Save Avinashachu007/58450a38a3a77d7c9923a55023f470f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/target/ | |
!.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar | |
### STS ### | |
.apt_generated | |
.classpath | |
.factorypath | |
.project | |
.settings | |
.springBeans | |
.sts4-cache | |
# Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/git,java,maven,eclipse,windows | |
### Eclipse ### | |
.metadata | |
bin/ | |
tmp/ | |
*.tmp | |
*.bak | |
*.swp | |
*~.nib | |
local.properties | |
.settings/ | |
.loadpath | |
.recommenders | |
# External tool builders | |
.externalToolBuilders/ | |
# Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations" | |
*.launch | |
# PyDev specific (Python IDE for Eclipse) | |
*.pydevproject | |
# CDT-specific (C/C++ Development Tooling) | |
.cproject | |
# CDT- autotools | |
.autotools | |
# Java annotation processor (APT) | |
.factorypath | |
# PDT-specific (PHP Development Tools) | |
.buildpath | |
# sbteclipse plugin | |
.target | |
# Tern plugin | |
.tern-project | |
# TeXlipse plugin | |
.texlipse | |
# STS (Spring Tool Suite) | |
.springBeans | |
# Code Recommenders | |
.recommenders/ | |
# Annotation Processing | |
.apt_generated/ | |
# Scala IDE specific (Scala & Java development for Eclipse) | |
.cache-main | |
.scala_dependencies | |
.worksheet | |
### Eclipse Patch ### | |
# Eclipse Core | |
.project | |
# JDT-specific (Eclipse Java Development Tools) | |
.classpath | |
# Annotation Processing | |
.apt_generated | |
.sts4-cache/ | |
### Git ### | |
# Created by git for backups. To disable backups in Git: | |
# $ git config --global mergetool.keepBackup false | |
*.orig | |
# Created by git when using merge tools for conflicts | |
*.BACKUP.* | |
*.BASE.* | |
*.LOCAL.* | |
*.REMOTE.* | |
*_BACKUP_*.txt | |
*_BASE_*.txt | |
*_LOCAL_*.txt | |
*_REMOTE_*.txt | |
### Java ### | |
# Compiled class file | |
*.class | |
# Log file | |
*.log | |
# BlueJ files | |
*.ctxt | |
# Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME) | |
.mtj.tmp/ | |
# Package Files # | |
*.jar | |
*.war | |
*.nar | |
*.ear | |
*.zip | |
*.tar.gz | |
*.rar | |
# virtual machine crash logs, see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_hotspot.xml | |
hs_err_pid* | |
### Maven ### | |
target/ | |
pom.xml.tag | |
pom.xml.releaseBackup | |
pom.xml.versionsBackup | |
pom.xml.next | |
release.properties | |
dependency-reduced-pom.xml | |
buildNumber.properties | |
.mvn/timing.properties | |
.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar | |
### Windows ### | |
# Windows thumbnail cache files | |
Thumbs.db | |
ehthumbs.db | |
ehthumbs_vista.db | |
# Dump file | |
*.stackdump | |
# Folder config file | |
[Dd]esktop.ini | |
# Recycle Bin used on file shares | |
# Windows Installer files | |
*.cab | |
*.msi | |
*.msix | |
*.msm | |
*.msp | |
# Windows shortcuts | |
*.lnk | |
# End of https://www.gitignore.io/api/git,java,maven,eclipse,windows |
That's what I am searching for.
.mvn/wrapper/MavenWrapperDownloader.java do this file is needed in the version control? can we ignore the whole .mvn directory?
.mvn/wrapper/MavenWrapperDownloader.java do this file is needed in the version control? can we ignore the whole .mvn directory?
Yes you can ignore entire .mvn directory
what about application.prpoerties
what about application.prpoerties
Since most of the spring boot project will not run without application.properties, We cannot .gitignore the properties files.
what about application.prpoerties
Since most of the spring boot project will not run without application.properties, We cannot .gitignore the properties files.
Application secrets cannot be pushed to the git repository... it is better to use a template instead
what about intllJ Idea files?
what about intllJ Idea files?
.idea/ *.iml
We should keep intellij related files in .gitignore
### IntelliJ IDEA ###