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Created April 10, 2016 22:39
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FireHOL example firehol.conf high secure burst connection limition
# $Id: client-all.conf,v 1.2 2002/12/31 15:44:34 ktsaou Exp $
# This configuration file will allow all requests originating from the
# local machine to be send through all network interfaces.
# No requests are allowed to come from the network. The host will be
# completely stealthed! It will not respond to anything, and it will
# not be pingable, although it will be able to originate anything
# (even pings to other hosts).
version 5
# Accept all client traffic on any interface
#interface any world
# client all accept
blacklist all `cat /etc/firehol/blacklist`
#blacklist all ""
interface "eth0" Internet
protection strong
server "customssh" accept
server "nodeserver" accept
# server "mongoweb" accept
server "http" accept
server https accept
server "ftp" accept
server "ping" accept
server custom ftprange "tcp/10000:10100" default accept
server custom ntop "tcp/3000:3000" default accept
client all accept
#FIREHOL_LOG_LEVEL="--log-level info"
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