- 20230724 - create payment link for Wechat payment and Alipay
- 20230714 - release Founder plan as $999
- 20230713 - add Founder plan
- 20230814 - add new endpoint for headers
- 20230814 - add overal guide (en and cn)
- 20230813 - add new endpoint for flags
- 20230813 - add cn & en version of ca_ee_cec
- 20230813 - add flags to homepage table
- 20230812 - add cn version of ca_ee_fsw
- 20230811 - add data type to each line in ca_ee_fsw
- 20230810 - adjust data structure of API according to Ryan's suggestions
- 20230809 - deploy visa data API
- 20230807 - build data API
- 20230722 - update Homepage Table
- 20230720 - start preparing Homepage Table
- 20230717 - prepare frontpage table
- 20230715 - prepare product requirement for AwesomeVisa Checklist
- 20230724 - update counts and flags on main page
- 20230722 - update PR list and skilled visa info
- 20230720 - update details of Ireland and Netherlands
- 20230719 - update details of Japan
- 20230718 - update details of Germany
- 20230717 - update skilled visa and PR page
- 20230712 - Create Immigration Checklist
- 20230808 - publish Exodus 3.6 适合程序员的工签简介
- 20230801 - publish Exodus 3.5 - 如何利用银行国际转账
- 20230727 - prepare Exodus 3.6
- 20230722 - publish Exodus 3.4 - 如何在移民浪潮中脱颖而出?
- 20230720 - publish Exodus 2.24 - UAE Golden Visa Application Guide
- 20230717 - prepare Exodus 3.5
- 20230715 - publish Exodus 3.3 找个跳板先出去
- 20230706 - publish Exodus 3.2 - 成功移民的人,有哪些不可或缺的特质?
- 20230701 - publish Exodus 3.1 - 是时候给 WHV 泼冷水了