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Last active December 11, 2019 19:31
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class Main {
private static function main():Void {
trace(-1 > (5: UInt));
abstract UInt(Int) from Int to Int {
@:op(A + B) private static inline function add(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt {
return a.toInt() + b.toInt();
@:op(A / B) private static inline function div(a:UInt, b:UInt):Float {
return a.toFloat() / b.toFloat();
@:op(A * B) private static inline function mul(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt {
return a.toInt() * b.toInt();
@:op(A - B) private static inline function sub(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt {
return a.toInt() - b.toInt();
@:op(A > B)
private static #if !js inline #end function gtInt(a:Int, b:UInt):Bool {
return b < 2147483647 && a > b.toInt();
@:op(A < B)
private static #if !js inline #end function ltInt(a:Int, b:UInt):Bool {
return b > 2147483647 || a < b.toInt();
@:op(A > B)
private static #if !js inline #end function gt(a:UInt, b:UInt):Bool {
var aNeg = a.toInt() < 0;
var bNeg = b.toInt() < 0;
return if (aNeg != bNeg) aNeg; else a.toInt() > b.toInt();
@:op(A >= B)
private static #if !js inline #end function gte(a:UInt, b:UInt):Bool {
var aNeg = a.toInt() < 0;
var bNeg = b.toInt() < 0;
return if (aNeg != bNeg) aNeg; else a.toInt() >= b.toInt();
@:op(A < B) private static inline function lt(a:UInt, b:UInt):Bool {
return gt(b, a);
@:op(A <= B) private static inline function lte(a:UInt, b:UInt):Bool {
return gte(b, a);
@:op(A & B) private static inline function and(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt {
return a.toInt() & b.toInt();
@:op(A | B) private static inline function or(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt {
return a.toInt() | b.toInt();
@:op(A ^ B) private static inline function xor(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt {
return a.toInt() ^ b.toInt();
@:op(A << B) private static inline function shl(a:UInt, b:Int):UInt {
return a.toInt() << b;
@:op(A >> B) private static inline function shr(a:UInt, b:Int):UInt {
return a.toInt() >>> b;
@:op(A >>> B) private static inline function ushr(a:UInt, b:Int):UInt {
return a.toInt() >>> b;
@:op(A % B) private static inline function mod(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt {
return % b.toFloat());
@:commutative @:op(A + B) private static inline function addWithFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Float {
return a.toFloat() + b;
@:commutative @:op(A * B) private static inline function mulWithFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Float {
return a.toFloat() * b;
@:op(A / B) private static inline function divFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Float {
return a.toFloat() / b;
@:op(A / B) private static inline function floatDiv(a:Float, b:UInt):Float {
return a / b.toFloat();
@:op(A - B) private static inline function subFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Float {
return a.toFloat() - b;
@:op(A - B) private static inline function floatSub(a:Float, b:UInt):Float {
return a - b.toFloat();
@:op(A > B) private static inline function gtFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Bool {
return a.toFloat() > b;
@:commutative @:op(A == B) private static inline function equalsInt<T:Int>(a:UInt, b:T):Bool {
return a.toInt() == b;
@:commutative @:op(A != B) private static inline function notEqualsInt<T:Int>(a:UInt, b:T):Bool {
return a.toInt() != b;
@:commutative @:op(A == B) private static inline function equalsFloat<T:Float>(a:UInt, b:T):Bool {
return a.toFloat() == b;
@:commutative @:op(A != B) private static inline function notEqualsFloat<T:Float>(a:UInt, b:T):Bool {
return a.toFloat() != b;
@:op(A >= B) private static inline function gteFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Bool {
return a.toFloat() >= b;
@:op(A > B) private static inline function floatGt(a:Float, b:UInt):Bool {
return a > b.toFloat();
@:op(A >= B) private static inline function floatGte(a:Float, b:UInt):Bool {
return a >= b.toFloat();
@:op(A < B) private static inline function ltFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Bool {
return a.toFloat() < b;
@:op(A <= B) private static inline function lteFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Bool {
return a.toFloat() <= b;
@:op(A < B) private static inline function floatLt(a:Float, b:UInt):Bool {
return a < b.toFloat();
@:op(A <= B) private static inline function floatLte(a:Float, b:UInt):Bool {
return a <= b.toFloat();
@:op(A % B) private static inline function modFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Float {
return a.toFloat() % b;
@:op(A % B) private static inline function floatMod(a:Float, b:UInt):Float {
return a % b.toFloat();
@:op(~A) private inline function negBits():UInt {
return ~this;
@:op(++A) private inline function prefixIncrement():UInt {
return ++this;
@:op(A++) private inline function postfixIncrement():UInt {
return this++;
@:op(--A) private inline function prefixDecrement():UInt {
return --this;
@:op(A--) private inline function postfixDecrement():UInt {
return this--;
// TODO: radix is just defined to deal with doc_gen issues
private inline function toString(?radix:Int):String {
#if static
return Std.string(toFloat());
return Std.string(this == null ? null : toFloat());
private inline function toInt():Int {
return this;
@:to private #if (!js || analyzer) inline #end function toFloat():Float {
var int = toInt();
if (int < 0) {
return 4294967296.0 + int;
} else {
// + 0.0 here to make sure we promote to Float on some platforms
// In particular, PHP was having issues when comparing to Int in the == op.
return int + 0.0;
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