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Created October 15, 2019 08:48
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Original Revise error example
# Listen, Attend and Spell:
# using CuArrays
# CuArrays.allowscalar(false)
using Flux
using Flux: flip, reset!, onecold, throttle, train!, @treelike, @epochs
using IterTools
using LinearAlgebra
using JLD2
using StatsBase
import Base.Iterators
# Bidirectional LSTM
struct BLSTM{L}
forward :: L
backward :: L
@treelike BLSTM
function BLSTM(in::Integer, out::Integer)
iseven(out) || throw("output dimension of the BLSTM layer must be even")
hidden = out ÷ 2
forward = LSTM(in, hidden)
backward = LSTM(in, hidden)
return BLSTM(forward, backward)
(m::BLSTM)(xs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVecOrMat})::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVecOrMat} = vcat.(m.forward.(xs), flip(m.backward, xs))
# Flux.reset!(m::BLSTM) = reset!((m.forward, m.backward)) # not needed as taken care of by @treelike
function restack(xs::VV)::VV where VV <: AbstractVector{<:AbstractVecOrMat}
T = length(xs)
return vcat.(xs[1:2:T], xs[2:2:T])
PBLSTM(in::Integer, out::Integer)
Pyramidal BLSTM is the same as BLSTM, with the addition that the outputs of BLSTM are concatenated at consecutive steps.
function PBLSTM(in::Integer, out::Integer)
(mod(out, 4) == 0) || throw("output dimension of the pyramidal BLSTM layer must be multiple of 4")
hidden = out ÷ 2
return Chain(BLSTM(in, hidden), restack)
Encoder(in::Integer, out::Integer; nlayers::Integer = 4)
Encoder(in::Integer, out::Integer, hidden_sizes)
Encoder that consists of block of PBLSTMs. It accepts filter bank spectra as inputs and acts as acoustic model encoder.
function Encoder(layer_sizes)
(length(layer_sizes) ≥ 3) || throw("number of layers of Encoder must be ≥ 2")
layer_dims = Tuple(partition(layer_sizes, 2, 1))
pblstm_layers = ( PBLSTM(in, out) for (in, out) ∈ layer_dims[2:end] )
model = Chain(BLSTM(layer_dims[1]...), pblstm_layers...)
return model
function Encoder(in::Integer, out::Integer; nlayers::Integer = 4)
layer_sizes = map(x -> 4ceil(Int, x/4), range(in, out; length=nlayers+1))
layer_sizes[1] = in
layer_sizes[end] = out
return Encoder(layer_sizes)
Encoder(in::Integer, out::Integer, hidden_sizes) = Encoder((in, hidden_sizes..., out))
function MLP(layer_sizes, σs)
layers = Tuple(Dense(in, out, σ) for ((in, out), σ) ∈ zip(partition(layer_sizes, 2, 1), σs))
model = length(layers) == 1 ? first(layers) : Chain(layers...)
return model
function MLP(layer_sizes, σ::Function)
σs = ntuple(i -> σ, length(layer_sizes))
return MLP(layer_sizes, σs)
function MLP(in::Integer, out::Integer, σs)
layer_sizes = ceil.(Int, range(in, out; length=length(σs)+1))
return MLP(layer_sizes, σs)
function MLP(in::Integer, out::Integer, σ::Function=identity; nlayers::Integer = 1)
σs = ntuple(i -> σ, nlayers)
return MLP(in, out, σs)
function Decoder(layer_sizes)
layers = ( LSTM(in, out) for (in, out) ∈ partition(layer_sizes, 2, 1) )
model = Chain(layers...)
