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Created March 18, 2014 01:21
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from Xlib.display import Display
from Xlib import X
from Xlib.ext import record
from Xlib.protocol import rq
import time
disp = None
keysym_map = {
32: "SPACE",
39: "'",
44: ",",
45: "-",
46: ".",
47: "/",
48: "0",
49: "1",
50: "2",
51: "3",
52: "4",
53: "5",
54: "6",
55: "7",
56: "8",
57: "9",
59: ";",
61: "=",
91: "[",
92: "\\",
93: "]",
96: "`",
97 :"a",
98 :"b",
99 :"c",
100: "d",
101: "e",
102: "f",
103: "g",
104: "h",
105: "i",
106: "j",
107: "k",
108: "l",
109: "m",
110: "n",
111: "o",
112: "p",
113: "q",
114: "r",
115: "s",
116: "t",
117: "u",
118: "v",
119: "w",
120: "x",
121: "y",
122: "z",
65293: "ENTER",
65307: "ESC",
65360: "HOME",
65361: "ARROW_LEFT",
65362: "ARROW_UP",
65363: "ARROW_RIGHT",
65505: "L_SHIFT",
65506: "R_SHIFT",
65507: "L_CTRL",
65508: "R_CTRL",
65513: "L_ALT",
65514: "R_ALT",
65515: "SUPER_KEY",
65288: "BACKSPACE",
65364: "ARROW_DOWN",
65365: "PG_UP",
65366: "PG_DOWN",
65367: "END",
65377: "PRTSCRN",
65535: "DELETE",
65383: "PRINT?",
65509: "CAPS_LOCK",
65289: "TAB",
65470: "F1",
65471: "F2",
65472: "F3",
65473: "F4",
65474: "F5",
65475: "F6",
65476: "F7",
65477: "F8",
65478: "F9",
65479: "F10",
65480: "F11",
65481: "F12"
class KeyListener(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Really simple implementation of a keylistener
Simply define your keyevents by creating your keylistener obj,
and then calling addKeyListener("keycombination", callable)
Keycombinations are separated by plus signs:
>>> keylistener = KeyListener()
>>> keylistener.addKeyListener("L_CTRL+L_SHIFT+y", callable)
>>> keylistener.addKeyListener("b+a+u+L_CTRL", callable)
>>> keylistener.addKeyListener("a", callable)
>>> keylistener = KeyListener()
>>> def sayhi():
print "hi!"
>>> keylistener.addKeyListener("L_CTRL+a", sayhi)
from this moment on, python will execute sayhi every time you press
left ctrl and a at the same time.
Keycodes can be found in the keysym map above.
self.pressed = set()
self.listeners = {}
def press(self, character):
""""must be called whenever a key press event has occurred
You'll have to combine this with release, otherwise
keylistener won't do anything
action = self.listeners.get(tuple(self.pressed), False)
print "current action: " + str(tuple(self.pressed))
if action:
def release(self, character):
"""must be called whenever a key release event has occurred."""
if character in self.pressed:
def addKeyListener(self, hotkeys, callable):
keys = tuple(hotkeys.split("+"))
print "Added new keylistener for : " + str(keys)
self.listeners[keys] = callable
keylistener = KeyListener()
def keysym_to_character(sym):
if sym in keysym_map:
return keysym_map[sym]
return sym
def handler(reply):
""" This function is called when a xlib event is fired """
data =
while len(data):
event, data = rq.EventField(None).parse_binary_value(data, disp.display, None, None)
keycode = event.detail
keysym = disp.keycode_to_keysym(event.detail, 0)
if keysym in keysym_map:
character = keysym_to_character(keysym)
print character
if event.type == X.KeyPress:
elif event.type == X.KeyRelease:
def start():
# get current display
disp = Display()
root = disp.screen().root
# Monitor keypress and button press
ctx = disp.record_create_context(
'core_requests': (0, 0),
'core_replies': (0, 0),
'ext_requests': (0, 0, 0, 0),
'ext_replies': (0, 0, 0, 0),
'delivered_events': (0, 0),
'device_events': (X.KeyReleaseMask, X.ButtonReleaseMask),
'errors': (0, 0),
'client_started': False,
'client_died': False,
disp.record_enable_context(ctx, handler)
while True:
# Infinite wait, doesn't do anything as no events are grabbed
event = root.display.next_event()
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Hey There,

What did you use to find the codes in the keymap? I'd like to add things such as MediaPlayPause and MediaSkip

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machinekoder commented May 20, 2020

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