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Created October 4, 2018 08:33
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! function () {
var require = function (file, cwd) {
var resolved = require.resolve(file, cwd || "/"),
mod = require.modules[resolved];
if (!mod) throw new Error("Failed to resolve module " + file + ", tried " + resolved);
var cached = require.cache[resolved],
res = cached ? cached.exports : mod();
return res
require.paths = [], require.modules = {}, require.cache = {}, require.extensions = [".js", ".coffee", ".json"], require._core = {
assert: !0,
events: !0,
fs: !0,
path: !0,
vm: !0
}, require.resolve = function () {
return function (x, cwd) {
function loadAsFileSync(x) {
if (x = path.normalize(x), require.modules[x]) return x;
for (var i = 0; i < require.extensions.length; i++) {
var ext = require.extensions[i];
if (require.modules[x + ext]) return x + ext
function loadAsDirectorySync(x) {
x = x.replace(/\/+$/, "");
var pkgfile = path.normalize(x + "/package.json");
if (require.modules[pkgfile]) {
var pkg = require.modules[pkgfile](),
b = pkg.browserify;
if ("object" == typeof b && b.main) {
var m = loadAsFileSync(path.resolve(x, b.main));
if (m) return m
} else if ("string" == typeof b) {
var m = loadAsFileSync(path.resolve(x, b));
if (m) return m
} else if (pkg.main) {
var m = loadAsFileSync(path.resolve(x, pkg.main));
if (m) return m
return loadAsFileSync(x + "/index")
function loadNodeModulesSync(x, start) {
for (var dirs = nodeModulesPathsSync(start), i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
var dir = dirs[i],
m = loadAsFileSync(dir + "/" + x);
if (m) return m;
var n = loadAsDirectorySync(dir + "/" + x);
if (n) return n
var m = loadAsFileSync(x);
return m ? m : void 0
function nodeModulesPathsSync(start) {
var parts;
parts = "/" === start ? [""] : path.normalize(start).split("/");
for (var dirs = [], i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if ("node_modules" !== parts[i]) {
var dir = parts.slice(0, i + 1).join("/") + "/node_modules";
} return dirs
if (cwd || (cwd = "/"), require._core[x]) return x;
var path = require.modules.path();
cwd = path.resolve("/", cwd);
var y = cwd || "/";
if (x.match(/^(?:\.\.?\/|\/)/)) {
var m = loadAsFileSync(path.resolve(y, x)) || loadAsDirectorySync(path.resolve(y, x));
if (m) return m
var n = loadNodeModulesSync(x, y);
if (n) return n;
throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + x + "'")
}(), require.alias = function (from, to) {
var path = require.modules.path(),
res = null;
try {
res = require.resolve(from + "/package.json", "/")
} catch (err) {
res = require.resolve(from, "/")
for (var basedir = path.dirname(res), keys = (Object.keys || function (obj) {
var res = [];
for (var key in obj) res.push(key);
return res
})(require.modules), i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (key.slice(0, basedir.length + 1) === basedir + "/") {
var f = key.slice(basedir.length);
require.modules[to + f] = require.modules[basedir + f]
} else key === basedir && (require.modules[to] = require.modules[basedir])
function () {
var process = {},
global = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {},
definedProcess = !1;
require.define = function (filename, fn) {
!definedProcess && require.modules.__browserify_process && (process = require.modules.__browserify_process(), definedProcess = !0);
var dirname = require._core[filename] ? "" : require.modules.path().dirname(filename),
require_ = function (file) {
var requiredModule = require(file, dirname),
cached = require.cache[require.resolve(file, dirname)];
return cached && null === cached.parent && (cached.parent = module_), requiredModule
require_.resolve = function (name) {
return require.resolve(name, dirname)
}, require_.modules = require.modules, require_.define = require.define, require_.cache = require.cache;
var module_ = {
id: filename,
filename: filename,
exports: {},
loaded: !1,
parent: null
require.modules[filename] = function () {
return require.cache[filename] = module_,, require_, module_, module_.exports, dirname, filename, process, global), module_.loaded = !0, module_.exports
}(), require.define("path", function (require, module, exports, __dirname, __filename, process) {
function filter(xs, fn) {
for (var res = [], i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) fn(xs[i], i, xs) && res.push(xs[i]);
return res
function normalizeArray(parts, allowAboveRoot) {
for (var up = 0, i = parts.length; i >= 0; i--) {
var last = parts[i];
"." == last ? parts.splice(i, 1) : ".." === last ? (parts.splice(i, 1), up++) : up && (parts.splice(i, 1), up--)
if (allowAboveRoot)
for (; up--; up) parts.unshift("..");
return parts
var splitPathRe = /^(.+\/(?!$)|\/)?((?:.+?)?(\.[^.]*)?)$/;
exports.resolve = function () {
for (var resolvedPath = "", resolvedAbsolute = !1, i = arguments.length; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
var path = i >= 0 ? arguments[i] : process.cwd();
"string" == typeof path && path && (resolvedPath = path + "/" + resolvedPath, resolvedAbsolute = "/" === path.charAt(0))
return resolvedPath = normalizeArray(filter(resolvedPath.split("/"), function (p) {
return !!p
}), !resolvedAbsolute).join("/"), (resolvedAbsolute ? "/" : "") + resolvedPath || "."
}, exports.normalize = function (path) {
var isAbsolute = "/" === path.charAt(0),
trailingSlash = "/" === path.slice(-1);
return path = normalizeArray(filter(path.split("/"), function (p) {
return !!p
}), !isAbsolute).join("/"), path || isAbsolute || (path = "."), path && trailingSlash && (path += "/"), (isAbsolute ? "/" : "") + path
}, exports.join = function () {
var paths =, 0);
return exports.normalize(filter(paths, function (p) {
return p && "string" == typeof p
}, exports.dirname = function (path) {
var dir = splitPathRe.exec(path)[1] || "",
isWindows = !1;
return dir ? 1 === dir.length || isWindows && dir.length <= 3 && ":" === dir.charAt(1) ? dir : dir.substring(0, dir.length - 1) : "."
}, exports.basename = function (path, ext) {
var f = splitPathRe.exec(path)[2] || "";
return ext && f.substr(-1 * ext.length) === ext && (f = f.substr(0, f.length - ext.length)), f
}, exports.extname = function (path) {
return splitPathRe.exec(path)[3] || ""
}), require.define("__browserify_process", function (require, module, exports, __dirname, __filename, process) {
var process = module.exports = {};
process.nextTick = function () {
var canSetImmediate = "undefined" != typeof window && window.setImmediate,
canPost = "undefined" != typeof window && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener;
if (canSetImmediate) return function (f) {
return window.setImmediate(f)
if (canPost) {
var queue = [];
return window.addEventListener("message", function (ev) {
if (ev.source === window && "browserify-tick" === && (ev.stopPropagation(), queue.length > 0)) {
var fn = queue.shift();
}, !0),
function (fn) {
queue.push(fn), window.postMessage("browserify-tick", "*")
return function (fn) {
setTimeout(fn, 0)
}(), process.title = "browser", process.browser = !0, process.env = {}, process.argv = [], process.binding = function (name) {
if ("evals" === name) return require("vm");
throw new Error("No such module. (Possibly not yet loaded)")
function () {
var path, cwd = "/";
process.cwd = function () {
return cwd
}, process.chdir = function (dir) {
path || (path = require("path")), cwd = path.resolve(dir, cwd)
}), require.define("/app/aggregator/stableMovingAverage.js", function (require, module) {
module.exports = function (windowSize, snapshotResetThreshold) {
function reset() {
startInd = 0, curSpeed = 0, lastLen = 0, bytes = 0, times = 0, fixedStartInd = !1
function movingAvg(snapshots) {
snapshots.length < snapshotResetThreshold && reset(), lastLen = snapshots.length;
var snapshotInd, speed;
if (!fixedStartInd) {
var sumBytes = 0,
sumTime = 0,
start = snapshots.length - 1,
end = Math.max(0, snapshots.length - windowSize);
for (snapshotInd = start; snapshotInd >= end; --snapshotInd) snapshot = snapshots[snapshotInd], sumBytes += snapshot.bytes, sumTime += snapshot.time;
speed = sumTime > 0 ? sumBytes / sumTime : 0, speed >= curSpeed ? (startInd = start + 1, curSpeed = speed, bytes = sumBytes, times = sumTime) : fixedStartInd = !0
for (snapshotInd = startInd; snapshotInd < snapshots.length; ++snapshotInd) snapshot = snapshots[snapshotInd], bytes += snapshot.bytes, times += snapshot.time;
return startInd = snapshots.length, times > 0 ? 1e3 * bytes * 8 / times : 0
var startInd, curSpeed, fixedStartInd, lastLen, bytes, times;
return snapshotResetThreshold = snapshotResetThreshold || 5, reset(), movingAvg
}), require.define("/app/stopper/stableDeltaMeasurementsStopper.js", function (require, module) {
module.exports = function (config) {
function lastWindowMaxInd(measurements, windowSize) {
var measurement, curMaxSpeed = 0,
curMaxInd = 0,
measurementInd = 0,
numMeasurements = measurements.length,
firstMeasurementInd = Math.max(0, numMeasurements - windowSize);
for (measurementInd = numMeasurements - 1; measurementInd >= firstMeasurementInd; --measurementInd) measurement = measurements[measurementInd], measurement.speed >= curMaxSpeed && (curMaxSpeed = measurement.speed, curMaxInd = measurementInd);
return curMaxInd
function maxDelta(value, measurements) {
var measurementInd, delta, maxDelta = 0;
for (measurementInd = 0; measurementInd < measurements.length; ++measurementInd) delta = 100 * Math.abs(measurements[measurementInd].speed - value) / value, delta > maxDelta && (maxDelta = delta);
return maxDelta
function isCompleted(metrics) {
var maxInd, delta, testTime = void 0 !== metrics.testTime ? metrics.testTime : timer() - startTime,
measurements = metrics.progressMeasurements,
afterCompleteDuration = metrics.afterCompleteDuration,
numMeasurements = measurements.length,
curSpeed = metrics.speed;
return void 0 === afterCompleteDuration ? testTime >= maxDuration ? !0 : minStableMeasurements > numMeasurements ? !1 : (maxInd = lastWindowMaxInd(measurements, Math.ceil(minStableMeasurements / 2)), numMeasurements - maxInd < Math.ceil(minStableMeasurements / 2) ? !1 : (maxInd = Math.max(0, numMeasurements - minStableMeasurements), minStableMeasurements > numMeasurements - maxInd ? !1 : (delta = maxDelta(curSpeed, measurements.slice(numMeasurements - minStableMeasurements, numMeasurements)), delta > stabilityDelta ? !1 : testTime >= minDuration))) : testTime >= afterCompleteDuration
var minDuration, maxDuration, stabilityDelta, minStableMeasurements, timer, startTime;
return minDuration = config.minDuration || 5, maxDuration = config.maxDuration || 60, stabilityDelta = config.stabilityDelta || 5, minStableMeasurements = config.minStableMeasurements || 5, timer = config.timer || require("../timer").time, startTime = timer(), isCompleted
}), require.define("/app/timer.js", function (require, module) {
module.exports = function () {
var timer;
return this.window && window.performance && (timer = || window.performance.webkitNow, timer && (timer = timer.bind(window.performance))), timer || (timer = function () {
return (new Date).getTime()
}), {
time: timer
}), require.define("/app/tester.js", function (require, module) {
var tester = function () {
var MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES = 26214400,
DOWNLOAD_TEST: "download",
UPLOAD_TEST: "upload",
LATENCY_TEST: "latency"
utils = require("./utils"),
errors = require("./error"),
events = require("./event"),
testConfig = require("./config"),
factory = (require("circular-buffer"), function (requester, config) {
function validateEvent(eventName, callback) {
if (void 0 === events.schema[eventName]) throw new errors.TesterEventError("no event with name " + eventName);
if (!utils.isFunction(callback)) throw new errors.TesterEventError("function callback is expected for event " + eventName)
function isActive() {
return testIsRunning
function stop() {
var reqId;
testIsRunning = !1, urlGetter.stop(), reportTimeout && clearTimeout(reportTimeout), retryTimeout && clearTimeout(retryTimeout);
for (reqId in requesters) requesters[reqId].stop(), pingers[reqId].stop()
function reset() {