return model
function Decoder(in::Integer, out::Integer; nlayers::Integer = 2)
layer_sizes = ceil.(Int, range(in, out; length=nlayers+1))
return Decoder(layer_sizes)
Decoder(in::Integer, out::Integer, hidden_sizes) = Decoder((in, hidden_sizes..., out))
function CharacterDistribution(in::Integer, out::Integer, σ::Function; nlayers::Integer, applylog::Bool=true)
f = applylog ? logsoftmax : softmax
layer_sizes = ceil.(Int, range(in, out; length=nlayers+1))
layer_dims = Tuple(partition(layer_sizes, 2, 1))
layers = ( Dense(in, out, σ) for (in, out) ∈ layer_dims[1:end-1] )
return Chain(layers..., Dense(layer_dims[end]...), f)
CharacterDistribution(in::Integer, out::Integer; applylog::Bool=true) = Chain(Dense(in, out), applylog ? logsoftmax : softmax)
mutable struct State{M <: AbstractMatrix{<:Real}}
context :: M # last attention context
decoding :: M # last decoder state
prediction :: M # last prediction
# reset values
context₀ :: M
decoding₀ :: M
prediction₀ :: M
@treelike State
function State(dim_c::Integer, dim_d::Integer, dim_p::Integer)
context₀ = param(zeros(Float32, dim_c, 1))
decoding₀ = param(zeros(Float32, dim_d, 1))
prediction₀ = param(zeros(Float32, dim_p, 1))
return State(context₀, decoding₀, prediction₀, context₀, decoding₀, prediction₀)
function Flux.reset!(s::State)
s.context = s.context₀
s.decoding = s.decoding₀
s.prediction = s.prediction₀
return nothing
struct LAS{V, E, Dϕ, Dψ, L, C}
state :: State{V} # current state of the model
listen :: E # encoder function
attention_ϕ :: Dϕ # attention context function
attention_ψ :: Dψ # attention context function
spell :: L # RNN decoder
infer :: C # character distribution inference function
@treelike LAS
function LAS(dim_in::Integer, dim_out::Integer;
state = State(dim_encoding, dim_decoding, dim_out)
listen = Encoder(dim_in, dim_encoding)
attention_ϕ = MLP(dim_decoding, dim_attention)
attention_ψ = MLP(dim_encoding, dim_attention)
spell = Decoder(dim_encoding + dim_decoding + dim_out, dim_decoding)
infer = CharacterDistribution(dim_encoding + dim_decoding, dim_out)
las = LAS(state, listen, attention_ϕ, attention_ψ, spell, infer) |> gpu
return las
function (m::LAS)(xs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix}, maxT::Integer = length(xs))::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{<:Real}}
batch_size = size(first(xs), 2)
# compute input encoding
hs = m.listen(xs)
# concatenate sequence of D×N matrices into ssingle D×N×T 3-dimdimensional array
Hs = cat(hs...; dims=3)
# precompute ψ(H)
ψHs = m.attention_ψ.(hs)
# compute inital decoder state for a batch
O = gpu(zeros(Float32, size(m.state.decoding, 1), batch_size))
m.state.decoding = m.spell([m.state.decoding; m.state.prediction; m.state.context]) .+ O
dim_out = size(m.state.prediction, 1)
ŷs = map(1:maxT) do _
# compute ϕ(sᵢ)
ϕSᵢᵀ = m.attention_ϕ(m.state.decoding)'
# compute attention context
Eᵢs = diag.(Ref(ϕSᵢᵀ) .* ψHs)
αᵢs = softmax(vcat(Eᵢs'...))
# compute attention context, i.e. contextᵢ = Σᵤαᵢᵤhᵤ
m.state.context = dropdims(sum(reshape(αᵢs, 1, batch_size, :) .* Hs; dims=3); dims=3)
# predict probability distribution over character alphabet
m.state.prediction = m.infer([m.state.decoding; m.state.context])
# compute decoder state
m.state.decoding = m.spell([m.state.decoding; m.state.prediction; m.state.context])
return m.state.prediction
return ŷs
function (m::LAS)(xs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector})::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Real}}
T = length(xs)
xs = gpu.(reshape.(pad(xs), :,1))
ŷs = dropdims.(las(xs, T); dims=2)
return ŷs
function Flux.reset!(m::LAS)
return nothing
function pad(xs::VV; multiplicity::Integer=8)::VV where VV <: AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}
T = length(xs)
newlength = ceil(Int, T / multiplicity)multiplicity
el_min = minimum(minimum(xs))
x = fill!(similar(first(xs)), el_min)
xs = resize!(copy(xs), newlength)
xs[(T+1):end] .= Ref(x)
return xs
