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Created November 2, 2017 03:33
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Bypass GPO Restriction on CMD.exe with Excel
Option Explicit
'Copyright 2017 /u/AyrA_ch
'Open Excel, Press ALT+F11, add new "module" (not Class module) and paste this entire code in it.
'To use you can either place a button on your excel sheet and hook up these functions to it
'Or you place the cursor inside the Button function you want to use and press F5
'After one successful launch you find the executable on your Desktop.
'You then no longer need this file.
'Launches CMD even if it is disabled
Sub ButtonCmd_Click()
Dim Dest As String
Dest = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\cmd.exe"
If DoReplace("DisableCMD", "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe", Dest) Then
Shell Dest, vbNormalFocus
MsgBox "The String DisableCMD could not be found", vbExclamation, "Can't replace String"
End If
End Sub
'Editing Registry Editor no longer seems to work
'(it exits immediately without throwing errors)
Sub ButtonReg_Click()
Dim Dest As String
Dest = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\regedit.exe"
If DoReplace("DisableRegistryTools", "C:\Windows\System32\regedit.exe", Dest) Then
MsgBox "Regedit can't be launched directly because it has a UAC manifest. It's on your desktop"
MsgBox "The String DisableRegistryTools could not be found", vbExclamation, "Can't replace String"
End If
End Sub
'Searches for Unicode Strings in executables and replaces them with a stream of "Q"
Function DoReplace(ByVal Find As String, ByVal SourceFile As String, ByVal DestinationFile As String)
Dim fileNum As Integer
Dim bytes() As Byte
Dim performRepl As Boolean
Dim i
Dim j
DoReplace = False
'Load everything at once
fileNum = FreeFile
Open SourceFile For Binary As fileNum
ReDim bytes(LOF(fileNum) - 1)
Get fileNum, , bytes
Close fileNum
For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes) - (Len(Find) * 2)
performRepl = True
For j = 1 To Len(Find)
'Check if all bytes match the specified ASCII string
If bytes(i + (j * 2)) <> Asc(Mid(Find, j, 1)) Then
performRepl = False
Exit For
End If
'Replace found string with crap
If performRepl Then
For j = 1 To Len(Find)
bytes(i + (j * 2)) = Asc("Q")
DoReplace = True
Exit For
End If
If DoReplace Then
'Save to new file
fileNum = FreeFile
Open DestinationFile For Binary Access Write As fileNum
Put fileNum, , bytes
Close fileNum
End If
End Function
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