- Also read current device settings (always True with force)
t_oversample -- Oversample setting for temperature in force mode
if settings or force:
self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.addr, ADDR_SETTINGS,
if force:
self.settings.ctrl_meas.mode = MODE_FORCED
self.settings.ctrl_meas.osrs_t = OVERSAMPLE.index(t_oversample)
self.settings.ctrl_meas.osrs_p = OVERSAMPLE.index(1)
self.settings.ctrl_hum.osrs_h = OVERSAMPLE.index(1)
utime.sleep(self.delay / 1000)
self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.addr, ADDR_DATA, self._data_buf)
self.t_fine = None
from machine import SoftI2C, Pin
import BME280
# Initialize the I2C bus and BME280 sensor
i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21))
bme_sensor = BME280.BME280(i2c)
# Read sensor data
# Print temperature, pressure, and humidity
print(f"{bme_sensor.temperature} °C")
print(f"{bme_sensor.pressure/100} hPa")
print(f"{bme_sensor.humidity} %RH")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
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Avaray commented May 7, 2024

I recommend ESP32 MPY-Jama as an IDE for your projects.

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