function batch_inputs!(Xs, maxT::Integer = maximum(length, Xs), multiplicity::Integer = 8)::Vector{<:AbstractMatrix}
# Xs must be an iterable, whose each element is a vector of vectors,
# and dimensionality of all element vectors must be the same
# find the smallest multiple of `multiplicity` that is no less than `maxT`
newT = ceil(Int, maxT / multiplicity)multiplicity
# resize each sequence `xs` to the size `newT` paddding with vector filled with smallest values
for xs ∈ Xs
T = length(xs)
el_min = minimum(minimum(xs))
x = fill!(similar(first(xs)), el_min)
resize!(xs, newT)
xs[(T+1):end] .= (x,)
# for each time step `t`, get `t`ᵗʰ vector x across all sequences and concatenate them into matrix
return [hcat(getindex.(Xs, t)...) for t ∈ 1:newT]
function batch_targets(ys::VV, maxT::Integer = maximum(length, ys))::VV where VV <: AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Integer}}
batch_size = length(ys)
lin_idxs = similar(ys, maxT)
idxs = similar(first(ys), batch_size)
offsets = range(0; step=length(PHONEMES), length=batch_size)
for t ∈ 1:maxT
n = 0
for (y, offset) ∈ zip(ys, offsets)
if t <= length(y)
n += 1
idxs[n] = offset + y[t]
lin_idxs[t] = idxs[1:n]
return lin_idxs
function batch(Xs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}}, ys::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}, batch_size::Integer, multiplicity::Integer = 8)
sortingidxs = sortperm(Xs; by=length)
Xs = Xs[sortingidxs]
ys = ys[sortingidxs]
cumseqlengths = cumsum(length.(ys))
nbatches = floor(Int, length(Xs) / batch_size)
# subtract 0.5 from the last element of the range
# to ensure that i index inside the loop won't go out of bounds due to floating point rounding errors
cum_n_elts_rng = range(0, cumseqlengths[end]-0.5; length = nbatches+1)[2:end]
lastidxs = similar(sortingidxs, nbatches)
i = 1
for (n, cum_n_elts_for_a_batch) ∈ enumerate(cum_n_elts_rng)
while cumseqlengths[i] < cum_n_elts_for_a_batch
i += 1
lastidxs[n] = i
firstidxs = [1; lastidxs[1:(end-1)] .+ 1]
maxTs = length.(Xs[lastidxs])
xs_batches = [ batch_inputs!(Xs[firstidx:lastidx], maxT, multiplicity) for (firstidx, lastidx, maxT) ∈ zip(firstidxs, lastidxs, maxTs) ]
idxs_batches = [ batch_targets(ys[firstidx:lastidx], maxT) for (firstidx, lastidx, maxT) ∈ zip(firstidxs, lastidxs, maxTs) ]
return xs_batches, idxs_batches, maxTs
# const las, PHONEMES = let
# JLD2.@load "/Users/Azamat/Projects/LAS/data/TIMIT/TIMIT_MFCC/data_train.jld" PHONEMES
# # dim_in = length(first(X))
# dim_in = 39
# dim_out = length(PHONEMES)
# # dim_encoding = (512, 512, 512, 512)
# dim_encoding = 512
# dim_attention = 512 # attention dimension
# dim_decoding = 512
# # initialize with uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
# dim_feed_forward = 128
# dim_LSTM_speller = 512
# las = LAS(dim_in, dim_out; dim_encoding=dim_encoding, dim_attention=dim_attention, dim_decoding=dim_decoding)
# end
const las, PHONEMES = let
JLD2.@load "/Users/Azamat/Projects/LAS/data/TIMIT/TIMIT_MFCC/data_train.jld" PHONEMES
# dim_in = length(first(X))
dim_in = 39
dim_out = length(PHONEMES)
# dim_encoding = (512, 512, 512, 512)
dim_encoding = 16
dim_attention = 16 # attention dimension
dim_decoding = 16
# initialize with uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
dim_feed_forward = 16
dim_LSTM_speller = 16
las = LAS(dim_in, dim_out; dim_encoding=dim_encoding, dim_attention=dim_attention, dim_decoding=dim_decoding)
function loss(xs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{<:Real}}, indexes::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Integer}})::Real
ŷs = las(xs, length(indexes))
l = -sum(sum.(getindex.(ŷs, indexes)))
return l
# best path decoding
function predict(xs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{<:Real}}, lengths::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, labels=PHONEMES)::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}
maxT = maximum(lengths)
Ŷs = las(gpu.(xs), maxT) |> cpu
