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  • Save AveYo/f2add193abfb2ddc5963e11273df083b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AveYo/f2add193abfb2ddc5963e11273df083b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Classic-Shell or Open-Shell StartMenu optimized settings.xml

Does this still work under Windows 11?
Yes, it does!
Tho it won't alleviate the horrible taskbar changes
So I propose using RetroBar: & my RetroBar dark theme: ShittyDark v2 Both can coexist and work great in this proposed setup

windows 11 preview - with RetroBar

OpenShell setup and import settings

OpenShell OpenShell import xml

RetroBar settings


* text=auto
* eol=crlf
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Optimized Open-Shell StartMenu Settings by AveYo v2022.01.30
import via Programs - Open-Shell - Open-Shell Menu Settings - Backup - Load from XML file..
links: or
Windows 11 preview: Older config:
Does this still work under Windows 11?
Yes, it does!
- but won't alleviate the horrible taskbar changes
For the taskbar, I propose using RetroBar -
if you need a dark theme for it try ShittyDark v2 -
Both can coexist and work great in this proposed setup
One column layout with custom menu:
-Frequent item 1-
- - - - - - - - -
-Frequent item 12-
[Files]= This PC + Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Videos, Music, Downloads
[Settings]= PC Settings + Reload Explorer, Enable Defender - Disable, Updates - Stop, Add/remove, Network connections, Control Panel
[Shut Down..]
-Search bar-
LeftClick=Open-Shell Start, Shift+LeftClick or MidClick=Windows Start, RightClick=Win+X menu, Shift+RightClick=Open-Shell menu
Smoked Glass 0%, Taskbar transparency 50%
Advanced settings adjusted for speed
Changed Enable Defender - Disable to work regardless of Tamper Protection
<Settings component="StartMenu" version="4.4.169">
<MenuStyle value="Classic1"/>
<MiddleClick value="WindowsMenu"/>
<ShiftRight value="1"/>
<Documents value="Hide"/>
<UserFiles value="Hide"/>
<ControlPanelCategories value="1"/>
<Search value="0"/>
<Help value="0"/>
<Run value="0"/>
<MaxRecentPrograms value="12"/>
<RecentProgKeys value="HiddenDigits"/>
<StartScreenShortcut value="0"/>
<CheckWinUpdates value="0"/>
<MenuDelay value="100"/>
<SplitMenuDelay value="100"/>
<ScrollType value="Auto"/>
<SameSizeColumns value="0"/>
<ShowNextToTaskbar value="1"/>
<SearchBox value="Normal"/>
<AlignToWorkArea value="1"/>
<MainMenuAnimation value="None"/>
<SubMenuAnimation value="None"/>
<MainMenuScrollSpeed value="1"/>
<SubMenuScrollSpeed value="1"/>
<EnableGlass value="0"/>
<SkinC1 value="Smoked Glass"/>
<SkinVariationC1 value=""/>
<EnableStartButton value="1"/>
<StartButtonType value="AeroButton"/>
<StartButtonIcon value="%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll, 35"/>
<StartButtonText value=""/>
<CustomTaskbar value="1"/>
<TaskbarLook value="Transparent"/>
<TaskbarOpacity value="50"/>
<SkipMetro value="1"/>
<OpenMouseMonitor value="1"/>
<Line>AppsMenu.Icon=twinui.dll, 9604</Line>
<Line>ProgramsMenu.Icon=twinui.dll, 11414</Line>
<Line>CustomItem.Command=explorer.exe shell:::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}</Line>
<Line>CustomItem.Icon=twinui.dll, 9608</Line>
<Line>CustomItem3.Link=Main Desktop | ::{Desktop}</Line>
<Line>CustomItem6.Link=Videos | %USERPROFILE%\Videos</Line>
<Line>CustomItem7.Link=Music | %USERPROFILE%\Music</Line>
<Line>CustomItem2.Link=Downloads | %USERPROFILE%\Downloads</Line>
<Line>SettingsMenu.Icon=twinui.dll, 10203</Line>
<Line>CustomItem4.Command=cmd /c "taskkill /im explorer.exe /f &amp; taskkill /im sihost.exe"</Line>
<Line>CustomItem4.Label=Reload Explorer</Line>
<Line>CustomItem4.Icon=imageres.dll, 5346</Line>
<Line>CustomItem5.Command=powershell -win 1 -nop -c start -win 1 -verb runas powershell -args \"-nop -c &amp; {`n`n'Enable Defender';`n`n`$ts=New-Object -ComObject 'Schedule.Service'; `$ts.Connect(); `$act=New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute powershell -Argument '-nop -c `$p1=''HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender''; `$p2=''HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender''; ni `$p1; ni `$p2; rp `$p1 DisableAntiSpyware -Force; rp `$p2 DisableAntiSpyware -Force; sc.exe config windefend depend= RpcSs; kill -Name MpCmdRun -Force; start (`$env:ProgramFiles+''\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe'') -Arg ''-EnableService'''; `$Ave=Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName '~ti' -Action `$act -User 'NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller' -Force; `$f=`$ts.GetFolder('\'); `$t=`$f.GetTask('~ti'); `$t.Stop(0); `$Yo=`$t.RunEx(`$null,2,0,`$null);`$f.DeleteTask('~ti',0)}\"</Line>
<Line>CustomItem5.Label=Enable Defender</Line>
<Line>CustomItem5.Icon=%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Windows Defender\EppManifest.dll, 114</Line>
<Line>CustomItem10.Command=powershell -win 1 -nop -c start -win 1 -verb runas powershell -args \"-nop -c &amp; {`n`n'Disable Defender';`n`n`$ts=New-Object -ComObject 'Schedule.Service'; `$ts.Connect(); `$act=New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute powershell -Argument '-win 1 -nop -c `$p1=''HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender'';`$p2=''HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender'';ni `$p1; ni `$p2; sp `$p1 DisableAntiSpyware 1 -Type Dword -Force; sp `$p2 DisableAntiSpyware 1 -Type Dword -Force; kill -Name MpCmdRun -Force -ea 0; start (`$env:ProgramFiles+''\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe'') -Arg ''-DisableService''; sc.exe config windefend depend= RpcSs-TOGGLE;'; `$Ave=Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName '~ti' -Action `$act -User 'NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller' -Force; `$f=`$ts.GetFolder('\'); `$t=`$f.GetTask('~ti'); `$t.Stop(0); `$Yo=`$t.RunEx(`$null,2,0,`$null);`$f.DeleteTask('~ti',0)}\"</Line>
<Line>CustomItem10.Icon=%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Windows Defender\EppManifest.dll, 115</Line>
<Line>CustomItem8.Label=Windows Update</Line>
<Line>CustomItem8.Icon=imageres.dll, 1401</Line>
<Line>CustomItem13.Command=powershell -win 1 -nop -c start -win 1 -verb runas cmd -args \"/q`n`nStop Updates - once`n`n /d /x /k taskkill /im wuauclt.exe /im sihclient.exe /im usoclient.exe /im SetupHost.exe /im EOSNotify.exe /im MusNotification.exe /im MusNotifyIcon.exe /im Windows10UpgraderApp.exe /im Windows10Upgrade.exe /im WindowsUpdateBox.exe /im DFDWiz.exe /im WmiPrvSE.exe /im TiWorker.exe /im SystemSettings.exe /im WinStore.App.exe /t /f &amp;(for /f tokens^=^3 %W in ('sc queryex wuauserv ^| findstr PID') do if not %W.==0. taskkill /pid %W /t /f) &amp;net stop TrustedInstaller &amp;net stop wuauserv &amp;net stop bits &amp;net stop msiserver &amp;net stop cryptSvc &amp;rd /s/q %Windir%\system32\catroot2 &amp;rd /s/q %Windir%\SoftwareDistribution\"</Line>
<Line>CustomItem13.Icon=netcenter.dll, 28</Line>
<Line>PCSettingsItem.Label=Apps and features</Line>
<Line>PCSettingsItem.Icon=ieframe.dll, 31073</Line>
<Line>ProgramsFeaturesItem.Icon=imageres.dll, 5352</Line>
<Line>UndockItem.Icon=twinui.dll, 9606</Line>
<Line>DisconnectItem.Icon=twinui.dll, 9602</Line>
<Line>ShutdownBoxItem.Icon=twinui.dll, 9611</Line>
<CascadingMenu value="1"/>
<EnableExit value="0"/>
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
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BTW the preview url int he source is borked