isActive() && stop(), startTime = null, downloadStartTime = null, testAttempt = 1, workerMeasurements = {}, latencyMeasurements = {}, requesters = {}, pingers = {}, progressMeasurements = [], requestTimeMs = config.startRangeRequestTimeMs, activeWorkersCount = 0, snapshot.reset(), window && window.performance && window.performance.clearResourceTimings && window.performance.clearResourceTimings()
function computeLoadedLatency() {
var reqId, value, latencies = [],
count = 0;
for (reqId in latencyMeasurements) latencyMeasurements[reqId].length > 4 && (value = utils.percentile(latencyMeasurements[reqId], .75), latencies.push(value)), count += latencyMeasurements[reqId].length;
if (0 === latencies.length)
for (reqId in latencyMeasurements) value = utils.percentile(latencyMeasurements[reqId], .75), latencies.push(value);
return {
value: Math.min.apply(null, latencies),
count: count
function computeUnloadedLatency() {
var reqId, value, latencies = [],
count = 0;
for (reqId in latencyMeasurements) value = utils.percentile(latencyMeasurements[reqId], .1), latencies.push(value), count += latencyMeasurements[reqId].length;
return {
value: Math.min.apply(null, latencies),
count: count
function reportEndEvents(data) {
var eventData, result = data.result,
resultValue = -1;
eventData = {
start: startTime,
downloadStart: downloadStartTime,
attempts: testAttempt,
numberOfTests: stats[currentTestType].tests,
bytes: stats[currentTestType].bytes[stats[currentTestType].bytes.length - 1]
}, "success" === result ? (eventData.stable = data.stable, currentTestType === TEST_TYPE.LATENCY_TEST ? (resultValue = data.value, eventData.count = data.count, eventData.value = resultValue) : (resultValue = data.speed, eventData.speed = resultValue, eventData.latency = computeLoadedLatency()), event(, eventData), event(, eventData), eventData.result = result) : "stop" === result ? (eventData.reason = data.reason || "stopped", event(, eventData), eventData.result = result) : (eventData.error = data.error, eventData.attempts = testAttempt - 1, event(, eventData), event(, eventData), eventData.result = result), event(, eventData), event(, eventData), stats[currentTestType].results.push(resultValue)
function startTestWorker(workerId, url, attempt) {
function sendLatencyRequest(onLatencyComplete) {
var rangeUrl = url.replace("/range/", "/range/0-0");
event(, {
oca: oca
}), pinger.upload(rangeUrl, 0, utils.dummy, onLatencyComplete)
function sendDownloadRequest(onDownloadProgress, onDownloadComplete) {
var rangeUrl;
3 > testAttempt || config.maxBytesInFlight - 1 < activeWorkersCount * MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES || !req.supportsProgress() ? rangeUrl = url.replace("/range/", "/range/0-" + requestSize) : (rangeUrl = url.replace("/range/", ""), requestSize = MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES), event(, {
oca: oca,
range: requestSize,
requestUrl: rangeUrl
try {
req.start(rangeUrl, onDownloadProgress, onDownloadComplete, !1, url)
} catch (e) {
success: !1,
response: {
type: "Requester error",
message: e
function sendUploadRequest(onUploadProgress, onUploadComplete) {
var rangeUrl;
3 > testAttempt || config.maxBytesInFlight - 1 < activeWorkersCount * MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES || !req.supportsProgress() ? rangeUrl = url.replace("/range/", "/range/0-" + requestSize) : (rangeUrl = url.replace("/range/", ""), requestSize = MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES), event(, {
oca: oca,
range: requestSize,
requestUrl: rangeUrl
try {
req.upload(rangeUrl, requestSize, onUploadProgress, onUploadComplete)
} catch (e) {
success: !1,
response: {
type: "Requester error",
message: e
function workerIsActive() {
return void 0 !== workerMeasurements[workerId]
function onProgress(progress) {
var progressData;
workerIsActive() && isActive() ? progress.success && (progressData = {
bytes: progress.bytes,
time: progress.end - progress.start,
start: progress.start,
end: progress.end
}, void 0 === progressData.bytes && (progressData.bytes = requestSize), stats[currentTestType].bytes[stats[currentTestType].bytes.length - 1] += progressData.bytes, workerMeasurements[workerId].push(progressData), event(, {
oca: oca,
bytes: progressData.bytes,
start: progressData.start,
end: progressData.end
})) : req.stop()
function onComplete(sendRequest) {
var completeFunc = function (data) {
var requestTime, eventData = {
oca: oca
partialSuccess = !1;
if (workerIsActive() && isActive() && "stopped" !== data.reason) {
if (partialSuccess = !data.success && workerMeasurements[workerId].length > 0, !data.success && !partialSuccess) {
var error = new errors.DownloadOcaDataError("Could not download oca data");
return error.url = url, error.response = data.response, eventData.error = error, event(, eventData), eventData.result = "fail", event(, eventData), void test(attempt + 1, error)
eventData.bytes = requestSize, eventData.partialSuccess = partialSuccess, event(, eventData), eventData.result = "success", req.supportsProgress() ? requestSize = MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES : (requestTime = data.end - data.start, requestSize = Math.min(Math.floor(requestTimeMs * requestSize / requestTime), 5 * requestSize, MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES, Math.round(config.maxBytesInFlight / config.connections.max)), requestTimeMs = Math.min(requestTimeMs + config.rangeRequestIncreaseMs, config.maxRangeRequestTimeMs), requestSize = Math.max(requestSize, MIN_REQUEST_SIZE)), event(, eventData), sendRequest(onProgress, completeFunc)
} else req.stop(), eventData.reason = "inactive", eventData.result = "stop", event(, eventData)
return completeFunc
function onLatencyComplete(data) {
var latency, scheduleDelay, eventData = {
oca: oca
if (workerIsActive() && isActive() && "stopped" !== data.reason) {
if (data.success) latency = data.end - data.start, data.timing || (latency /= 2), eventData.latency = latency, eventData.start = data.start, eventData.end = data.end, latencyMeasurements[workerId].push(latency), eventData.timing = data.timing, event(, eventData), eventData.result = "success";
else {
var error = new errors.DownloadOcaDataError("Could not measure latency to oca " + oca);
error.url = url, error.response = data.response, eventData.error = error, event(, eventData), eventData.result = "fail"
event(, eventData), scheduleDelay = currentTestType !== TEST_TYPE.LATENCY_TEST ? latency ? Math.max(config.latencyMeasurementsFrequencyMs - latency, 0) : config.latencyMeasurementsFrequencyMs : 0, setTimeout(function () {
return sendLatencyRequest(onLatencyComplete)
}, scheduleDelay)
} else pinger.stop(), eventData.reason = "inactive", eventData.result = "stop", event(, eventData)
var req = requester(),
pinger = requester(),
requestSize = config.firstRequestBytes,
oca = url.split("/")[2];
requesters[workerId] = req, pingers[workerId] = pinger, workerMeasurements[workerId] = [], latencyMeasurements[workerId] = [], req.supportsProgress() && (requestSize = MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES), config.measureLatency && currentTestType !== TEST_TYPE.LATENCY_TEST && sendLatencyRequest(onLatencyComplete), currentTestType === TEST_TYPE.DOWNLOAD_TEST ? sendDownloadRequest(onProgress, onComplete(sendDownloadRequest)) : currentTestType === TEST_TYPE.UPLOAD_TEST ? sendUploadRequest(onProgress, onComplete(sendUploadRequest)) : currentTestType === TEST_TYPE.LATENCY_TEST && sendLatencyRequest(onLatencyComplete)
function reportMetrics(interval) {
function testTime() {
var now = timer();
return (now - (downloadStartTime || startTime)) / 1e3
var latestSnapshot, resultData, testComplete, currentSpeed, snapshots, testTimeS, activeSnapshot = !1;
if (isActive())
if (currentTestType === TEST_TYPE.LATENCY_TEST) resultData = computeUnloadedLatency(), resultData.stable = !0, testComplete = testTime() > 5 && resultData.count > 50, testComplete ? (stop(), resultData.result = "success", setTimeout(function () {
}, 10)) : (event(, resultData), reportTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, interval));
else {
latestSnapshot = snapshot.compute(workerMeasurements), latestSnapshot && (activeSnapshot = latestSnapshot.end - latestSnapshot.start > 0, event(, {
bytes: latestSnapshot.bytes,
start: latestSnapshot.start,
end: latestSnapshot.end,
time: latestSnapshot.time
})), snapshots = snapshot.all(), testTimeS = testTime(), activeSnapshot && (currentSpeed = speedAggregator(snapshots), testComplete = testTimeS > config.duration.min && stopper({
testTime: testTimeS,
snapshots: snapshots,
progressMeasurements: progressMeasurements,
speed: currentSpeed
})), testTimeS > config.duration.max && (testComplete = !0, currentSpeed = speedAggregator(snapshots)), resultData = {
speed: currentSpeed,
stable: !0,
bytes: stats[currentTestType].bytes[stats[currentTestType].bytes.length - 1],
latency: computeLoadedLatency()
}, testComplete ? (testTimeS > config.duration.max && (resultData.stopperStable = !1, progressMeasurements.length > STABLE_MEASUREMENTS_THRESHOLD && (resultData.stable = !0)), stop(), resultData.result = "success", setTimeout(function () {
}, 10)) : (activeSnapshot && (progressMeasurements.push({
speed: currentSpeed
}), event(, {
speed: currentSpeed,
bytes: resultData.bytes,
latency: resultData.latency
})), reportTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, interval));
var i, desiredWorkers = activeWorkersCount;
if (activeWorkersCount < config.connections.max)
for (currentSpeed > 5e7 ? desiredWorkers = config.connections.max : currentSpeed > 1e7 && 5 > activeWorkersCount ? desiredWorkers = 5 : currentSpeed > 1e6 && 3 > activeWorkersCount && (desiredWorkers = 3), currentSpeed > 5e5 && 2 > activeWorkersCount && (desiredWorkers = 3), i = 0; desiredWorkers - activeWorkersCount > i; ++i) startNewWorker()
function urlRequestFailure(error) {
event(, {
error: error,
result: "fail"
}), isActive() && test(testAttempt + 1, error)
function urlRequestStop() {
event(, {
result: "stop"
function startNewWorker() {
function startForUrl(url) {
var id = uniqueId();
event(, {
url: url,
result: "success",
client: urlGetter.clientInfo()
}), downloadStartTime = downloadStartTime || timer(), startTestWorker(id, url, testAttempt)
function restartTest(error) {
return urlRequestFailure(error)
activeWorkersCount += 1, event(, config.getTestOcasParams), urlGetter.getNext(config.getTestOcasParams, requester, startForUrl, restartTest, urlRequestStop)
function test(attempt, error) {
function startTest() {
eventData = {
attempt: testAttempt
}, event(, eventData), startTime = timer();
var i;
if (currentTestType !== TEST_TYPE.LATENCY_TEST)
for (i = 0; i < config.connections.min; i++) startNewWorker();
for (i = 0; i < Math.min(5, config.connections.max); i++) startNewWorker();
var eventData;
return reset(), testAttempt = attempt || 1, testAttempt > config.maxAttempts ? void reportEndEvents({
result: "fail",
error: error
}) : (testIsRunning = !0, error && (eventData = {
error: error,
attempt: testAttempt - 1
}, event(, eventData), eventData.result = "fail", event(, eventData), error.url && urlGetter.reportBadUrl(error.url)), void(testAttempt > 1 ? setTimeout(startTest, Math.min(Math.pow(2, testAttempt), 200)) : startTest()))
function event(eventName, data) {
var eventInd, genericHandlers, handler, handlers = eventHandlers[eventName];
if (data.testType = currentTestType, handlers && handlers.length > 0)
for (eventInd = 0; eventInd < handlers.length; ++eventInd) {
handler = handlers[eventInd];
try {
} catch (e) {}
if (genericHandlers = eventHandlers[], genericHandlers && genericHandlers.length > 0)
for (eventInd = 0; eventInd < genericHandlers.length; ++eventInd) genericHandlers[eventInd]({
event: eventName,
data: utils.simpleCopy(data)
var that, currentTestType, reportTimeout, retryTimeout, requestTimeMs, activeWorkersCount, speedAggregator, stopper, timer, testType, testIsRunning = !1,
testAttempt = 1,
stats = {},
startTime = null,
downloadStartTime = null,
workerMeasurements = {},
latencyMeasurements = {},
requesters = {},
pingers = {},
progressMeasurements = [],
urlGetter = require("./url_getter")(),
uniqueId = utils.uniqueId,
