This guide assumes you're working on a Unix-like environment. I'm using Linux Mint (Ubuntu). It should work on Macs, and might on Windows.
These are the four steps you can use as a checklist, see the headings below for the details on each step.
- Enable forge support
- Create a Gitlab API key
- Add your gitlab credentials to
- Set-up forge in emacs
First, enable forge support in doom. Go to ~/.doom.d/init.el
, and replace the magit
module with (magit +forge)
For clarity, it should look somewhat like this
;;macos ; MacOS-specific commands
(magit +forge) ; a git porcelain for Emacs
;;make ; run make tasks from Emacs
;;pass ; password manager for nerds
You'll have to run doom sync
and restart emacs. In emacs, you can use M-x doom/reload
or <SPC h r r>
Create a Gitlab API key for the account you'll be using to access your repositories, write this one down. I'm not entirely sure what rights you should give the repo, but I gave it all read rights, and write rights to the repository itself.
Edit or create the file ~/.authinfo.gpg
. If it's new, paste the following. Fill in your email address, your gitlab username and your api key where the {{LOUD-BRACKETS}}
# -*- epa-file-encrypt-to: ("{{YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS}}") -*-
machine login {{YOUR-GITLAB-USERNAME}}^forge password {{YOUR-API-KEY}}
NOTE THE NEWLINE AT THE END, the authinfo format is very sensitive.
In emacs, open a magit buffer for a or the repo you want to use forge with. Run the command M-x forge-add-repository
. Note, if you have a remote named origin
(as is the convention) in this repository, forge will automatically fill in the right info. If you don't, you'll have to type in the remote yourself. IE{{your-user}}/{{your-repo}}
In a Magit buffer, press @
(discover via the popup of popups with ?
). This will list all available forge commands. You can now list issues, create issues, and lots more, yay!
I assume it would work mostly the same, but I haven't tried it before.