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AveYo commented Aug 23, 2021

@jeremymeyers fixed, along with better compatibility with the shitty Windows 11 ;)

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SonnyMD commented Aug 28, 2021

Looks great!

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AveYo commented Sep 8, 2021

@SonnyMD thanks!
Updated for Windows 11

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AnsgarTOdinson commented Sep 22, 2021

This is awesome! Is there any way to add our own custom start buttons? Not a big deal if its not.

Lastly, I bought the program but it doesnt seem there is anywhere to enter my key. I dont want to lose this awesome program.

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AveYo commented Oct 2, 2021

you can configure a custom start button in Programs - Open Shell - Open Shell Menu Settings (if you use my combo configuration)
Open Shell is obviously free to use, and StartIsBack is currently in beta for windows 11, and can be used without buying until November (once released, you are gonna be able to input a key)

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AveYo commented Jan 30, 2022


  • paired with RetroBar
  • custom command Defender Enable / Disable regardless of tamper protection

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Hey OP @AveYo great stuff!📌🧾

I like ya gisting ya winthings 👍🏻 to get snaps into .md 👍🏻
❓ are you saving files locally and committing?
I can paste here in a comment, but not new in md (from clipboard, on windows 11)

I have some gists but the UI here on gist.github won't let me paste images into an .md in edge...
I haven't picked giphy over screencast (probably have more accounts with more providers than I know) ...

Total noob q! I see the images in your content are on camo.gisthub... TlDr what's your techstack , for gitting and gisting?!
(and others if ya wanna share! comms and IDEs DAWs and more?)

Currently i have sticky notes! and wordpads still! as it let me paste from desktop to web (maybe to new message on forum) and retained content formatting and layout when pasting from desktop >> web
and gists, and dozens more in ms and google and samsung, and others I've forgotten!

Thanks for sharing your config!

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