snapshot = require("./snapshot"),
eventHandlers = {};
for (testType in TEST_TYPE) testType = TEST_TYPE[testType], stats[testType] = {}, stats[testType].tests = 0, stats[testType].results = [], stats[testType].bytes = [];
if (!requester) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("requester factory should be provided to the tester");
return config = testConfig.get(config), timer = config.timer, speedAggregator = config.aggregator, stopper = config.stopper, that = {
download: function () {
currentTestType = TEST_TYPE.DOWNLOAD_TEST, stats[currentTestType].tests += 1, stats[currentTestType].bytes.push(0), urlGetter.reset(), event(, {
numberOfTests: stats[currentTestType].tests,
type: currentTestType,
stats: stats
}), test()
upload: function () {
currentTestType = TEST_TYPE.UPLOAD_TEST, stats[currentTestType].tests > 1 && urlGetter.reset(), stats[currentTestType].tests += 1, stats[currentTestType].bytes.push(0), event(, {
numberOfTests: stats[currentTestType].tests,
type: currentTestType,
stats: stats
}), test()
latency: function () {
currentTestType = TEST_TYPE.LATENCY_TEST, stats[currentTestType].tests > 1 && urlGetter.reset(), stats[currentTestType].tests += 1, stats[currentTestType].bytes.push(0), event(, {
numberOfTests: stats[currentTestType].tests,
type: currentTestType,
stats: stats
}), test()
stop: function () {
stop(), reportEndEvents({
result: "stop",
reason: "user"
on: function (eventName, callback) {
validateEvent(eventName, callback);
var handlers = eventHandlers[eventName];
return handlers || (handlers = eventHandlers[eventName] = []), handlers.push(callback), that
off: function (eventName, callback) {
validateEvent(eventName, callback);
var eventInd, event, handlers = eventHandlers[eventName],
outHandlers = [];
if (handlers && handlers.length > 0) {
for (eventInd = 0; eventInd < handlers.length; ++eventInd) event = handlers[eventInd], event !== callback && outHandlers.push(event);
outHandlers.length > 0 && (eventHandlers[eventName] = outHandlers)
return that
config: function (attr) {
return attr ? config[attr] : config
setConfig: function (attrs) {
for (var name in attrs) testConfig.validate(name, attrs[name]) && (config[name] = attrs[name]);
return config
isRunning: function () {
return testIsRunning
return factory
module.exports = tester()
}), require.define("/app/utils.js", function (require, module) {
var utils = {};
utils.getXHR = function () {
var XMLHttpFactories = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0", "Msxml3.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0"],
xmlhttp = !1;
try {
if (-1 !== navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 10")) throw new Error("Error");
xmlhttp = new XDomainRequest
} catch (e) {
try {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest
} catch (e) {
for (var i = 0; i < XMLHttpFactories.length; i++) try {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(XMLHttpFactories[i]);
} catch (e) {}
} finally {
return xmlhttp
}, utils.uniqueId = function () {
var id = 0,
getId = function () {
var myId = id;
return id += 1, myId
return getId
}(), utils.dummy = function () {}, utils.isFunction = function (obj) {
return !!(obj && obj.constructor && && obj.apply)
}, utils.simpleCopy = function (obj) {
var attr, copy = {};
for (attr in obj) copy[attr] = obj[attr];
return copy
}, utils.createObject = function (obj) {
function F() {}
return F.prototype = obj, new F
}, utils.median = function (values) {
var l, half;
return l = values.length, 0 === l ? void 0 : 1 === l ? values[0] : (half = Math.floor(l / 2), values.sort(), l % 2 ? values[half] : (values[half - 1] + values[half]) / 2)
}, utils.percentile = function (values, p) {
if (0 === values.length) return 0;
if ("number" != typeof p) throw new TypeError("p must be a number");
if (values.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b
}), 0 >= p) return values[0];
if (p >= 1) return values[values.length - 1];
var index = values.length * p,
lower = Math.floor(index),
upper = lower + 1,
weight = index % 1;
return upper >= values.length ? values[lower] : values[lower] * (1 - weight) + values[upper] * weight
}, utils.addEventListener = function (elem, event, listener) {
elem.addEventListener ? elem.addEventListener(event, listener, !1) : elem.attachEvent("on" + event, listener)
}, utils.removeEventListener = function (elem, event, listener) {
elem.addEventListener ? elem.removeEventListener(event, listener) : elem.detachEvent("on" + event, listener)
}, utils.polyfillObjectKeys = function () {
Object.keys || (Object.keys = function () {
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
hasDontEnumBug = !{
toString: null
dontEnums = ["toString", "toLocaleString", "valueOf", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "constructor"],
dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length;
return function (obj) {
if ("object" != typeof obj && ("function" != typeof obj || null === obj)) throw new TypeError("Object.keys called on non-object");
var prop, i, result = [];
for (prop in obj), prop) && result.push(prop);
if (hasDontEnumBug)
for (i = 0; dontEnumsLength > i; i++), dontEnums[i]) && result.push(dontEnums[i]);
return result
}, utils.onDomReady = function (callback) {
function onReadyIe() {
"complete" === document.readyState && (document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", onReadyIe), callback())
document.addEventListener ? document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", callback, !1) : document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", onReadyIe)
}, utils.genBlob = function (size) {
var blobStr;
for (blobStr = ""; 2 * blobStr.length <= size;) blobStr += blobStr + Math.random().toString();
blobStr.length > size ? blobStr = blobStr.substring(0, size) : blobStr += blobStr.substring(0, size - blobStr.length);
try {
blob = new Blob([blobStr], {
type: "application/octet-stream"
} catch (e) {
try {
var bb = new(window.MozBlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.BlobBuilder);
bb.append(blobStr), blob = bb.getBlob("application/octet-stream")
} catch (e) {
blob = blobStr
return blob
}, module.exports = utils
}), require.define("/app/error.js", function (require, module) {
function TesterArgumentError() {
var temp = Error.apply(this, arguments); = = "TesterArgumentError", this.stack = temp.stack, this.message = temp.message
function TesterEventError() {
var temp = Error.apply(this, arguments); = = "TesterEventError", this.stack = temp.stack, this.message = temp.message
function RequesterArgumentError() {
var temp = Error.apply(this, arguments); = = "RequesterArgumentError", this.stack = temp.stack, this.message = temp.message
function GetOcaUrlError() {
var temp = Error.apply(this, arguments); = = "GetOcaUrlError", this.stack = temp.stack, this.message = temp.message
function NoOcaUrlsError() {
var temp = Error.apply(this, arguments); = = "NoOcaUrlsError", this.stack = temp.stack, this.message = temp.message
function DownloadOcaDataError() {
var temp = Error.apply(this, arguments); = = "DownloadOcaDataError", this.stack = temp.stack, this.message = temp.message
var errors = {};
TesterArgumentError.prototype = Error.prototype, errors.TesterArgumentError = TesterArgumentError, TesterEventError.prototype = Error.prototype, errors.TesterEventError = TesterEventError, RequesterArgumentError.prototype = Error.prototype, errors.RequesterArgumentError = RequesterArgumentError, GetOcaUrlError.prototype = Error.prototype, errors.GetOcaUrlError = GetOcaUrlError, NoOcaUrlsError.prototype = Error.prototype, errors.NoOcaUrlsError = NoOcaUrlsError, DownloadOcaDataError.prototype = Error.prototype, errors.DownloadOcaDataError = DownloadOcaDataError, module.exports = errors
}), require.define("/app/event.js", function (require, module) {
var events = {
START: "start",
END: "end",
SUCCESS: "success",
FAIL: "fail",
STOP: "stop",
ATTEMPT_START: "attemptStart",
ATTEMPT_END: "attemptEnd",
ATTEMPT_SUCCESS: "attemptSuccess",
ATTEMPT_FAIL: "attemptFail",
PROGRESS: "progress",
SNAPSHOT: "snapshot",
CONNECTION_START: "connectionStart",
CONNECTION_FAIL: "connectionFail",
CONNECTION_PROGRESS: "connectionProgress",
CONNECTION_SUCCESS: "connectionSuccess",
CONNECTION_END: "connectionEnd",
LATENCY_START: "latencyStart",
LATENCY_FAIL: "latencyFail",
LATENCY_SUCCESS: "latencySuccess",
LATENCY_END: "latencyEnd",
UPLOAD_START: "uploadStart",
UPLOAD_FAIL: "uploadFail",
UPLOAD_SUCCESS: "uploadSuccess",
UPLOAD_END: "uploadEnd",
URL_REQUEST_START: "urlRequestStart",
URL_REQUEST_END: "urlRequestEnd",
AFTER_COMPLETE_ATTEMPT_START: "afterCompleteAttemptStart",
AFTER_COMPLETE_ATTEMPT_END: "afterCompleteAttemptEnd",
ANY: "event"
schema = {
start: {},
end: {},
success: {},
fail: {},
stop: {},
attemptStart: {},
attemptEnd: {},
attemptSuccess: {},
attemptFail: {},
progress: {},
snapshot: {},
connectionStart: {},
connectionFail: {},
connectionProgress: {},
connectionSuccess: {},
connectionEnd: {},
latencyStart: {},
latencyFail: {},
latencySuccess: {},
latencyEnd: {},
uploadStart: {},
uploadFail: {},
uploadSuccess: {},
uploadEnd: {},
urlRequestStart: {},
urlRequestEnd: {},
afterCompleteAttemptStart: {},
afterCompleteAttemptEnd: {},
event: {}
module.exports = {
events: events,
schema: schema
}), require.define("/app/config.js", function (require, module) {
module.exports = function () {
function positiveNumberValidator(name) {
return function (value) {
if (0 >= value) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError(name + ": expected value should be above 0, given value: " + value)
function update(config, overrides) {
var name, value;
if (overrides)
for (name in overrides) value = overrides[name], validate(name, value), config[name] = value;
return config
function validate(name, value) {
var validator;
if (void 0 === defaultConfig[name]) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("unknown tester config attribute: " + name);
return validator = validators[name], validator && validator(value), !0
var errors = require("./error"),
timer = require("./timer"),
utils = require("./utils"),
validators = {
maxAttempts: positiveNumberValidator("maxAttempts"),
maxConnections: positiveNumberValidator("maxConnections"),
progressFrequencyMs: positiveNumberValidator("progressFrequencyMs"),
firstRequestBytes: positiveNumberValidator("firstRequestBytes"),
maxBytesInFlight: positiveNumberValidator("maxBytesInFlight"),
startRangeRequestTimeMs: positiveNumberValidator("startRangeRequestTimeMs"),
maxRangeRequestTimeMs: positiveNumberValidator("maxRangeRequestTimeMs"),
rangeRequestIncreaseMs: positiveNumberValidator("rangeRequestIncreaseMs"),
latencyMeasurementsWindowSize: positiveNumberValidator("latencyMeasurementsWindowSize"),
minLatencyMeasurements: positiveNumberValidator("minLatencyMeasurements"),
latencyMeasurementsFrequencyMs: positiveNumberValidator("latencyMeasurementsFrequencyMs"),
protocol: function (protocol) {
if ("http" !== protocol && "https" !== protocol) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("protocol: only http and https are supported, given value: " + protocol)
version: function () {
throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("can not override tester version")
duration: function (duration) {
if (void 0 === duration.min) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("duration: when provided, duration.min is mandatory");
if (void 0 === duration.max) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("duration: when provided, duration.max is mandatory");
if (duration.min > duration.max) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("duration: max duration should be higher or equal to min duration, given value: min=" + duration.min + ", max=" + duration.max);
if (duration.min < 0) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("duration.min can not be negative");
if (duration.max < 0) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("duration.max can not be negative")
connections: function (connections) {
if (void 0 === connections.min) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("connections: when provided, connections.min is mandatory");
