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Created April 14, 2021 00:58
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Save AviSoori1x/ade0e71b250abbf2b1f3a2e357bd798b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. file for the streamlit app
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from swat import CAS, options
import json
import altair as alt
import SessionState
import requests
import io
#declare a session state variable using the SessionState file from the gist.
#This will be used to store the CAS connection object
state = SessionState.get(swat_sess=None,samplepd=None,scored=None)
#Define a function to convert a dictionary to a pandas dataframe, while preserving variable type.
#This is important
def dicttopd(datadictionary):
for key in datadictionary:
datadictionary[key] = [datadictionary[key]]
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(datadictionary)
#The scoring function for hmeq with the streamlit cache decorator. This may speed things up if you keep
#scoring the same data again and again. Streamlit just caches the result.
def score(samplepd):
s.upload(samplepd,casout={'name' : 'realtime', 'caslib' : 'public','replace' : True})
s.aStore.score(rstore = {"caslib":"public","name":"hmeqTestAstore"},
table = {"caslib":'public',"name":'realtime'},
out = {"caslib":'public',"name":'realscore', 'replace':True})
scoredData = s.CASTable(name='realscore',caslib='public')
datasetDict = scoredData.to_dict()
scores = pd.DataFrame(datasetDict, index=[0])
return scores
#Similarly define the function to get the model explanations.
def explainML(samplepd, explainType):
s.upload(samplepd,casout={'name' : 'realtime', 'caslib' : 'public','replace' : True})
shapvals = s.linearExplainer(
table = {"name" : 'hmeqTest','caslib':'public'},
query = {"name" : 'realtime','caslib':'public'},
modelTable = {"name" :"hmeqTestAstore",'caslib':'public'},
modelTableType = "ASTORE",
predictedTarget = 'P_BAD1',
seed = 1234,
preset = explainType,
nominals = ['REASON', 'JOB','BAD']
shap1 = shapvals['ParameterEstimates']
shap = shap1[['Variable','Estimate']][0:10]
labels = list(shap['Variable'])
data = list(shap['Estimate'])
target = 'BAD'
labels_n = []
data_n = []
i = 0
for i in range(len(labels)):
if labels[i] != target:
return labels_n, data_n
#Open the SAS Viya logo image
urlSAS = ''
responseSAS = requests.get(urlSAS)
image_bytes_SAS = io.BytesIO(responseSAS.content)
imageSAS =
# Explainable Machine Learning
#Enter the valid parameters as it relates to the user's SAS Viya environment (3.5 with VDMML 8.5)
host= st.sidebar.text_input('Please Enter host name')
port= st.sidebar.text_input('Please Enter port')
username= st.sidebar.text_input('Please Enter Username')
password= st.sidebar.text_input('Please Enter Password',type="password")
#Establish connection to CAS
def logon(username, password):
s = CAS(hostname=host, port=port, protocol='cas',
username=username, password=password)
return s
s = None
if st.sidebar.button('Login'):
s = logon(username, password)
#Persist the connection object in the session state
state.swat_sess= s
st.sidebar.write('Please Enter a valid user name and password')
#Enter a header. Display a header and the image from the link.
demo_title = st.sidebar.text_input('Please Enter Demo Title')
heading = """
# {}
urlBrain = ''
responseBrain = requests.get(urlBrain)
image_bytes_Brain = io.BytesIO(responseBrain.content)
imageBrain =
st.write(' ')
st.write('Please choose variable inputs: ')
#Input widget functions for HMEQ
def user_input_features():
LOAN = st.slider('Loan Amount', 1000, 90000, 20000)
MORTDUE = st.slider('Mortgage Due', 2000, 400000, 10000)
VALUE = st.slider('Value of Property', 6000, 860000, 75000)
YOJ = st.slider('Years on the Job', 0, 45, 20)
DEROG = st.slider('Number of derogatory remarks', 0, 10, 4)
DELINQ = st.slider('Number of delinquencies', 0, 16, 8)
CLAGE = st.slider('Age of credit line in months', 0, 240, 12)
NINQ = st.slider('Number of inquiries', 0, 20, 10)
CLNO = st.slider('Number of credit lines', 0, 75, 35)
DEBTINC = st.slider('Debt to Income ratio', 0.5, 205.0, 80.0)
JOB = st.selectbox('Job/Occupation',
('Mgr', 'Office', 'Other', 'ProfExe', 'Sales', 'Self'))
REASON = st.selectbox('Reason',
('DebtCon', 'HomeImp'))
data = {'LOAN': LOAN,
features = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0])
return features
samplepd = user_input_features()
#Add the record to be scored to the sessionstate
state.samplepd = samplepd
st.write('Please verify that the input data is correct: ')
#Print the record to be scored to the session states
s = state.swat_sess
st.write('Please log in to the SAS Viya to use this application')
#The scoring function for hmeq
if st.button('Score'):
#Call the score function to get the score
scores = score(samplepd)
st.write('The predicted outcome is: ')
#This is where the session state is useful. Pick up the saved samplepd from session state
#and assign it to a variable
samplepd = state.samplepd
#add the prediction tothe samplepd and save it in session state
samplepd['BAD'] = int(scores['I_BAD'][0].strip(" "))
#Save this back to session state for the machine learning explainability function
state.scored = samplepd
st.write('The predicted value for target {} is: {}, and the contributions of the variables \
are as follows:'.format('BAD',samplepd['BAD'][0]))
st.write("Are you sure you're signed into the SAS server?")
#Get the use to enter the type of local interpretability they wish to see
explainType = st.selectbox('Local Interpretability Method',
#ML explainability function for HMEQ
if st.button('Explain my prediction'):
#get the scored result + observation pd from the session state (saved to session state when
#the score button is clicked)
samplepd = state.scored
#Re display result for clarity and context
st.write('The predicted value for target {} is: {}, and the contributions of the \
variables are as follows:'.format('BAD',samplepd['BAD'][0]))
#Call explainML function, display and plot the explainability values using altair, as a barchart
labels, data = explainML(samplepd, explainType)
source = pd.DataFrame({
'Predictors': labels,
'Estimated Impact': data
c = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar().encode(
y='Estimated Impact',
color=alt.Color('Predictors'), tooltip=['Predictors', 'Estimated Impact']
st.altair_chart(c, use_container_width=True)
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