predictions = [onecold(Ŷs[:, 1:len, n], labels) for (n, len) ∈ enumerate(lengths)]
return predictions
function predict(xs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Real}}, labels=PHONEMES)::AbstractVector
Ŷ = las(xs) |> cpu
prediction = onecold(Ŷ, labels)
return prediction
function main()
# load data
X, y,
Xs_train, ys_train, maxTs_train,
# Xs_test, ys_test, maxTs_test,
Xs_eval, ys_eval, maxT_eval,
Xs_val, ys_val, maxT_val =
let batch_size = 77, val_set_size = 32
JLD2.@load "/Users/Azamat/Projects/LAS/data/TIMIT/TIMIT_MFCC/data_test.jld" Xs ys
ys_val = ys[1:val_set_size]
maxT_val = maximum(length, ys_val)
Xs_val = batch_inputs!(Xs[1:val_set_size], maxT_val)
ys_val = batch_targets(ys_val, maxT_val)
Xs_test, ys_test, maxTs_test = batch(Xs[(val_set_size+1):end], ys[(val_set_size+1):end], batch_size)
JLD2.@load "/Users/Azamat/Projects/LAS/data/TIMIT/TIMIT_MFCC/data_train.jld" Xs ys
X, y = first(Xs), first(ys)
Xs_train, ys_train, maxTs_train = batch(Xs, ys, batch_size)
eval_idxs = sample(eachindex(ys), val_set_size; replace=false)
ys_eval = ys[eval_idxs]
maxT_eval = maximum(length, ys_eval)
Xs_eval = batch_inputs!(Xs[eval_idxs], maxT_eval)
ys_eval = batch_targets(ys_eval, maxT_eval)
X, y,
Xs_train, ys_train, maxTs_train,
# Xs_test, ys_test, maxTs_test,
Xs_eval, ys_eval, maxT_eval,
Xs_val, ys_val, maxT_val
global loss_val_saved
θ = params(las)
optimiser = ADAM()
# optimiser = Flux.RMSProp(0.0001)
# optimiser = AMSGrad()
# optimiser = AMSGrad(0.0001)
# optimiser = AMSGrad(0.00001)
n_epochs = 2
for epoch ∈ 1:n_epochs
for (xs, ys) ∈ zip(Xs_train, ys_train)
xs = gpu.(xs)
l, pb = Flux.Tracker.forward(θ) do
loss(xs, ys)
∇θ = pb(1.0f0)
Flux.Optimise.update!(optimiser, θ, ∇θ)
@show l
@info "finished epoch $epoch"
@show loss(Xs_eval, ys_eval)
loss_val = loss(Xs_val, ys_val)
@show loss_val
if loss_val < loss_val_saved
loss_val_saved = loss_val
@save "/Users/Azamat/Projects/LAS/models/TIMIT/LAS.jld2" las optimiser loss_val_saved
const loss_val_saved = let
JLD2.@load "/Users/Azamat/Projects/LAS/models/TIMIT/LAS.jld2" loss_val_saved
# main()
levendist(seq₁::AbstractVector, seq₂::AbstractVector)::Int
levendist(seq₁::AbstractString, seq₂::AbstractString)::Int
Levenshtein distance between sequences `seq₁` and `seq₂`.
function levendist(seq₁::AbstractVector, seq₂::AbstractVector)::Int
# ensure that length(seq₁) <= length(seq₂)
if length(seq₁) > length(seq₂)
seq₁, seq₂ = seq₂, seq₁
# ignore prefix common to both sequences
start = length(seq₁) + 1
for (i, (el₁, el₂)) ∈ enumerate(zip(seq₁, seq₂))
if el₁ != el₂
start = i
@views begin
seq₁, seq₂ = seq₁[start:end], seq₂[start:end]
# ignore suffix common to both sequences
lenseq₁ = length(seq₁)
offset = lenseq₁
for (i, el₁, el₂) ∈ zip(0:lenseq₁, Iterators.reverse(seq₁), Iterators.reverse(seq₂))
if el₁ != el₂
offset = i
seq₁, seq₂ = seq₁[1:(end-offset)], seq₂[1:(end-offset)]
lenseq₁ = length(seq₁)
dist = length(seq₂)
# if all of shorter sequence matches prefix and/or suffix of longer sequence, then Levenshtein
# distance is just the delete cost of the additional characters present in longer sequence
lenseq₁ == 0 && return dist
costs = collect(eachindex(seq₂))
@inbounds for (i, el₁) ∈ zip(0:(lenseq₁-1), seq₁)
left = dist = i
for (j, el₂) ∈ enumerate(seq₂)
# cost on diagonal (substitution)
above, dist, left = dist, left, costs[j]
if el₁ != el₂
# minimum of substitution, insertion and deletion costs
dist = 1 + min(dist, left, above)
costs[j] = dist
# @show costs, dist
return dist
levendist(seq₁::AbstractString, seq₂::AbstractString)::Int = levendist(collect(seq₁), collect(seq₂))
per(source_phoneme, target_phoneme)::Real = levendist(source_phoneme, target_phoneme)/length(target_phoneme)
cer(source_chars, target_chars)::Real = levendist(source_chars, target_chars)/length(target_chars)
wer(source_words, target_words)::Real = levendist(source_words, target_words)/length(target_words)
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