if (void 0 === connections.max) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("connections: when provided, connections.max is mandatory");
if (connections.min > connections.max) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("connections: max connections should be higher or equal to min connections, given value: min=" + connections.min + ", max=" + connections.max);
if (connections.min <= 0) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("connections.min should be positive");
if (connections.max <= 0) throw new errors.TesterArgumentError("connections.max should be positive")
defaultDuration = {
min: 5,
max: 30
defaultConfig = {
version: "0.3.8",
maxAttempts: 5,
connections: {
min: 1,
max: 3
duration: defaultDuration,
progressFrequencyMs: 200,
protocol: "https",
firstRequestBytes: 2048,
maxBytesInFlight: 78643200,
collectAfterComplete: !1,
getTestOcasParams: {},
startRangeRequestTimeMs: 300,
maxRangeRequestTimeMs: 1e3,
rangeRequestIncreaseMs: 200,
timer: timer.time,
measureLatency: !1,
latencyMeasurementsWindowSize: 5,
minLatencyMeasurements: 3,
latencyMeasurementsFrequencyMs: 1e3,
aggregator: require("./aggregator/movingAverage")(10),
stopper: require("./stopper/stableMeasurementsStopper")({
minDuration: defaultDuration.min,
maxDuration: defaultDuration.max,
stabilityDelta: 3,
minStableMeasurements: 10
return {
get: function (overrides) {
var config = utils.simpleCopy(defaultConfig);
return overrides && update(config, overrides), config
validate: function (name, value) {
return validate(name, value)
}), require.define("/app/aggregator/movingAverage.js", function (require, module) {
module.exports = function (windowSize) {
function movingAvg(snapshots) {
var snapshotInd, bytes = 0,
times = 0,
start = snapshots.length - 1,
end = Math.max(0, snapshots.length - windowSize);
for (snapshotInd = start; snapshotInd >= end; --snapshotInd) snapshot = snapshots[snapshotInd], bytes += snapshot.bytes, times += snapshot.time;
return times > 0 ? 1e3 * bytes * 8 / times : 0
return movingAvg
}), require.define("/app/stopper/stableMeasurementsStopper.js", function (require, module) {
module.exports = function (config) {
function lastWindowMaxInd(measurements, windowSize) {
var measurement, curMaxSpeed = 0,
curMaxInd = 0,
measurementInd = 0,
numMeasurements = measurements.length,
firstMeasurementInd = Math.max(0, numMeasurements - windowSize);
for (measurementInd = numMeasurements - 1; measurementInd >= firstMeasurementInd; --measurementInd) measurement = measurements[measurementInd], measurement.speed >= curMaxSpeed && (curMaxSpeed = measurement.speed, curMaxInd = measurementInd);
return curMaxInd
function maxDelta(value, measurements) {
var measurementInd, delta, maxDelta = 0;
for (measurementInd = 0; measurementInd < measurements.length; ++measurementInd) delta = 100 * Math.abs(measurements[measurementInd].speed - value) / value, delta > maxDelta && (maxDelta = delta);
return delta
function isCompleted(metrics) {
var testTime = void 0 !== metrics.testTime ? metrics.testTime : timer() - startTime,
measurements = metrics.progressMeasurements,
afterCompleteDuration = metrics.afterCompleteDuration,
numMeasurements = measurements.length;
if (void 0 === afterCompleteDuration) {
if (testTime >= maxDuration) return !0;
if (minStableMeasurements > numMeasurements) return !1;
var maxInd = lastWindowMaxInd(measurements, minStableMeasurements);
if (minStableMeasurements > numMeasurements - maxInd) return !1;
var delta = maxDelta(measurements[maxInd].speed, measurements.slice(numMeasurements - minStableMeasurements, numMeasurements));
return delta > stabilityDelta ? !1 : testTime >= minDuration
return testTime >= afterCompleteDuration
var minDuration, maxDuration, stabilityDelta, minStableMeasurements, timer, startTime;
return minDuration = config.minDuration || 5, maxDuration = config.maxDuration || 60, stabilityDelta = config.stabilityDelta || 5, minStableMeasurements = config.minStableMeasurements || 5, timer = config.timer || require("../timer").time, startTime = timer(), isCompleted
}), require.define("/node_modules/circular-buffer/package.json", function (require, module) {
module.exports = {
main: "index.js"
}), require.define("/node_modules/circular-buffer/index.js", function (require, module) {
function CircularBuffer(capacity) {
if (!(this instanceof CircularBuffer)) return new CircularBuffer(capacity);
if ("object" == typeof capacity && Array.isArray(capacity._buffer) && "number" == typeof capacity._capacity && "number" == typeof capacity._first && "number" == typeof capacity._size)
for (var prop in capacity) capacity.hasOwnProperty(prop) && (this[prop] = capacity[prop]);
else {
if ("number" != typeof capacity || capacity % 1 != 0 || 1 > capacity) throw new TypeError("Invalid capacity");
this._buffer = new Array(capacity), this._capacity = capacity, this._first = 0, this._size = 0
CircularBuffer.prototype = {
size: function () {
return this._size
capacity: function () {
return this._capacity
enq: function (value) {
this._first > 0 ? this._first-- : this._first = this._capacity - 1, this._buffer[this._first] = value, this._size < this._capacity && this._size++
push: function (value) {
this._size == this._capacity ? (this._buffer[this._first] = value, this._first = (this._first + 1) % this._capacity) : (this._buffer[(this._first + this._size) % this._capacity] = value, this._size++)
deq: function () {
if (0 == this._size) throw new RangeError("dequeue on empty buffer");
var value = this._buffer[(this._first + this._size - 1) % this._capacity];
return this._size--, value
pop: function () {
return this.deq()
shift: function () {
if (0 == this._size) throw new RangeError("shift on empty buffer");
var value = this._buffer[this._first];
return this._first == this._capacity - 1 ? this._first = 0 : this._first++, this._size--, value
get: function (start, end) {
if (0 == this._size && 0 == start && (void 0 == end || 0 == end)) return [];
if ("number" != typeof start || start % 1 != 0 || 0 > start) throw new TypeError("Invalid start");
if (start >= this._size) throw new RangeError("Index past end of buffer: " + start);
if (void 0 == end) return this._buffer[(this._first + start) % this._capacity];
if ("number" != typeof end || end % 1 != 0 || 0 > end) throw new TypeError("Invalid end");
if (end >= this._size) throw new RangeError("Index past end of buffer: " + end);
return this._first + start >= this._capacity && (start -= this._capacity, end -= this._capacity), this._first + end < this._capacity ? this._buffer.slice(this._first + start, this._first + end + 1) : this._buffer.slice(this._first + start, this._capacity).concat(this._buffer.slice(0, this._first + end + 1 - this._capacity))
toarray: function () {
return 0 == this._size ? [] : this.get(0, this._size - 1)
}, module.exports = CircularBuffer
}), require.define("/app/url_getter.js", function (require, module) {
var urlGetter = function () {
function badUrlReporter() {
function parseUrl(url) {
var endpoint, urlParts = url.split("?"),
urlData = {};
return urlData.url = url, urlData.normalizedUrl = url, endpoint = urlParts[0], 2 === urlParts.length && (speedtestInd = endpoint.lastIndexOf("/speedtest"), speedtestInd ? (endpoint = endpoint.substring(0, speedtestInd + 10), urlData.normalizedUrl = endpoint + "?" + urlParts[1]) : urlData.normalizedUrl = url), endpoint = endpoint.replace(/.*?:\/\//g, ""), urlData.oca = endpoint.split("/")[0], = urlData.oca.split(".")[2], urlData
function reset() {
badUrls = {}, ocaFailures = {}, siteFailures = {}, clientInfo = {}
var badUrls, ocaFailures, siteFailures;
return reset(), {
reset: reset,
isBadUrl: function (url) {
var urlData = parseUrl(url),
ocaFails = void 0 === ocaFailures[urlData.oca] ? 0 : ocaFailures[urlData.oca],
siteFails = void 0 === siteFailures[] ? 0 : siteFailures[];
return url = urlData.normalizedUrl, void 0 !== badUrls[url] || ocaFails >= 2 || siteFails >= 3
reportBadUrl: function (url) {
var urlData = parseUrl(url);
url = urlData.normalizedUrl, badUrls[url] = !0, urlData.oca && (ocaFailures[urlData.oca] = void 0 === ocaFailures[urlData.oca] ? 1 : ocaFailures[urlData.oca] + 1), 1 === ocaFailures[urlData.oca] && && (siteFailures[] = void 0 === siteFailures[] ? 1 : siteFailures[] + 1)
function parseSpeedTestUrls(responseText) {
var response, targets, ind, url, allUrls;
for (allUrls = [], response = JSON.parse(responseText), targets = response.targets || [], clientInfo = response.client || {}, clientInfo.servers = [], ind = 0; ind < targets.length; ++ind) url = targets[ind].url, url = url.replace(/speedtest/, "speedtest/range/"), urlReporter.isBadUrl(url) || (testUrls.push(url), clientInfo.servers.push(targets[ind])), allUrls.push(url);
return 0 === testUrls.length && (testUrls = allUrls), testUrls
function formatUrl(params) {
var param, endpoint = params.endpoint || DEFAULT_PARAMS.endpoint,
https = void 0 !== params.https ? params.https : DEFAULT_PARAMS.https,
token = params.token || DEFAULT_PARAMS.token,
urlCount = params.urlCount || DEFAULT_PARAMS.urlCount,
url = "https://" + endpoint + "?https=" + https + "&token=" + token + "&urlCount=" + urlCount;
for (param in params.extraParams) params.extraParams.hasOwnProperty(param) && (url += "&" + param + "=" + params.extraParams[param]);
return url
function reset() {
testUrls = [], curUrlInd = 0, req = void 0
var DEFAULT_PARAMS, curUrlInd, testUrls, that, errors, req, urlReporter, clientInfo;
return errors = require("./error"), dummy = require("./utils").dummy, DEFAULT_PARAMS = {
https: !0,
token: "YXNkZmFzZGxmbnNkYWZoYXNkZmhrYWxm",
urlCount: 3,
endpoint: "",
extraParams: {}
}, that = {}, urlReporter = badUrlReporter(), reset(), that.get = function (urlParams, requester, onComplete, onFail, onStop, refresh) {
function returnUrl(urls) {
urls.length > 0 ? onComplete(urls[curUrlInd]) : onFail(new errors.NoOcaUrlsError("No urls returned from the endpoint " + url))
return 0 === testUrls.length || refresh ? void that.refresh(urlParams, requester, returnUrl, onFail, onStop) : void returnUrl(testUrls)
}, that.getNext = function (urlParams, requester, onComplete, onFail, onStop, refresh) {
return testUrls.length < 3 || refresh ? void that.get(urlParams, requester, onComplete, onFail, onStop, !0) : (curUrlInd = (curUrlInd + 1) % testUrls.length, void(testUrls.length > 0 ? onComplete(testUrls[curUrlInd]) : onFail(new errors.NoOcaUrlsError("No urls returned from the endpoint " + urlParams))))
}, that.reportBadUrl = function (url) {
var urlInd, newTestUrls = [];
for (urlReporter.reportBadUrl(url), urlInd = 0; urlInd < testUrls.length; ++urlInd) urlReporter.isBadUrl(testUrls[urlInd]) || newTestUrls.push(testUrls[urlInd]);
return testUrls = newTestUrls
}, that.refresh = function (urlParams, requester, onSuccess, onFail, onStop) {
function urlSuccess(data) {
req = void 0, data.success ? (reset(), testUrls = parseSpeedTestUrls(data.response), onSuccess(testUrls)) : "stopped" !== data.reason ? (error = new errors.GetOcaUrlError("Could not send request to " + url), error.response = data.response, onFail(error)) : onStop(data)
req = requester(), url = formatUrl(urlParams), req.start(url, dummy, urlSuccess, !0)
}, that.stop = function () {
req && req.stop()
}, that.reset = function () {
reset(), urlReporter.reset()
}, that.clientInfo = function () {
return clientInfo
}, that
module.exports = urlGetter
}), require.define("/app/snapshot.js", function (require, module) {
module.exports = function () {
function reset() {
snapshots = [], lastProcessedWorkerMeasurement = {}, overflowMeasurements = {}
function getLatestSnapshotMeasurements(workerMeasurements) {
var workerId, snapshotMeasurements, curWorkerMeasurements, workerMeasurementsCount, lastMeasurement, lastMeasurementInd, snapshotEnd, newLastProcessedWorkerMeasurement, curWorkerOverflowMeasurements;
snapshotMeasurements = [], newLastProcessedWorkerMeasurement = {};
for (workerId in workerMeasurements)
if (workerMeasurements.hasOwnProperty(workerId)) {
if (curWorkerMeasurements = workerMeasurements[workerId], workerMeasurementsCount = curWorkerMeasurements.length, lastMeasurementInd = lastProcessedWorkerMeasurement[workerId] || 0, curWorkerOverflowMeasurements = overflowMeasurements[workerId] || [], !(workerMeasurementsCount > lastMeasurementInd || curWorkerOverflowMeasurements.length > 0)) return;
