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Created November 28, 2022 02:57
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How to remap keys in the registry!

Creating the scancode map

Press Windows + R and type in regedit

Windows will ask for your admin permission, press yes and go to:

Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

Right click to create a new binary value: Scancode Map

Filling the scancode map

First line is filled with zeros, until the next line (16 zeros to be precise)

After that, 02 00 00 00 is the header, where 02 means "one remap"

As you have more and more remaps, you increase that number

I think it uses hex, so base 16 rather than base 10

You only need to change the first number, the 6 zeros after stay the same way

Now comes the actual remap

1C 00 3A 00 where 1C00 is enter and 3A00 is capslock => remapping capslock to enter

00 00 00 00 at the end of the map: there was a header, well this is the "bottomer"

Available key codes

Key name Hex key code
Esc 0100
1! 0200
2@ 0300
3# 0400
4$ 0500
5% 0600
6^ 0700
7& 0800
8* 0900
9( 0A00
0) 0B00
-_ 0C00
=+ 0D00
Backspace 0E00
Tab 0F00
q 1000
w 1100
e 1200
r 1300
t 1400
y 1500
u 1600
i 1700
o 1800
p 1900
[{ 1A00
]} 1B00
Enter 1C00
Ctrl 1D00
a 1E00
s 1F00
d 2000
f 2100
g 2200
h 2300
j 2400
k 2500
l 2600
;: 2700
'" 2800
`~ 2900
Left Shift 2A00
\| 2B00
z 2C00
x 2D00
c 2E00
v 2F00
b 3000
n 3100
m 3200
,< 3300
.> 3400
/? 3500
Right shift 3600
Printscreen 3700
Alt 3800
Space 3900
Capslock 3A00
F1 3B00
F2 3C00
F3 3D00
F4 3E00
F5 3F00
F6 4000
F7 4100
F8 4200
F9 4300
F10 4400
F11 57E0
F12 58E0
Numlock 4500
ScrollLock 4600
Home 4700
Up 4800
PgUp 3900
Left 4B00
Right 4D00
End 4F00
Down 5000
PgDn 5100
Insert 5200
Delete 5300

Additional information

If a remap doesn't work, try changing the 00 at the end to a E0 and try again

Don't forget to reboot your computer for the changes to start working!

site with keycodes I might've missed

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