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function MainGate::open(%this)
%pos = getWords(%this.getSlotTransform(2),0,2);
ServerPlayExplosion(%pos, DoorScreetchExplosion5);
function MainGateData::onOpenSeq1(%this,%obj)
/// @name State Data
/// Individual state data used to initialize struct array
/// @{
const char* fireStateName;
// stateName is used to denote the state we're in. One moves to a different state by
// setting one of the following callback conditions to the new state name;
const char* stateName [MaxStates];
// Copyright (c) 2012 GarageGames, LLC
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
datablock afxDamageData(Burning_damage_CE)
label = "rof_dot";
flavor = "fire";
directDamage = "$$ %%._damage";
directDamageRepeats = "$$ mFloor(%%._dur)/2 + 1";
function pushPlayerIDS()
%clientCount = ClientGroup.getCount();
for (%clientIndexA = 0; %clientIndexA < %clientCount; %clientIndexA++)
%clientA = ClientGroup.getObject(%clientIndexA);
%teamMateCount = 0;
for (%clientIndexB = 0; %clientIndexB < %clientCount; %clientIndexB++)
//-------------------------- 3/11/2019 -- 22:52:38 -----
Processor Init:
Unknown x86 Compatible, ~3.20 Ghz
MP detected [4 cores, 4 logical, 1 physical]
Math Init:
Installing Standard C extensions
Installing Assembly extensions
Initializing platform...
function AIPlayer::customAiSpawn(%spawnPos, %datablock)
if (!isObject(%datablock)) %datablock = DemoPlayer;
// Create the demo player object
%player = new AiPlayer()
{ ...
//pause a moment to let behind the scene stuff work out
%player.schedule(1000, "aiStartUp");
Find all "TypeString", Match case, Whole word, Subfolders, Find Results 1, Entire Solution, ""
<root>\source\afx\ce\afxAreaDamage.cpp(77): addField("flavor", TypeString, myOffset(flavor),
<root>\source\afx\ce\afxAudioBank.cpp(128): addField("filenames", TypeString, Offset(mFilenames, afxAudioBank), 32,
<root>\source\afx\ce\afxCameraPuppet.cpp(83): addField("cameraSpec", TypeString, myOffset(cam_spec),
<root>\source\afx\ce\afxCollisionEvent.cpp(68): addField("methodName", TypeString, myOffset(method_name),
<root>\source\afx\ce\afxCollisionEvent.cpp(70): addField("scriptData", TypeString, myOffset(script_data),
<root>\source\afx\ce\afxConsoleMessage.cpp(64): addField("message", TypeString, myOffset(message_str),
<root>\source\afx\ce\afxDamage.cpp(77): addField("label", TypeString, myOffset(label),
<root>\source\afx\ce\afxDamage.cpp(81): addField("flavor", TypeString, myOffset(flavor),
Class: GuiSwatchButtonCtrl
Static Fields:
string accelerator = ""
bool active = "1"
string altCommand = ""
GuiButtonType buttonType = "PushButton"
bool canSave = "1"
bool canSaveDynamicFields = "0"
LinearColorF color = "1 1 1 1"
string command = "18808.onInspectorPreFieldModification(\"color\",\"(null)\"); GetColorI(ColorFloatToInt( 20209.color ), \"18808.onInspectorPostFieldModification(); 20207.applyWithoutUndo\", 20207.getRoot(), \"20207.applyWithoutUndo\", \"18808.onInspectorDiscardFieldModification(); %unused=\");"
Azaezel / gist:c7dfbdcca1d9a86eb83199967f2a463e
Created January 26, 2019 19:59
getPrefpath helper function
function getPrefpath()
%temp = getUserHomeDirectory();
%temp = getUserDataDirectory();