overflowMeasurements[workerId] = [], snapshotMeasurements.push({
workerId: workerId,
measurements: [].concat(curWorkerOverflowMeasurements, curWorkerMeasurements.slice(lastMeasurementInd, workerMeasurementsCount))
}), lastMeasurement = curWorkerMeasurements[workerMeasurementsCount - 1], (!snapshotEnd || lastMeasurement.end < snapshotEnd) && (snapshotEnd = lastMeasurement.end), newLastProcessedWorkerMeasurement[workerId] = workerMeasurementsCount
} return lastProcessedWorkerMeasurement = newLastProcessedWorkerMeasurement, {
measurements: snapshotMeasurements,
end: snapshotEnd
function trimSnapshotMeasurements(snapshotMeasurements, snapshotEnd) {
var curWorkerMeasurements, workerId, lastMeasurement, measurementId, overflowMeasurement, snapshotInd, snapshot;
for (snapshotInd = 0; snapshotInd < snapshotMeasurements.length; ++snapshotInd) {
for (snapshot = snapshotMeasurements[snapshotInd], curWorkerMeasurements = snapshot.measurements, workerId = snapshot.workerId, measurementId = curWorkerMeasurements.length - 1; measurementId >= 0 && (lastMeasurement = curWorkerMeasurements[measurementId], lastMeasurement.start >= snapshotEnd); --measurementId) overflowMeasurements[workerId] || (overflowMeasurements[workerId] = []), overflowMeasurements[workerId].push(lastMeasurement);
snapshot.measurements = curWorkerMeasurements.slice(0, measurementId + 1), measurementId >= 0 && lastMeasurement && lastMeasurement.end > snapshotEnd && (overflowMeasurement = {
start: snapshotEnd,
end: lastMeasurement.end
}, overflowMeasurement.bytes = lastMeasurement.bytes * (lastMeasurement.end - snapshotEnd) / (lastMeasurement.end - lastMeasurement.start), lastMeasurement.bytes -= overflowMeasurement.bytes, lastMeasurement.end = snapshotEnd, overflowMeasurements[workerId] || (overflowMeasurements[workerId] = []), overflowMeasurements[workerId].push(overflowMeasurement))
return snapshotMeasurements
function makeSnapshot(snapshotMeasurements) {
function minStart(curWorkerMeasurements) {
var snapshotInd, min = {
workerId: null,
measurement: {},
snapshotInd: null
for (snapshotInd = 0; snapshotInd < snapshotMeasurements.length; ++snapshotInd) {
var workerId = snapshotMeasurements[snapshotInd].workerId,
measurements = snapshotMeasurements[snapshotInd].measurements,
measurementInd = curWorkerMeasurements[workerId] || 0,
measurement = measurements[measurementInd];
measurement && (void 0 === min.measurement.start || measurement.start < min.measurement.start) && (min.workerId = workerId, min.measurement = measurement, min.snaphotInd = snapshotInd)
return min
var minTime, maxTime, snapshot, curRange, rangeFinished, curLastTime;
for (snapshot = {
bytes: 0,
time: 0
}, curRange = {}, rangeFinished = 0; rangeFinished < snapshotMeasurements.length;) {
var curMin = minStart(curRange);
null !== curMin.workerId ? (curRange[curMin.workerId] = (curRange[curMin.workerId] || 0) + 1, curRange[curMin.workerId] >= snapshotMeasurements[curMin.snaphotInd].measurements.length && (rangeFinished += 1), void 0 === minTime && (minTime = curMin.measurement.start, curLastTime = minTime), curLastTime = Math.max(curLastTime, curMin.measurement.start), curMin.measurement.end > curLastTime && (snapshot.time += curMin.measurement.end - curLastTime, curLastTime = curMin.measurement.end), snapshot.bytes += curMin.measurement.bytes) : rangeFinished += 1
return maxTime = curLastTime, void 0 !== maxTime && void 0 !== minTime ? (snapshot.start = minTime, snapshot.end = maxTime, snapshot) : void 0
var snapshots, lastProcessedWorkerMeasurement, overflowMeasurements;
return reset(), {
reset: function () {
compute: function (workerMeasurements) {
var workerSnapshotData = getLatestSnapshotMeasurements(workerMeasurements);
if (workerSnapshotData) {
var snapshotMeasurements = trimSnapshotMeasurements(workerSnapshotData.measurements, workerSnapshotData.end),
snapshot = makeSnapshot(snapshotMeasurements);
return snapshot && snapshots.push(snapshot), snapshot
length: function () {
return snapshots.length
all: function () {
return snapshots
}), require.define("/app/requester/xhr.js", function (require, module) {
var requester = function () {
function extractTimingInfo(data, url) {
var entries, timing, end;
window && window.performance && window.performance.getEntriesByName && (entries = window.performance.getEntriesByName(url), 0 != entries.length && (timing = entries[entries.length - 1], end = timing.responseStart || timing.responseEnd, end && (data.timing = timing, data.start = timing.requestStart || timing.connectEnd || timing.startTime || timing.fetchTime || data.start, data.end = end)))
function validate(url, onProgressCallback, onCompleteCallback) {
if (!url) throw new errors.RequesterArgumentError("url arguments is mandatory to perform speed test");
if (!onProgressCallback) throw new errors.RequesterArgumentError("onProgressCallback is mandatory");
if (!onCompleteCallback) throw new errors.RequesterArgumentError("onCompleteCallback is mandatory")
function startTest(url, withResponse) {
function ontimeout() {
testIsRunning = !1, request && request.abort(), onComplete({
success: !1,
response: {
type: "Timeout",
message: "Request timed out. Timeout: " + requestTimeoutMs + "ms"
function onerror() {
var headers, errorMessage;
clearTimeout(xmlHttpTimeout), errorMessage = this.response, !errorMessage && withResponse && (errorMessage = this.responseText), this.getAllResponseHeaders && (headers = this.getAllResponseHeaders()), onComplete({
success: !1,
response: {
type: "RequestError",
status: this.status,
statusText: this.statusText,
message: errorMessage,
headers: headers,
url: url
function onload() {
var now, data, responseSize;
testIsRunning && (now = timer(), clearTimeout(xmlHttpTimeout), data = {
success: !0,
start: lastCompleteTime,
end: now
}, withResponse && (data.response = this.responseText), responseSize = this.response && this.response.size, extractTimingInfo(data, url), onProgress({
start: lastProgressTime,
end: data.end,
success: !0,
bytes: void 0 !== responseSize ? responseSize - lastBytesLoaded : responseSize
}), onComplete(data))
function onprogress(e) {
var now, newBytesLoaded;
200 !== this.status && 304 !== this.status || !e.lengthComputable || (now = timer(), newBytesLoaded = e.loaded - lastBytesLoaded, lastBytesLoaded = e.loaded, onProgress({
bytes: newBytesLoaded,
success: !0,
start: lastProgressTime,
end: now
}), lastProgressTime = now)
var lastBytesLoaded, lastProgressTime, lastCompleteTime, xmlHttpTimeout;
lastBytesLoaded = 0, request = xhr(), request.onprogress = onprogress, xmlHttpTimeout = setTimeout(ontimeout, requestTimeoutMs), "onreadystatechange" in request ? request.onreadystatechange = function () {
testIsRunning && 4 === this.readyState && (200 === this.status || 304 === this.status ? onload.apply(this) : onerror.apply(this))
} : (request.onerror = onerror, request.onload = onload, request.ontimeout = function () {}),"GET", url, !0), withResponse || (request.overrideMimeType && request.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"), request.responseType = "blob"), lastProgressTime = lastCompleteTime = timer(), request.timeout = 6e4, setTimeout(function () {
request && request.send()
}, 0)
function uploadTest(url, size) {
function ontimeout() {
testIsRunning = !1, request && request.abort(), onComplete({
success: !1,
response: {
type: "Timeout",
message: "Request timed out. Timeout: " + requestTimeoutMs + "ms"
function onerror() {
var headers, errorMessage;
clearTimeout(xmlHttpTimeout), errorMessage = this.response, errorMessage || (errorMessage = this.responseText), this.getAllResponseHeaders && (headers = this.getAllResponseHeaders()), onComplete({
success: !1,
response: {
type: "RequestError",
status: this.status,
statusText: this.statusText,
message: errorMessage,
headers: headers,
url: url
function onload() {
var now, data;
testIsRunning && (now = timer(), clearTimeout(xmlHttpTimeout), data = {
success: !0,
start: lastCompleteTime,
end: now
}, extractTimingInfo(data, url), onProgress({
start: lastProgressTime,
bytes: size - lastBytesLoaded,
end: data.end,
success: !0
}), onComplete(data))
function onprogress(e) {
var now, newBytesLoaded;
now = timer(), newBytesLoaded = e.loaded - lastBytesLoaded, lastBytesLoaded = e.loaded, onProgress({
bytes: newBytesLoaded,
success: !0,
start: lastProgressTime,
end: now
}), lastProgressTime = now
var lastBytesLoaded, lastProgressTime, lastCompleteTime, xmlHttpTimeout;
lastBytesLoaded = 0, request = xhr(), request.upload && (request.upload.onprogress = onprogress), xmlHttpTimeout = setTimeout(ontimeout, requestTimeoutMs), "onreadystatechange" in request ? request.onreadystatechange = function () {
testIsRunning && 4 === this.readyState && (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300 || 304 === this.status ? onload.apply(this) : onerror.apply(this))
} : request.upload && (request.upload.onerror = onerror, request.upload.onload = onload, request.upload.ontimeout = function () {}),"POST", url, !0);
try {
size > 0 && request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/octet-stream")
} catch (err) {}
var blob = null;
size > 0 && (blob = utils.genBlob(size)), lastProgressTime = lastCompleteTime = timer(), request.timeout = 6e4, setTimeout(function () {
request && request.send(blob)
}, 0)
var testIsRunning, request, errors, xhr, timer, utils, requestTimeoutMs, dummy, onComplete, onProgress, supportsProgress;
return requestTimeoutMs = 1e4, errors = require("../error"), utils = require("../utils"), xhr = utils.getXHR, timer = require("../timer").time, dummy = require("../utils").dummy, testIsRunning = !1, {
start: function (url, onProgressCallback, onCompleteCallback, withResponse) {
validate(url, onProgressCallback, onCompleteCallback), onComplete = onCompleteCallback, onProgress = onProgressCallback, testIsRunning = !0, startTest(url, withResponse)
upload: function (url, size, onProgressCallback, onCompleteCallback) {
validate(url, onProgressCallback, onCompleteCallback), onComplete = onCompleteCallback, onProgress = onProgressCallback, testIsRunning = !0, uploadTest(url, size)
supportsProgress: function () {
return void 0 !== supportsProgress ? supportsProgress : void(supportsProgress = window.XDomainRequest && -1 === navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 10") ? !1 : "onprogress" in xhr())
stop: function () {
testIsRunning = !1, request && (request.onreadystatechange = dummy, request.onprogress = dummy, request.abort(), request = void 0, onComplete({
success: !1,
reason: "stopped"
}), onComplete = dummy, onProgress = dummy)
module.exports = requester
}), require.define("/app/logger.js", function (require, module) {
function logger(tester, config) {
function sendLogs(data) {
function onload() {}
function onerror() {}
var request = require("./utils").getXHR();
request.onload ? (request.onload = onload, request.onerror = onerror) : request.onreadystatechange = function () {
4 === this.readyState && (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400 ? onload() : onerror())
},"POST", logUrl, !0), request.timeout = 5e3, request.setRequestHeader && request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"), request.send(data)
function getPageLoadPerformance() {
return window && window.performance && window.performance.timing ? window.performance.timing : {}
function endSessionType(data) {
switch (data.result) {
case "success":
return "SessionEnded";
case "fail":
return "ActionFailed";
case "stop":
return "SessionCancelled"
function endConnectionSession(oca, data) {
var connectionSessionId = connectionSessionIds[oca];
data.type = endSessionType(data), data.measurements = connectionEvents[oca], nfLogger.endSession(connectionSessionId, data), delete connectionSessionIds[oca], delete connectionEvents[oca]
function endMeasureSession(sessionId, data) {
data.type = endSessionType(data), data.snapshots = snapshotEvents, data.progress = progressEvents, data.latencies = latencyEvents, snapshotEvents = [], progressEvents = [], latencyEvents = {}, nfLogger.endSession(sessionId, data)
