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Created January 13, 2022 22:55
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Ranch User Guide WIP

Embedded mode


Embedded mode allows you to insert Ranch listeners directly in your supervision tree. This allows for greater fault tolerance control by permitting the shutdown of a listener due to the failure of another part of the application and vice versa.


To embed Ranch in your application you can simply add the child specs to your supervision tree. This can all be done in the init/1 function of one of your application supervisors.

Ranch requires at the minimum two kinds of child specs for embedding. First, you need to add ranch_sup to your supervision tree, only once, regardless of the number of listeners you will use. Then you need to add the child specs for each listener.

Ranch has a convenience function for getting the listeners child specs called ranch:child_spec/6, that works like ranch:start_listener/6, except that it doesn't start anything, it only returns child specs.

As for ranch_sup, the child spec is simple enough to not require a convenience function.

The following example adds both ranch_sup and one listener to another application's supervision tree.

init([]) ->
    RanchSupSpec = {ranch_sup, {ranch_sup, start_link, []},
        permanent, 5000, supervisor, [ranch_sup]},
    ListenerSpec = ranch:child_spec(echo, 100,
        ranch_tcp, [{port, 5555}],
        echo_protocol, []
    {ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 10}, [RanchSupSpec, ListenerSpec]}}.

Remember, you can add as many listener child specs as needed, but only one ranch_sup spec!

It is recommended that your architecture makes sure that all listeners are restarted if ranch_sup fails. See the Ranch internals chapter for more details on how Ranch does it.


This chapter may not apply to embedded Ranch as embedding allows you to use an architecture specific to your application, which may or may not be compatible with the description of the Ranch application.


Ranch is an OTP application.

Like all OTP applications, Ranch has a top supervisor. It is responsible for supervising the ranch_server process and all the listeners that will be started.

The ranch_server gen_server is the central process keeping track of the listeners, the acceptors and the connection processes. It does so through the use of a public ets table called ranch_server too. This allows some operations to be sequential by going through the gen_server, while others just query the ets table directly, ensuring there is no bottleneck for the most common operations.

Because the most common operation is keeping track of the number of connections currently being used for each listener, the ets table has write_concurrency enabled, allowing us to perform all these operations concurrently using ets:update_counter/3. To read the number of connections we simply increment the counter by 0, which allows us to stay in a write context and still receive the counter's value.

For increased fault tolerance, the owner of the ets table is ranch_sup and not ranch_server as you could expect. This way, if the ranch_server gen_server fails, it doesn't lose any information and the restarted process can continue as if nothing happened. Note that this usage is not recommended by OTP.

Listeners are grouped into the ranch_listener_sup supervisor and consist of three kinds of processes: the listener gen_server, the acceptor processes and the connection processes, both grouped under their own supervisor. All of these processes are registered to the ranch_server gen_server with varying amount of information.

All socket operations, including listening for connections, go through transport handlers. Accepted connections are given to the protocol handler. Transport handlers are simple callback modules for performing operations on sockets. Protocol handlers start a new process, which receives socket ownership, with no requirements on how the code should be written inside that new process.

Efficiency considerations

Note that for everything related to efficiency and performance, you should perform the benchmarks yourself to get the numbers that matter to you. Generic benchmarks found on the web may or may not be of use to you, you can never know until you benchmark your own system.

The second argument to ranch:start_listener/6 is the number of processes that will be accepting connections. Care should be taken when choosing this number.

First of all, it should not be confused with the maximum number of connections. Acceptor processes are only used for accepting and have nothing else in common with connection processes. Therefore there is nothing to be gained from setting this number too high, in fact it can slow everything else down.

Second, this number should be high enough to allow Ranch to accept connections concurrently. But the number of cores available doesn't seem to be the only factor for choosing this number, as we can observe faster accepts if we have more acceptors than cores. It might be entirely dependent on the protocol, however.

Our observations suggest that using 100 acceptors on modern hardware is a good solution, as it's big enough to always have acceptors ready and it's low enough that it doesn't have a negative impact on the system's performances.



Ranch is a socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.

Ranch aims to provide everything you need to accept TCP connections with a small code base and low latency while being easy to use directly as an application or to embed into your own.


It is assumed the developer already knows Erlang and has some experience with socket programming and TCP protocols.

In order to run the examples available in this user guide, you will need Erlang and rebar installed and in your $PATH.

Please see the rebar repository for downloading and building instructions. Please look up the environment variables documentation of your system for details on how to update the $PATH information.



