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void PlatformWindowSDL::setVideoMode( const GFXVideoMode &mode )
mVideoMode = mode;
mSuppressReset = true;
// Set our window to have the right style based on the mode
if(mode.fullScreen && !Platform::getWebDeployment() && !mOffscreenRender)
datablock afxPlayerMovementData(SpeedUp_CE)
speedBias = 1;
movement = "$$ %%._speed";
movementOp = "multiply";
datablock afxEffectWrapperData(SpeedUp_EW)
effect = SpeedUp_CE;
bool AIPlayer::getAIMove(Move *movePtr)
if (mFalling) return true;
*movePtr = NullMove;
// Use the eye as the current position.
MatrixF eye;
Point3F location = eye.getPosition();
#define cb_zThickness 2 // thickness to ascribe to each pixel in the depth buffer
#define cb_nearPlaneZ 0.01 // the camera's near z plane
#define cb_stride 2 // Step in horizontal or vertical pixels between samples. This is a float
// because integer math is slow on GPUs, but should be set to an integer >= 1.
#define cb_maxSteps 10 // Maximum number of iterations. Higher gives better images but may be slow.
#define cb_maxDistance 0.9999 // Maximum camera-space distance to trace before returning a miss.
#define cb_strideZCutoff 0.5 // More distant pixels are smaller in screen space. This value tells at what point to
// start relaxing the stride to give higher quality reflections for objects far from
// the camera.
GFXCubemap* GFXTextureManager::createCubemap( const Torque::Path &path )
// Very first thing... check the cache.
CubemapTable::Iterator iter = mCubemapTable.find( path.getFullPath() );
if ( iter != mCubemapTable.end() )
return iter->value;
// Not in the cache... we have to load it ourselves.
for(%i = 0; %i < 20; %i++)
%obj = objective @ %i;
if (isObject(%obj))
%db = %obj.getDatablock();
eval("$tempval = theLevelInfo.objective" @ %i @"["@ %roundCount @"];");
%targ = $tempval;
void Projectile::simulate( F32 dt )
if ( mHasExploded )
// ... otherwise, we have to do some simulation work.
RayInfo rInfo;
Point3F oldPosition;
singleton Material(TerrainFX_grass1)
mapTo = "grass1";
footstepSoundId = "4";
terrainMaterials = "1";
ShowDust = "1";
showFootprints = "1";
materialTag0 = "Terrain";
effectColor[0] = "0.42 0.42 0 1";
Find all "clientscenegraph", Subfolders, Find Results 1, Entire Solution, ""
\Engine\source\afx\ce\afxModel.cpp(566): gClientSceneGraph->addObjectToScene(this);
\Engine\source\afx\ce\afxParticleEmitter.cpp(1012): gClientSceneGraph->addObjectToScene(this);
\Engine\source\afx\ui\afxGuiTextHud.cpp(133): F32 visDistance = gClientSceneGraph->getVisibleDistance();
\Engine\source\afx\afxConstraint.cpp(1037): SceneManager* sg = (on_server) ? gServerSceneGraph : gClientSceneGraph;
\Engine\source\environment\VolumetricFogRTManager.cpp(49): gClientSceneGraph->addObjectToScene(gVolumetricFogRTManager);
\Engine\source\environment\VolumetricFogRTManager.cpp(54): gClientSceneGraph->removeObjectFromScene(gVolumetricFogRTManager);
\Engine\source\gui\3d\guiTSControl.cpp(404): gClientSceneGraph->setDisplayTargetResolution(renderSize);
\Engine\source\gui\3d\guiTSControl.cpp(424): gClientSceneGraph->setNonClipProjection(mSaveProjection);
\Engine\source\gui\controls\guiMaterialCtrl.cpp(147): gClientSceneGrap
F32 Projectile::getUpdatePriority(CameraScopeQuery *camInfo, U32 updateMask, S32 updateSkips)
F32 ret = Parent::getUpdatePriority(camInfo, updateMask, updateSkips);
ret++; <<------------------------------------------------------------------------ massively up relative priority. bullets hurt
// if the camera "owns" this object, it should have a slightly higher priority
if(mSourceObject == camInfo->camera)
return ret + 0.2;
return ret;