var DEFAULT_URL = "",
DEFAULT_SOURCE = "netspeed",
AFTER_COMPLETE_SESSION = "AfterCompleteMeasure",
PAGE_LOAD = "pageLoad";
var logUrl, logSource, that, nfLogger, utils, testSessionId, testAttemptSessionId, afterCompleteSessionId, loggingEnabled = !1,
connectionSessionIds = {},
getUrlSessionIds = [],
snapshotEvents = [],
progressEvents = [],
latencyEvents = {},
connectionEvents = {},
events = require("./event").events;
return config = config || {}, logUrl = config.url || DEFAULT_URL, logSource = config.source || DEFAULT_SOURCE, utils = require("./utils"), nfLogger = require("nf-cl-logger")({
requestSender: sendLogs,
batchInterval: 6e5,
batchSize: 1e5,
source: logSource
}), nfLogger.addContext(CLIENT_CONTEXT, {
deviceType: navigator.deviceData ? "Mobile" : "Browser",
appVersion: navigator.appVersion,
userAgent: navigator.userAgent,
tester: tester.config(),
referrer: document.referrer,
deviceInfo: navigator.deviceData,
href: window && window.location && window.location.href || "NA"
}), that = {
startLogging: function () {
loggingEnabled || (loggingEnabled = !0, tester.on(events.START, function (data) {
testSessionId = nfLogger.startSession(SPEED_TEST_SESSION, data)
}), tester.on(events.END, function (data) {
data[PAGE_LOAD] = getPageLoadPerformance(), data.type = endSessionType(data), nfLogger.endSession(testSessionId, data), nfLogger.flush()
}), tester.on(events.ATTEMPT_START, function (data) {
testAttemptSessionId = nfLogger.startSession(MEASURE_ATTEMPT_SESSION, data)
}), tester.on(events.ATTEMPT_END, function (data) {
endMeasureSession(testAttemptSessionId, data)
}), tester.on(events.CONNECTION_START, function (data) {
var oca = data.oca;
connectionSessionIds[oca] = nfLogger.startSession(CONNECTION_SESSION, data), connectionEvents[oca] = []
}), tester.on(events.CONNECTION_PROGRESS, function (data) {
var oca = data.oca;
connectionEvents[oca] && connectionEvents[oca].push({
bytes: data.bytes,
start: data.start,
end: data.end
}), tester.on(events.CONNECTION_END, function (data) {
endConnectionSession(data.oca, data)
}), tester.on(events.URL_REQUEST_START, function (data) {
getUrlSessionIds.push(nfLogger.startSession(URL_REQUEST_SESSION, data))
}), tester.on(events.URL_REQUEST_END, function (data) {
var sessionId = getUrlSessionIds[0];
sessionId && (data.type = endSessionType(data), nfLogger.endSession(sessionId, data), getUrlSessionIds.shift())
}), tester.on(events.LATENCY_END, function (data) {
var oca = data.oca;
latencyEvents[oca] || (latencyEvents[oca] = []), latencyEvents[oca].push(data)
}), tester.on(events.PROGRESS, function (data) {
}), tester.on(events.SNAPSHOT, function (data) {
}), tester.on(events.AFTER_COMPLETE_ATTEMPT_START, function (data) {
afterCompleteSessionId = nfLogger.startSession(AFTER_COMPLETE_SESSION, data)
}), tester.on(events.AFTER_COMPLETE_ATTEMPT_END, function (data) {
endMeasureSession(afterCompleteSessionId, data), nfLogger.flush()
}), tester.on(events.ANY, function (data) {}))
endLogging: function () {
loggingEnabled && (loggingEnabled = !1)
getLogger: function () {
return nfLogger
flush: function () {
module.exports = logger
}), require.define("/node_modules/nf-cl-logger/package.json", function (require, module) {
module.exports = {
main: "index.js"
}), require.define("/node_modules/nf-cl-logger/index.js", function (require, module) {
"use strict";
module.exports = require("./src/logger")
}), require.define("/node_modules/nf-cl-logger/src/logger.js", function (require, module) {
"use strict";
function createCompactLogger(optionsArg) {
var options = optionsArg || {};
return options.version = options.version || "2.0", options.envelopeName = options.envelopeName || "CompactConsolidatedLoggingEnvelope", new Logger(options)
var Logger = require("./logger-core");
module.exports = createCompactLogger
}), require.define("/node_modules/nf-cl-logger/src/logger-core.js", function (require, module) {
"use strict";
function Logger() {
this._init.apply(this, arguments)
var SCHEMA = require("nf-cl-schema-ui"),
VERSION = "2.0.3",
Logger.prototype = {
constructor: Logger,
batchInterval: 3e4,
batchSize: 50,
timeOffset: 0,
source: "",
requestSender: null,
getClientTime: null,
addContext: function (type, data) {
var context = this._initContext([type], data);
return this._state.pending[] = context,
removeContext: function (id) {
return this._state.pending[id] ? (delete this._state.pending[id], id) : this._state.current[id] ? (this._state.currentDelta.push(this._state.current[id]), delete this._state.current[id], id) : null
logEvent: function (type, data) {
var context = this._initEventContext([type, "DiscreteEvent"], data);
return this._snapshot(context),
startSession: function (type, data) {
var context = this._initEventContext([type, "Session"], data);
return this._state.current[] = context, this._snapshot(),
endSession: function (sessionId, data) {
var startContext = this._state.current[sessionId];
if (startContext) {
var type = data && data.type ? [data.type, "SessionEnded"] : ["SessionEnded"],
endContext = this._initEventContext(type, data);
return endContext.duration = endContext.time - startContext.time, endContext.sessionId = sessionId, delete this._state.current[sessionId], this._snapshot(endContext, startContext), sessionId
return null
flush: function () {
var state = this._state;
if (!state.ending && state.snapshots && state.snapshots.length) {
var envelope = {
currentState: state.current,
reverseDeltas: state.snapshots,
type: "CompactConsolidatedLoggingEnvelope",
version: 2,
clientSendTime: this._timestamp()
state.snapshots = [], this.requestSender(JSON.stringify(envelope))
serialize: function () {
var timer = this._batchTimeout;
this._batchTimeout = null;
var json = JSON.stringify(this);
return this._batchTimeout = timer, json
sever: function (severedContext) {
this.end(severedContext || "Severed"), this._init(this)
end: function (endingContext) {
endingContext && this.addContext(endingContext), this._state.ending = !0, this._stopBatching();
for (var keys = Object.keys(this._state.current).sort(function (a, b) {
return b - a
}), logId = keys.pop(), i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var context = this._state.current[keys[i]],
types = context.type;
"Session" === types[types.length - 1] && this.endSession(, {
type: "SessionCanceled"
this.endSession(logId, {
type: "SessionEnded"
}), this._state.ending = !1, this.flush(), this._state = null
_init: function (options) {
this._initOptions(options), this._startBatching(), options.existingState || this._startLogSession(), this._logInitializedEvent()
_initOptions: function (options) {
options.existingState ? this._restore(options.existingState) : this._initState(), this._initProperties(options)
_initState: function () {
var state = {};
state.sequenceNumber = 0, state.lastIncrementingBits = 0, state.pending = {}, state.current = {}, state.snapshots = [], state.currentDelta = [], this._state = state
_startLogSession: function () {
this.startSession("Log", {
source: this.source,
schema: {
version: SCHEMA.version
_logInitializedEvent: function () {
this.logEvent("LoggerInitialized", {
version: VERSION
_restore: function (state) {
for (var existingState = JSON.parse(state), keys = Object.keys(existingState), i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
this[key] = existingState[key]
_initProperties: function (options) {
for (var option in this) "function" != typeof this[option] && options && "_" !== option.charAt(0) && (this[option] = "undefined" != typeof options[option] ? options[option] : this[option])
_copyData: function (data) {
var copy = {};
for (var field in data) copy[field] = data[field];
return copy
_initContext: function (type, data) {
var context;
return context = data ? this._copyData(data) : {}, context.type = SCHEMA && SCHEMA.types[type[0]] ? SCHEMA.types[type[0]] : type, = this._getNextContextId(), context
_initEventContext: function (type, data) {
var context = this._initContext(type, data);
return context.sequence = ++this._state.sequenceNumber, "undefined" == typeof context.time && (context.time = this._timestamp()), context
_getClientTime: function () {
return (new Date).getTime()
_timestamp: function () {
var getTime = this.getClientTime || this._getClientTime;
return getTime() + this.timeOffset
_getNextContextId: function () {
var currentTimeInSeconds = Math.floor(this._timestamp() / 1e3),
incrementingBits = currentTimeInSeconds & incrBitsMask,
randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * bitsShift);
return incrementingBits <= this._state.lastIncrementingBits && (incrementingBits = this._state.lastIncrementingBits + 1), this._state.lastIncrementingBits = incrementingBits, incrementingBits * bitsShift + randomBits
_snapshot: function () {
for (var count = 1, current = this._state.current, pending = this._state.pending, pendingKeys = Object.keys(pending), i = 0; i < pendingKeys.length; i++) {
var key = pendingKeys[i];
current[key] = pending[key], count++
this._state.pending = {}, this._state.currentDelta.push(count), this._state.currentDelta = [], this._state.snapshots.push(this._state.currentDelta), arguments.length && this._state.currentDelta.push.apply(this._state.currentDelta, arguments), this._state.snapshots.length >= this.batchSize && this.flush()
_startBatching: function () {
var self = this;
self._batchTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
self.flush(), self._startBatching()
}, self.batchInterval)
_stopBatching: function () {
clearTimeout(this._batchTimeout), this._batchTimeout = null
}, module.exports = Logger
}), require.define("/node_modules/nf-cl-schema-ui/package.json", function (require, module) {
module.exports = {
main: "dist/schema/nf-cl-schema-netflixApp.js"
}), require.define("/node_modules/nf-cl-schema-ui/dist/schema/nf-cl-schema-netflixApp.js", function (require, module) {
module.exports = {
version: "1.19.0",
name: "netflixApp",
types: {
AcceptTermsOfUse: ["AcceptTermsOfUse", "Action", "Session"],
AdaptiveEcomFallbackExperience: ["AdaptiveEcomFallbackExperience", "FallbackExperience"],
AddCachedVideo: ["AddCachedVideo", "Action", "Session"],
AddCachedVideoCommand: ["AddCachedVideoCommand", "Command", "Session"],
AddProfile: ["AddProfile", "Action", "Session"],
AddToPlaylist: ["AddToPlaylist", "Action", "Session"],
AddToPlaylistCommand: ["AddToPlaylistCommand", "Command", "Session"],
BackCommand: ["BackCommand", "Command", "Session"],
BoxartRenderCanceled: ["BoxartRenderCanceled", "BoxartRenderEnded", "DiscreteEvent"],
BoxartRenderFailed: ["BoxartRenderFailed", "BoxartRenderEnded", "DiscreteEvent"],
CachedPlay: ["CachedPlay", "Play", "Action", "Session"],
CancelCommand: ["CancelCommand", "Command", "Session"],
CancelMembership: ["CancelMembership", "Action", "Session"],
ChangeValueCommand: ["ChangeValueCommand", "Command", "Session"],
CloseApp: ["CloseApp", "Action", "Session"],
CloseAppCommand: ["CloseAppCommand", "Command", "Session"],
CloseCommand: ["CloseCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ConnectWithLineAccount: ["ConnectWithLineAccount", "Action", "Session"],
CreateAccount: ["CreateAccount", "Action", "Session"],
DeepLinkInput: ["DeepLinkInput", "UserInput"],
DeleteProfile: ["DeleteProfile", "Action", "Session"],
DirectedGestureInput: ["DirectedGestureInput", "GestureInput", "UserInput"],
Download: ["Download", "Action", "Session"],
EditPaymentCommand: ["EditPaymentCommand", "Command", "Session"],
EditPlanCommand: ["EditPlanCommand", "Command", "Session"],
EditProfile: ["EditProfile", "Action", "Session"],
EnterFullscreenCommand: ["EnterFullscreenCommand", "Command", "Session"],
EnterKidsModeCommand: ["EnterKidsModeCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ExitFullscreenCommand: ["ExitFullscreenCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ExitKidsModeCommand: ["ExitKidsModeCommand", "Command", "Session"],
FastForwardCommand: ["FastForwardCommand", "TrickplayCommand", "Command", "Session"],
FillVideoCommand: ["FillVideoCommand", "Command", "Session"],
