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Created February 26, 2022 20:26
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class Node {
var key: Int
var value: Int
var freq: Int
var next: Node?
var prev: Node?
init(key: Int, value: Int) {
self.key = key
self.value = value
self.freq = 1
class List {
var size: Int
var head: Node?
var tail: Node?
init() {
size = 0
func addAtFront(node: Node) {
defer {
head = node
size += 1
guard let head = head else {
tail = node
head.prev = node
node.prev = nil = head
func removeNode(node: Node?) {
let prev = node?.prev
let next = node?.next
node?.prev = nil
node?.next = nil
size -= 1
if tail === node {
tail = prev
prev?.next = nil
if head === node {
head = next
next?.prev = nil
prev?.next = next
next?.prev = prev
func removeLast() -> Node? {
guard let tail = self.tail else { return nil }
let previous = tail.prev
previous?.next = nil
self.tail = previous
if size == 1 {
head = nil
size -= 1
return tail
class LFUCache {
var keyNodeDic: [Int: Node] = [:]
var frequentListDic: [Int: List] = [:]
var maxSizeCache: Int
var minFrequency: Int
var currentSize: Int
init(_ capacity: Int) {
self.maxSizeCache = max(capacity,0)
minFrequency = 0
currentSize = 0
func get(_ key: Int) -> Int {
if let node = keyNodeDic[key] {
return node.value
return -1
func put(_ key: Int, _ value: Int) {
guard maxSizeCache > 0 else { return }
if let node = keyNodeDic[key] {
node.value = value
} else {
if currentSize == maxSizeCache,
let list = frequentListDic[minFrequency] {
let removedNode = list.removeLast()
keyNodeDic.removeValue(forKey: removedNode?.key ?? 0)
currentSize -= 1
currentSize += 1
minFrequency = 1
var listFreq = List()
if let nextList = frequentListDic[minFrequency] {
listFreq = nextList
let newNode = Node(key: key, value: value)
listFreq.addAtFront(node: newNode)
keyNodeDic[key] = newNode
frequentListDic[minFrequency] = listFreq
private func updateFreqListMap(_ node: Node) {
frequentListDic[node.freq]?.removeNode(node: node)
if (node.freq == minFrequency) && (frequentListDic[node.freq]?.size == 0) {
minFrequency += 1
frequentListDic.removeValue(forKey: node.freq)
var nextHigherFreqList = List()
if let nextList = frequentListDic[node.freq + 1] {
nextHigherFreqList = nextList
node.freq += 1
nextHigherFreqList.addAtFront(node: node)
frequentListDic[node.freq] = nextHigherFreqList
keyNodeDic[node.key] = node
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