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Last active February 15, 2016 13:05
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  • Save AviDuda/3ace9db989975fc6f4ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AviDuda/3ace9db989975fc6f4ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Promoter userscript
// ==UserScript==
// @name Promoter press requests
// @namespace
// @version 1.0
// @description Makes the Promoter press request page better.
// @author Tomáš Duda
// @match https://*
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint -W097 */
'use strict';
// CSS fixes
GM_addStyle('.timeline_box { clear: both; }');
$('.box.actions').prepend($('<a id="wipe-youtubers" class="action" href="#">Wipe small YouTubers</a> <a id="get-twitch-data" class="action" href="#">Get Twitch data</a>'));
$('#wipe-youtubers').click(function(e) {
var ytCount = parseInt(prompt("Minimum number of subscribers to keep", 2000));
$('.entry_row').each(function(i, entry) {
var followerCount = $(entry).find('.follower_count').text();
if (! isNaN(parseInt(followerCount))) {
var over1k = followerCount.match(/(.*) K/);
if (over1k) {
followerCount = over1k[1] * 1000;
if (parseInt(followerCount) == followerCount && followerCount < ytCount) {
window.twitchChannelEntries = [];
window.twitchChannels = {};
$('#get-twitch-data').click(function(e) {
GM_setValue('twitchChannels', '{}');
$('.entry_row').each(function(i, entry) {
var link = $(entry).find('a:nth-child(3)').attr('href');
var twitchAccount = link.match(/twitch\.tv\/(\w+)/);
if (twitchAccount !== null) {
twitchAccount = twitchAccount[1];
var requests = [];
for (var i = 0; i < twitchChannelEntries.length; i++) {
var request = $.ajax({
url: '' + twitchChannelEntries[i],
method: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
headers: { 'Client-ID': 'PromoterSCS' }
request.done(function(data) {
var username =;
twitchChannels[username] = {
followers: data.followers,
views: data.views
var updateGMChannels = function() {
GM_setValue('twitchChannels', JSON.stringify(twitchChannels));
console.log('Twitch data updated.');
$.when.apply($, requests).then(updateGMChannels, updateGMChannels);
var twitchChannelsGM = GM_getValue('twitchChannels', '{}');
twitchChannels = JSON.parse(twitchChannelsGM);
$('.entry_row').each(function(i, entry) {
// add a data attribute for all YouTubers
var youtubePlay = $(entry).find('.fa-youtube-play');
if (youtubePlay.length > 0) {
var youtubeChannel = $(entry).find('')
$(entry).attr('data-youtube', $(youtubePlay).parent().attr('href').replace(/.*channel\//, ''));
// add Twitch counter and data attribute
var link = $(entry).find('a:nth-child(3)').attr('href');
var twitchAccount = link.match(/twitch\.tv\/(\w+)/);
if (twitchAccount !== null) {
twitchAccount = twitchAccount[1];
if (twitchChannels[twitchAccount]) {
$(entry).find('.reserved_code').prepend('<a class="twitter" href="' + twitchAccount + '" target="_blank">Twitch: ' + twitchChannels[twitchAccount].followers + ' followers, ' + twitchChannels[twitchAccount].views + ' views</a>');
$(entry).attr('data-twitch', twitchAccount);
// filters
$('.box.actions').append('<br><br><select id="press-requests-filter"><option value="all" selected="selected">show all</option><option value="youtube">show YouTubers</option><option value="twitch">show Twitch streamers</option></select>');
$('#press-requests-filter').change(function() {
var filter = $(this).val();
if (filter == 'all') {
else {
$('.entry_row[data-' + filter + ']').show();
$('.entry_row:not([data-' + filter + '])').hide();
$('.timeline_box').not(function() {
return $(this).find('.entry_row:visible').length > 0;
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