A listener is a set of processes whose role is to listen on a port for new connections. It manages a pool of acceptor processes, each of them indefinitely accepting connections. When it does, it starts a new process executing the protocol handler code. All the socket programming is abstracted through the user of transport handlers.

The listener takes care of supervising all the acceptor and connection processes, allowing developers to focus on building their application.

Starting and stopping

Ranch does nothing by default. It is up to the application developer to request that Ranch listens for connections.

A listener can be started and stopped at will.

When starting a listener, a number of different settings are required:

  • A name to identify it locally and be able to interact with it.
  • The number of acceptors in the pool.
  • A transport handler and its associated options.
  • A protocol handler and its associated options.

Ranch includes both TCP and SSL transport handlers, respectively ranch_tcp and ranch_ssl.

A listener can be started by calling the ranch:start_listener/6 function. Before doing so however, you must ensure that the ranch application is started.

To start the ranch application:

ok = application:start(ranch).

You are then ready to start a listener. Let's call it tcp_echo. It will have a pool of 100 acceptors, use a TCP transport and forward connections to the echo_protocol handler.

{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(tcp_echo, 100,
    ranch_tcp, [{port, 5555}],
    echo_protocol, []

You can try this out by compiling and running the tcp_echo example in the examples directory. To do so, open a shell in the examples/tcp_echo/ directory and run the following commands:

% rebar get-deps compile
% ./
Listening on port 5555

You can then connect to it using telnet and see the echo server reply everything you send to it. Then when you're done testing, you can use the Ctrl+] key to escape to the telnet command line and type quit to exit.

% telnet localhost 5555
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
It works!
It works!

telnet> quit
Connection closed.

Listening on a random port

You do not have to specify a specific port to listen on. If you give the port number 0, or if you omit the port number entirely, Ranch will start listening on a random port.

You can retrieve this port number by calling ranch:get_port/1. The argument is the name of the listener you gave in ranch:start_listener/6.

{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(tcp_echo, 100,
    ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}],
    echo_protocol, []
Port = ranch:get_port(tcp_echo).

Listening on a port =< 1024

This is currently not possible. We recommend the use of load balancing or NAT firewall rules if the need arise. Proxies can sometimes also be used although that's a less efficient solution.

Limiting the number of concurrent connections

The max_connections transport option allows you to limit the number of concurrent connections. It defaults to 1024. Its purpose is to prevent your system from being overloaded and ensuring all the connections are handled optimally.

{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(tcp_echo, 100,
    ranch_tcp, [{port, 5555}, {max_connections, 100}],
    echo_protocol, []

You can disable this limit by setting its value to the atom infinity.

{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(tcp_echo, 100,
    ranch_tcp, [{port, 5555}, {max_connections, infinity}],
    echo_protocol, []

You may not always want connections to be counted when checking for max_connections. For example you might have a protocol where both short-lived and long-lived connections are possible. If the long-lived connections are mostly waiting for messages, then they don't consume much resources and can safely be removed from the count.

To remove the connection from the count, you must call the ranch_listener:remove_connection/1 from within the connection process, with the listener pid as the only argument.


As seen in the chapter covering protocols, this pid is received as the first argument of the protocol's start_link/4 callback.


Ranch allows you to upgrade the protocol options. This takes effect immediately and for all subsequent connections.

To upgrade the protocol options, call ranch:set_protocol_options/2 with the name of the listener as first argument and the new options as the second.

ranch:set_protocol_options(tcp_echo, NewOpts).

All future connections will use the new options.

You can also retrieve the current options similarly by calling ranch:get_protocol_options/1.

Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(tcp_echo).



A protocol handler starts a connection process and defines the protocol logic executed in this process.

Writing a protocol handler

All protocol handlers must implement the ranch_protocol behavior which defines a single callback, start_link/4. This callback is responsible for spawning a new process for handling the connection. It receives four arguments: the listener's pid, the socket, the transport handler being used and the protocol options defined in the call to ranch:start_listener/6. This callback must return {ok, Pid}, with Pid the pid of the new process.

The newly started process can then freely initialize itself. However, it must call ranch:accept_ack/1 before doing any socket operation. This will ensure the connection process is the owner of the socket. It expects the listener's pid as argument.

ok = ranch:accept_ack(ListenerPid).

If your protocol code requires specific socket options, you should set them while initializing your connection process and before starting ranch:accept_ack/1. You can use Transport:setopts/2 for that purpose.