FitVideoCommand: ["FitVideoCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ForwardCommand: ["ForwardCommand", "Command", "Session"],
GestureInput: ["GestureInput", "UserInput"],
HomeCommand: ["HomeCommand", "Command", "Session"],
KeyboardInput: ["KeyboardInput", "UserInput"],
LolomoDataModel: ["LolomoDataModel", "DataModel"],
MobileConnection: ["MobileConnection", "NetworkConnection"],
MuteCommand: ["MuteCommand", "Command", "Session"],
Navigate: ["Navigate", "Action", "Session"],
NavigateBackward: ["NavigateBackward", "Navigate", "Action", "Session"],
NavigateForward: ["NavigateForward", "Navigate", "Action", "Session"],
NetflixId: ["NetflixId", "ProfileIdentity", "Session"],
NotifyUms: ["NotifyUms", "Action", "Session"],
PauseCommand: ["PauseCommand", "TrickplayCommand", "Command", "Session"],
PauseDownloadCommand: ["PauseDownloadCommand", "Command", "Session"],
Play: ["Play", "Action", "Session"],
PlayCommand: ["PlayCommand", "Command", "Session"],
PlayNextCommand: ["PlayNextCommand", "Command", "Session"],
PointerInput: ["PointerInput", "UserInput"],
PrepareOnramp: ["PrepareOnramp", "Action", "Session"],
PreparePlay: ["PreparePlay", "Action", "Session"],
ProcessStateTransition: ["ProcessStateTransition", "Action", "Session"],
ProfileGuid: ["ProfileGuid", "ProfileIdentity", "Session"],
PushNotificationAcknowledged: ["PushNotificationAcknowledged", "PushNotificationResolved", "DiscreteEvent"],
PushNotificationDismissed: ["PushNotificationDismissed", "PushNotificationAcknowledged", "PushNotificationResolved", "DiscreteEvent"],
PushNotificationIgnored: ["PushNotificationIgnored", "PushNotificationResolved", "DiscreteEvent"],
RedeemGiftCard: ["RedeemGiftCard", "Action", "Session"],
RedeemGiftCardCommand: ["RedeemGiftCardCommand", "Command", "Session"],
RegisterForPushNotifications: ["RegisterForPushNotifications", "Action", "Session"],
RemoveAllCachedVideosCommand: ["RemoveAllCachedVideosCommand", "Command", "Session"],
RemoveCachedVideo: ["RemoveCachedVideo", "Action", "Session"],
RemoveCachedVideoAndPlayNextCommand: ["RemoveCachedVideoAndPlayNextCommand", "Command", "Session"],
RemoveCachedVideoCommand: ["RemoveCachedVideoCommand", "Command", "Session"],
RemoveDownloadDevice: ["RemoveDownloadDevice", "Action", "Session"],
RemoveFromPlaylist: ["RemoveFromPlaylist", "Action", "Session"],
RemoveFromPlaylistCommand: ["RemoveFromPlaylistCommand", "Command", "Session"],
RemoveFromViewingActivity: ["RemoveFromViewingActivity", "Action", "Session"],
RenderNavigationLevel: ["RenderNavigationLevel", "Action", "Session"],
RequestSharedCredentials: ["RequestSharedCredentials", "Action", "Session"],
ResumeDownloadCommand: ["ResumeDownloadCommand", "Command", "Session"],
RetryDownloadCommand: ["RetryDownloadCommand", "Command", "Session"],
RewindCommand: ["RewindCommand", "TrickplayCommand", "Command", "Session"],
Search: ["Search", "Action", "Session"],
SearchCommand: ["SearchCommand", "Command", "Session"],
SearchSuggestionResults: ["SearchSuggestionResults", "DataModel"],
SearchSuggestionTitleResults: ["SearchSuggestionTitleResults", "DataModel"],
SearchTitleResults: ["SearchTitleResults", "DataModel"],
SeekCommand: ["SeekCommand", "TrickplayCommand", "Command", "Session"],
SelectCommand: ["SelectCommand", "Command", "Session"],
SelectPlan: ["SelectPlan", "Action", "Session"],
SelectProfile: ["SelectProfile", "Action", "Session"],
SetStarRating: ["SetStarRating", "Action", "Session"],
SetThumbRating: ["SetThumbRating", "Action", "Session"],
SeveredForVppa: ["SeveredForVppa", "Severed"],
SeveredForWebpageUnload: ["SeveredForWebpageUnload", "Severed"],
Share: ["Share", "Action", "Session"],
ShareCommand: ["ShareCommand", "Command", "Session"],
SignIn: ["SignIn", "Action", "Session"],
SignInCommand: ["SignInCommand", "Command", "Session"],
SignOut: ["SignOut", "Action", "Session"],
SignOutCommand: ["SignOutCommand", "Command", "Session"],
SignUpCommand: ["SignUpCommand", "Command", "Session"],
SkipAheadCommand: ["SkipAheadCommand", "TrickplayCommand", "Command", "Session"],
SkipBackCommand: ["SkipBackCommand", "TrickplayCommand", "Command", "Session"],
SkipCommand: ["SkipCommand", "Command", "Session"],
StartAppExperience: ["StartAppExperience", "Action", "Session"],
StartMembership: ["StartMembership", "Action", "Session"],
StartMembershipCommand: ["StartMembershipCommand", "Command", "Session"],
StartPlay: ["StartPlay", "Action", "Session"],
StoreSharedCredentials: ["StoreSharedCredentials", "Action", "Session"],
SubmitCommand: ["SubmitCommand", "Command", "Session"],
SubmitOnrampResults: ["SubmitOnrampResults", "Action", "Session"],
ThrottleSearch: ["ThrottleSearch", "Action", "Session"],
UnmuteCommand: ["UnmuteCommand", "Command", "Session"],
UnpauseCommand: ["UnpauseCommand", "TrickplayCommand", "Command", "Session"],
UpdatePaymentInfo: ["UpdatePaymentInfo", "Action", "Session"],
ValidateInput: ["ValidateInput", "Action", "Session"],
ValidateMemberId: ["ValidateMemberId", "Action", "Session"],
ValidatePin: ["ValidatePin", "Action", "Session"],
ViewAccountMenuCommand: ["ViewAccountMenuCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ViewAudioSubtitlesSelectorCommand: ["ViewAudioSubtitlesSelectorCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ViewCachedVideosCommand: ["ViewCachedVideosCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ViewCategoriesCommand: ["ViewCategoriesCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ViewDetailsCommand: ["ViewDetailsCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ViewEpisodesSelectorCommand: ["ViewEpisodesSelectorCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ViewPreviewsCommand: ["ViewPreviewsCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ViewProfilesCommand: ["ViewProfilesCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ViewSettingsCommand: ["ViewSettingsCommand", "Command", "Session"],
ViewTitlesCommand: ["ViewTitlesCommand", "Command", "Session"],
VisitorDeviceId: ["VisitorDeviceId", "AccountIdentity", "Session"],
VoiceInput: ["VoiceInput", "UserInput"],
WatchCreditsCommand: ["WatchCreditsCommand", "Command", "Session"],
WifiConnection: ["WifiConnection", "NetworkConnection"],
WiredConnection: ["WiredConnection", "NetworkConnection"],
"android.SystemBackCommand": ["android.SystemBackCommand", "Command", "Session"],
"cs.Call": ["cs.Call", "Action", "Session"],
"cs.CallCommand": ["cs.CallCommand", "Command", "Session"],
"cs.EndCallCommand": ["cs.EndCallCommand", "Command", "Session"],
"edx.AlertsOperation": ["edx.AlertsOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.ApiOperation": ["edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.AtlasOperation": ["edx.AtlasOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.ChronosOperation": ["edx.ChronosOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.CommandLineInterface": ["edx.CommandLineInterface", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.DashboardsOperation": ["edx.DashboardsOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.ElasticSearchOperation": ["edx.ElasticSearchOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.GitOperation": ["edx.GitOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.HttpRequest": ["edx.HttpRequest", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.KeymasterOperation": ["edx.KeymasterOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.MantisOperation": ["edx.MantisOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.NodeQuarkIndexOperation": ["edx.NodeQuarkIndexOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.PagerDutyOperation": ["edx.PagerDutyOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.PrimerIndexOperation": ["edx.PrimerIndexOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.PrimerOperation": ["edx.PrimerOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.RavenOperation": ["edx.RavenOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.SkipperOperation": ["edx.SkipperOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.SpinnakerOperation": ["edx.SpinnakerOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"edx.TitusOperation": ["edx.TitusOperation", "edx.ApiOperation", "Action", "Session"],
"iko.EndCommand": ["iko.EndCommand", "Command", "Session"],
"iko.EnterBattleCommand": ["iko.EnterBattleCommand", "Command", "Session"],
"iko.Presentation": ["iko.Presentation", "Presentation", "Session"],
"ios.DeepLinkInput": ["ios.DeepLinkInput", "UserInput"],
"ios.LoadConfigurationService": ["ios.LoadConfigurationService", "Action", "Session"],
"ios.LoadDownloadService": ["ios.LoadDownloadService", "Action", "Session"],
"ios.LoadIdentityService": ["ios.LoadIdentityService", "Action", "Session"],
"ios.LoadNrdService": ["ios.LoadNrdService", "Action", "Session"],
"ios.RegisterForPushNotifications": ["ios.RegisterForPushNotifications", "Action", "Session"],
"tvui.JankMeasurementReported": ["tvui.JankMeasurementReported", "MeasurementReported", "DiscreteEvent"],
"tvui.MetadataDownloadPlayDelay": ["tvui.MetadataDownloadPlayDelay", "tvui.PlayDelay", "Session"],
"tvui.PlatformPlayDelay": ["tvui.PlatformPlayDelay", "tvui.PlayDelay", "Session"],
"tvui.RequestImeCandidateList": ["tvui.RequestImeCandidateList", "Action", "Session"],
"tvui.UiPlayDelay": ["tvui.UiPlayDelay", "tvui.PlayDelay", "Session"],
"tvui.VideoPresentationPlayDelay": ["tvui.VideoPresentationPlayDelay", "tvui.PlayDelay", "Session"],
"www.ExtendedAreaFocus": ["www.ExtendedAreaFocus", "Focus", "Session"]
}), require.define("/app/ui.js", function (require, module) {
function convertSpeed(result) {
var bitsPerS = result.speed,
speedMbs = bitsPerS / 1e3 / 1e3 || 0,
units = "Mbps";
return 1 > speedMbs ? (speedMbs *= 1e3, units = "Kbps") : speedMbs >= 1e3 && (speedMbs /= 1e3, units = "Gbps"), speedMbs = 9.95 > speedMbs ? (Math.round(10 * speedMbs) / 10).toFixed(1) : 100 > speedMbs ? Math.round(speedMbs) : 10 * Math.round(speedMbs / 10), {
speed: speedMbs,
units: units
function convertToMB(result) {
var mb = result.bytes / 1e3 / 1e3;
return mb = mb > 1 ? 10 > mb ? (Math.round(10 * mb) / 10).toFixed(1) : 10 * Math.round(mb / 10) : (Math.round(100 * mb) / 100).toFixed(2)
function convertLatency(result) {
var units = "ms",
latency = result.value;
return 0 !== latency && !latency && result.latency && (latency = result.latency.value), 0 !== latency && !latency || latency > 1e6 ? {
speed: 0,
units: units
} : (latency >= 1e3 ? (latency = (Math.round(latency / 1e3 * 10) / 10).toFixed(1), units = "s") : latency = Math.round(latency), {
speed: latency,
units: units
showAdvanced: {
"default": !1,
elem: "always-show-metrics-input"
measureUploadLatency: {
"default": !1,
elem: "measure-latency-during-upload"
minConnections: {
"default": 1,
testerFunc: function (config) {
return config.connections.min
elem: "min-connections-input"
maxConnections: {
"default": 8,
testerFunc: function (config) {
return config.connections.max
elem: "max-connections-input"
minDuration: {
"default": 5,
testerFunc: function (config) {
return config.duration.min
elem: "min-duration-input"
maxDuration: {
"default": 30,
testerFunc: function (config) {
return config.duration.max
elem: "max-duration-input"
shouldPersist: {
"default": !1,
elem: "persist-config-input"
ui = function (tester, logger) {
function getElement(elementId) {
var element;
return element || (elemCache[elementId] = element = document.getElementById(elementId)), element
function hideElement(element) {
return element.setAttribute("style", "display: none"), element
function showElement(element) {
return element.setAttribute("style", "display: block"), element
function removeClass(element, className) {
return element.className = element.className.replace(new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + className + "(\\s|$)", "g"), " "), element
function addClass(element, className) {
return hasClass(element, className) || (element.className += " " + className), element
function hasClass(element, className) {
var curClass = element.className;
return -1 !== RegExp("(\\s|^)" + className + "(\\s|$)"))
function toggleClass(element, className) {
hasClass(element, className) ? removeClass(element, className) : addClass(element, className)
