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Created July 11, 2018 13:48
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Basic Python script to reverse a beatmap
import sys
import os.path
from multiprocessing import Pool
def wline(file_, text=""):
file_.write("%s\n" % text)
def _read_till_next_tag(file_, tag="", ignore_empty=True):
lines = []
for line in file_:
# check if the line matches
if line.strip() == tag:
# skip empty lines
if line.strip() or not ignore_empty:
return lines
def _reverse_spinners(hitobjects):
for i in range(len(hitobjects)):
if int(hitobjects[i][3]) == 12:
hitobjects[i][5] = str(int(hitobjects[i][5]) - int(hitobjects[-1 -i][2]) + int(hitobjects[i][2]))
def _reverse_and_switch_field(pairs, field):
for i in range(len(pairs) // 2):
pairs[i][field], pairs[-1 - i][field] = pairs[-1 - i][field], pairs[i][field]
def _reverse_slidershapes(hitobjects):
for i in range(len(hitobjects)):
elem = hitobjects[i]
# Check whether object is a slider
if int(elem[3]) & 2:
# Reverse the points
elem[5] = elem[5].split('|')
points = elem[5][1:]
elem[5] = [elem[5][0]] + points
# join the strings
elem[5] = join_list_elems([elem[5]], "|")[0]
hitobjects[i] = elem
def copy_until(from_, to, until):
for line in _read_till_next_tag(from_, until, False):
wline(to, until)
def join_list_elems(list_, sep=","):
return [sep.join(elem) for elem in list_]
def reverse(bmap):
# File where the reversed map will be written to
reverse_file = bmap[:-4] + ' - reverse.osu'
with open(bmap, 'r', encoding="utf8") as mfile, open(reverse_file, 'w', encoding="utf8") as rfile:
# Copy the lines until we hit the timingpoints tag
copy_until(mfile, rfile, "[TimingPoints]")
# Read and reverse timingpoints
timingpoints = _read_till_next_tag(mfile, "[Colours]")
timingpoints = [t.split(',', 1) for t in timingpoints]
_reverse_and_switch_field(timingpoints, 0)
# Write timingpoints
for t in join_list_elems(timingpoints):
# Write the colours tag into the file
wline(rfile, "[Colours]")
# Copy the colours
copy_until(mfile, rfile, "[HitObjects]")
# Read and reverse hitobjects
hitobjects = _read_till_next_tag(mfile)
hitobjects = [h.split(',') for h in hitobjects]
_reverse_and_switch_field(hitobjects, 2)
# Reverse the slider shapes
hitobjects = join_list_elems(hitobjects)
# Write the hitobjects
for h in hitobjects:
if __name__ == '__main__':
maps = sys.argv[1:]
p = Pool(len(maps)), maps)
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