Following is the complete protocol code for the example found in examples/tcp_echo/.



start_link(ListenerPid, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->
    Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [ListenerPid, Socket, Transport, Opts]),
    {ok, Pid}.

init(ListenerPid, Socket, Transport, _Opts = []) ->
    ok = ranch:accept_ack(ListenerPid),
    loop(Socket, Transport).

loop(Socket, Transport) ->
    case Transport:recv(Socket, 0, 5000) of
        {ok, Data} ->
            Transport:send(Socket, Data),
            loop(Socket, Transport);
        _ ->
            ok = Transport:close(Socket)

Ranch User Guide

  • Introduction
  • Purpose
  • Prerequisites
  • Listeners
  • Purpose
  • Starting and stopping
  • Listening on a random port
  • Listening on a port =< 1024
  • Limiting the number of concurrent connections
  • Upgrading
  • Transports
  • Purpose
  • TCP transport
  • SSL transport
  • Sending and receiving data
  • Writing a transport handler
  • Protocols
  • Purpose
  • Writing a protocol handler
  • Embedded mode
  • Purpose
  • Embedding
  • Internals
  • Architecture
  • Efficiency considerations



A transport defines the interface to interact with a socket.

Transports can be used for connecting, listening and accepting connections, but also for receiving and sending data. Both passive and active mode are supported, although all sockets are initialized as passive.

TCP transport

The TCP transport is a thin wrapper around gen_tcp.

SSL transport

The SSL transport is a thin wrapper around ssl. It requires the crypto, public_key and ssl applications to be started. You can start each of them individually, or you can call the ssl:start/0 convenience function.


In a proper OTP setting, you will need to make your application depend on the crypto, public_key and ssl applications. They will be started automatically when starting your release.

The SSL transport accept/2 function performs both transport and SSL accepts. Errors occurring during the SSL accept phase are returned as {error, {ssl_accept, atom()}} to differentiate on which socket the problem occurred.

Sending and receiving data

This section assumes that Transport is a valid transport handler (like ranch_tcp or ranch_ssl) and Socket is a connected socket obtained through the listener.

You can send data to a socket by calling the Transport:send/2 function. The data can be given as iodata(), which is defined as binary() | iolist(). All the following calls will work:

Transport:send(Socket, <<"Ranch is cool!">>).
Transport:send(Socket, "Ranch is cool!").
Transport:send(Socket, ["Ranch", ["is", "cool!"]]).
Transport:send(Socket, ["Ranch", [<<"is">>, "cool!"]]).

You can receive data either in passive or in active mode. Passive mode means that you will perform a blocking Transport:recv/2 call, while active mode means that you will receive the data as a message.

By default, all data will be received as binary. It is possible to receive data as strings, although this is not recommended as binaries are a more efficient construct, especially for binary protocols.

Receiving data using passive mode requires a single function call. The first argument is the socket, and the third argument is a timeout duration before the call returns with {error, timeout}.

The second argument is the amount of data in bytes that we want to receive. The function will wait for data until it has received exactly this amount. If you are not expecting a precise size, you can specify 0 which will make this call return as soon as data was read, regardless of its size.

{ok, Data} = Transport:recv(Socket, 0, 5000).

Active mode requires you to inform the socket that you want to receive data as a message and to write the code to actually receive it.

There are two kinds of active modes: {active, once} and {active, true}. The first will send a single message before going back to passive mode; the second will send messages indefinitely. We recommend not using the {active, true} mode as it could quickly flood your process mailbox. It's better to keep the data in the socket and read it only when required.

Three different messages can be received:

  • {OK, Socket, Data}
  • {Closed, Socket}
  • {Error, Socket, Reason}

The value of OK, Closed and Error can be different depending on the transport being used. To be able to properly match on them you must first call the Transport:messages/0 function.

{OK, Closed, Error} = Transport:messages().

To start receiving messages you will need to call the Transport:setopts/2 function, and do so every time you want to receive data.

{OK, Closed, Error} = Transport:messages(),
Transport:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
    {OK, Socket, Data} ->
        io:format("data received: ~p~n", [Data]);
    {Closed, Socket} ->
        io:format("socket got closed!~n");
    {Error, Socket, Reason} ->
        io:format("error happened: ~p~n", [Reason])

You can easily integrate active sockets with existing Erlang code as all you really need is just a few more clauses when receiving messages.

Writing a transport handler

A transport handler is a module implementing the ranch_transport behavior. It defines a certain number of callbacks that must be written in order to allow transparent usage of the transport handler.

The behavior doesn't define the socket options available when opening a socket. These do not need to be common to all transports as it's easy enough to write different initialization functions for the different transports that will be used. With one exception though. The setopts/2 function must implement the {active, once} and the {active, true} options.

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