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Last active January 5, 2022 15:09
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You are going to create an app that will fetch info from the spotify api and serves over a rails rest API. The app is called: Rubitify


The importer part of the Rubytify has this requirements:

  • Register a new app for spotify developer: After registering the new app make sure to get your client id and secret for API authentication.
  • You can find the Spotify web API documentation here:
  • Create a rails app with this models: Artist, Album, Song.
  • create a rake task that loads the following artist list from a yml file inside your project files and import the specified artists, all of their albums and songs.
  - Artic Monkeys
  - Metallica      
  - Nirvana
  - Diomedes Diaz
  - AC/DC
  - 311
  - Calle 13
  - BTS
  - El ultimo de la fila
  - Atercipelados
  - Alci Acosta
  - Green Day
  - Tormenta
  - Chuck Berry
  - Joe Cuba
  - Compay Segundo
  - Buena Vista Social Club
  - Masacre
  - Pantera
  - Ruben Blades
  - Los Hermanos Zuleta
  - Carlos Vives
  - Muse
  • Fields you need to fetch for artists:
  - name
  - image(Any image of the artist)
  - genres(You must record all of them)
  - popularity
  - spotify_url
  - spotify_id
  • Fields you need to fetch for albums:
  - name
  - image(Any image of the album)
  - spotify_url
  - total_tracks
  - spotify_id
  • Fields you need to fetch for songs:
  - name
  - spotify_url
  - preview_url(30 second audio)
  - duration_ms
  - explicit
  - spotify_id

Rubitify API

The API for Rubitify has this requirements:

  • The API will return json responses. We expect the root of the response to be an object with a data attribute. And in that attribute include the response data(an object or an array depending on the case). for example a response for a song list may be something like this:
  data: [
      name: "song One",
      spotify_url: "",
      preview_url: "",
      duration_ms: 9870,
      explicit: true
      name: "song Two",
      spotify_url: "",
      preview_url: "",
      duration_ms: 9870,
      explicit: true    
- /api/v1/artists
- /api/v1/artists/:id/albums
- /api/v1/albums/:id/songs
- /api/v1/genres/:genre_name/random_song
  • The endpoint /api/v1/artists should return all artists ordered by their popularity. with the following fields:
 - id
 - name
 - image
 - genres
 - popularity
 - spotify_url
  • The endpoint /api/v1/artists/:id/albums should return all albums for an artist with the following fields:
 - id
 - name
 - image
 - spotify_url
 - total_tracks
  • The endpoint /api/v1/albums/:id/songs should return all songs for an album with the following fields:
 - name
 - spotify_url
 - preview_url
 - duration_ms
 - explicit
  • The endpoint /api/v1/genres/:genre_name/random_song should return a random song that matches the specified genre. The response should contain the following fields:
 - name
 - spotify_url
 - preview_url
 - duration_ms
 - explicit

What you should know we expect:

  • You should fork this repository and create a pull request against the same repo.
  • We expect you to deploy this app somewhere we can see it live(Like Heroku).
  • We expect you to structure your app in a way that makes sense and it's easy to understand.
  • We expect you to write specs with rspec for your app(Probably not for every single line but make sure you cover critical paths).
  • The 2 outputs we expect from this test are a base url for the working API and a pull request create in the repository we specified above.
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