function localizePage(language, localized) {
var i, key, elem, localizedElems = document.getElementsByClassName("localized"),
alignElems = document.getElementsByClassName("align-container"),
localizedLang = localized[language],
rightAligned = localizedLang.rightAligned;
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for (i = 0; i < alignElems.length; ++i) elem = alignElems[i], rightAligned ? addClass(elem, "right-aligned-text") : removeClass(elem, "right-aligned-text")
function setupHelp() {
var testHelpElem = getElement("test-help-btn"),
helpContentElem = getElement("help-content");
utils.addEventListener(testHelpElem, "click", function () { ? (removeClass(testHelpElem.children[0], "active"), = !1, hideElement(helpContentElem)) : (addClass(testHelpElem.children[0], "active"), = !0, showElement(helpContentElem), setTimeout(function () {
}, 0), logger.logEvent("HelpPresented", {
view: "Help"
function setupLanguageControls() {
function addLanguageChangeListener(elem) {
utils.addEventListener(elem, "click", function (event) {
var language = elem.innerText,
langPath = elem.getAttribute("language");
if (window.localized) localizePage(langPath, window.localized), utils.removeEventListener(languageSelectorBtn, toggleSelector), languageSelectorBtn.innerHTML = languageSelectorBtn.innerHTML.replace(languageSelectorBtn.innerText, language), utils.addEventListener(languageSelectorBtn, "click", toggleSelector), curLang = langPath;
else {
var xhr = utils.getXHR(),
path = localizedPath;
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
4 !== this.readyState || 200 !== this.status && 304 !== this.status || (window.localized = JSON.parse(this.responseText), localizePage(langPath, window.localized), utils.removeEventListener(languageSelectorBtn, toggleSelector), languageSelectorBtn.innerHTML = languageSelectorBtn.innerHTML.replace(languageSelectorBtn.innerText, language), utils.addEventListener(languageSelectorBtn, "click", toggleSelector), curLang = langPath)
}, (!window.location || "localhost" != window.location.hostname && "https:" !== window.location.protocol) && (path = "" + path),"GET", path, !0), xhr.onerror = function (e) {}, logger.logEvent("LanguageChangeStart", {
from: curLang,
to: langPath
}), setTimeout(function () {
xhr && xhr.send()
}, 0)
function toggleSelector() {
var languageSelector = getElement("language-selector"),
languageSelectorIcon = getElement("language-selector-icon");
toggleClass(languageSelector, "show"), toggleClass(languageSelectorIcon, "oc-icon-keyboard_arrow_down"), toggleClass(languageSelectorIcon, "oc-icon-keyboard_arrow_up")
var localizedPath = "/localized.json";
window && window.document && window.document.body && (localizedPath = window.document.body.getAttribute("localized")); {
var languageSelectorBtn = getElement("language-selector-btn");
getElement("help-content"), getElement("your-speed-message"), getElement("compare-on")
utils.addEventListener(languageSelectorBtn, "click", toggleSelector), utils.addEventListener(document, "click", function (event) {
var target = || event.srcElement,
languageSelector = getElement("language-selector");
hasClass(target, "dropbtn") || hasClass(languageSelector, "show") && toggleSelector()
var elem, elemInd, languageOptions = document.querySelectorAll(".language-option");
for (elemInd = 0; elemInd < languageOptions.length; ++elemInd) elem = languageOptions[elemInd], addLanguageChangeListener(elem)
function pause() {
tester.isRunning() && tester.stop(), utils.addEventListener(pauseElem, "click", restartTest)
function setupPause() {
utils.removeEventListener(pauseElem, "click", restartTest), utils.removeEventListener(pauseElem, "click", pause), utils.addEventListener(pauseElem, "click", pause)
function restartTest() {
tester.isRunning() && tester.stop(), setupPause(), reset(),
function setupAfterTestActions() {
var actionsElem = getElement("after-test-actions"),
speedMsg = getElement("your-speed-message");
showElement(actionsElem), showElement(speedMsg), showElement(resultsExplanationElem), showingMoreDetails || showElement(showMoreDetailsBtn)
function reset() {
var speedElem = getElement("speed-value"),
speedUnitsElem = getElement("speed-units"),
speedProgressIndicator = getElement("speed-progress-indicator"),
speedProgressIndicatorIcon = getElement("speed-progress-indicator-icon"),
actionsElem = getElement("after-test-actions"),
unstableResultsElem = getElement("unstable-results-msg"),
testErrorElem = getElement("error-results-msg"),
speedMsg = getElement("your-speed-message"),
infoElem = getElement("test-info-container"),
latencyElem = getElement("latency-value"),
latencyUnitsElem = getElement("latency-units"),
latencyLabelElem = getElement("latency-label"),
bufferbloatElem = getElement("bufferbloat-value"),
bufferbloatUnitsElem = getElement("bufferbloat-units"),
bufferbloatLabelElem = getElement("bufferbloat-label"),
bytesDownElem = getElement("down-mb-value"),
bytesUpElem = getElement("up-mb-value"),
uploadElem = getElement("upload-value"),
uploadUnitsElem = getElement("upload-units"),
uploadLabelElem = getElement("upload-label");
hideElement(actionsElem), hideElement(unstableResultsElem), hideElement(testErrorElem), hideElement(speedMsg), hideElement(showMoreDetailsBtn), speedElem.innerHTML = 0, speedUnitsElem.innerHTML = "&nbsp", removeClass(detailsElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(latencyContainer, "succeeded"), removeClass(speedElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(speedElem, "failed"), removeClass(speedUnitsElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(speedUnitsElem, "failed"), removeClass(speedProgressIndicator, "succeeded"), removeClass(speedProgressIndicator, "stopped"), removeClass(speedProgressIndicator, "failed"), addClass(speedProgressIndicator, "in-progress"), removeClass(speedProgressIndicatorIcon, "oc-icon-refresh"), addClass(speedProgressIndicatorIcon, "oc-icon-pause"), removeClass(infoElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(infoElem, "failed"), removeClass(latencyElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(latencyElem, "failed"), removeClass(latencyUnitsElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(latencyUnitsElem, "failed"), removeClass(latencyLabelElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(latencyLabelElem, "failed"), removeClass(bufferbloatElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(bufferbloatElem, "failed"), removeClass(bufferbloatUnitsElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(bufferbloatUnitsElem, "failed"), removeClass(bufferbloatLabelElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(bufferbloatLabelElem, "failed"), removeClass(uploadElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(uploadElem, "failed"), removeClass(uploadUnitsElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(uploadUnitsElem, "failed"), removeClass(uploadLabelElem, "succeeded"), removeClass(uploadLabelElem, "failed"), latencyElem.innerHTML = "0", bufferbloatElem.innerHTML = "0", uploadElem.innerHTML = "0", bytesDownElem.innerHTML = "0", bytesUpElem.innerHTML = "0"
function scrollToElement(elem) {
function findPos(obj) {
var curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
do curtop += obj.offsetTop; while (obj == obj.offsetParent);
return curtop
elem.scrollIntoView ? elem.scrollIntoView() : window.scroll(0, findPos(elem))
function popupCenter(url, title, w, h) {
var dualScreenLeft = void 0 !== window.screenLeft ? window.screenLeft : screen.left,
dualScreenTop = void 0 !== window.screenTop ? window.screenTop :,
width = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : screen.width,
height = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : screen.height,
left = width / 2 - w / 2 + dualScreenLeft,
top = height / 2 - h / 2 + dualScreenTop,
newWindow =, title, "scrollbars=yes, width=" + w + ", height=" + h + ", top=" + top + ", left=" + left);
newWindow.focus && newWindow.focus()
var fbShareEventListener, twShareEventListener, fbShareBtn, twShareBtn, showMoreDetailsBtn, testAgainBtn, resultsExplanationElem, configContainerElem, detailsElem, latencyContainer, pauseElem, downloadResult, showingMoreDetails, config, elemCache = {},
utils = require("./utils"),
events = require("./event").events,
curLang = document.body.getAttribute("language"),
canUseLocalStorage = !1;
try {
window && window.localStorage && (window.localStorage.__test__ = 1, canUseLocalStorage = !0)
} catch (e) {}
var showMoreDetails = function () {
if (logger.logEvent("AdvancedMetricsPresented"), tester.isRunning()) {
var speedProgressIndicator = getElement("speed-progress-indicator"),
speedProgressIndicatorIcon = getElement("speed-progress-indicator-icon");
removeClass(speedProgressIndicator, "succeeded"), removeClass(speedProgressIndicator, "stopped"), removeClass(speedProgressIndicator, "failed"), addClass(speedProgressIndicator, "in-progress"), removeClass(speedProgressIndicatorIcon, "oc-icon-refresh"), addClass(speedProgressIndicatorIcon, "oc-icon-pause"), setupPause()
showingMoreDetails = !0, hideElement(showMoreDetailsBtn), showElement(detailsElem)
hideMoreDetails = function () {
hideElement(detailsElem), showElement(showMoreDetailsBtn), showingMoreDetails = !1
updateClientInfo = function (event) {
var locationsStr, curLocation, i, client = event.client,
locationsMap = {};
for (getElement("user-ip").innerHTML = client.ip, getElement("user-isp").innerHTML = client.isp ? client.isp.replace(/_/g, " ") : "", getElement("user-location").innerHTML = + ", " +, curLocation = client.servers[0] + ", " + client.servers[0], locationsStr = curLocation, locationsMap[curLocation] = !0, i = 1; i < Math.min(client.servers.length, 3); ++i) curLocation = client.servers[i] + ", " + client.servers[i], locationsMap[curLocation] || (locationsStr += "&nbsp&nbsp|&nbsp&nbsp" + curLocation, locationsMap[curLocation] = !0);
getElement("server-locations").innerHTML = locationsStr
showConfig = function () {
logger.logEvent("SettingsPresented"), renderConfig(config), hideElement(detailsElem), showElement(configContainerElem)
cancelConfig = function () {
hideElement(configContainerElem), config.showAdvanced === !0 || "true" === config.showAdvanced ? showMoreDetails() : hideMoreDetails()
applyConfig = function () {
var currentConfig = getTestSettings(tester),
shouldPersist = getElement(TEST_CONFIG.shouldPersist.elem).checked;
for (var name in TEST_CONFIG) {
var testerValue = getElement(TEST_CONFIG[name].elem);
testerValue && (config[name] = "boolean" == typeof TEST_CONFIG[name].default ? testerValue.checked : testerValue.value, shouldPersist && canUseLocalStorage && (window.localStorage[name] = String(config[name])))
try {
applyTesterConfig(config), hideElement(configContainerElem), config.showAdvanced === !0 || "true" === config.showAdvanced ? showMoreDetails() : hideMoreDetails(), restartTest()
} catch (e) {
alert(e.message), renderConfig(currentConfig)
resetConfig = function () {
var defaultConfig = {};
for (var name in TEST_CONFIG) defaultConfig[name] = TEST_CONFIG[name].default, canUseLocalStorage && delete window.localStorage[name];
applyTesterConfig(defaultConfig), config = getTestSettings(tester), renderConfig(config)
renderConfig = function (config) {
for (var name in TEST_CONFIG) {
var testerValue = getElement(TEST_CONFIG[name].elem);
"boolean" == typeof TEST_CONFIG[name].default ? testerValue.checked = config[name] === !0 || "true" === config[name] : testerValue.value = config[name]
getTestSettings = function (tester) {
var config = {},
testerConfig = tester.config();
if (canUseLocalStorage)
for (var name in TEST_CONFIG) {
var testerValue;
TEST_CONFIG[name].testerFunc && (testerValue = TEST_CONFIG[name].testerFunc(testerConfig)), config[name] = window.localStorage[name] || testerValue || TEST_CONFIG[name].default
return config
applyTesterConfig = function (config) {
var testerConfig = {};
return testerConfig.connections = {
min: parseInt(config.minConnections),
max: parseInt(config.maxConnections)
}, testerConfig.duration = {
min: parseInt(config.minDuration),
max: parseInt(config.maxDuration)
}, tester.setConfig(testerConfig), testerConfig
that = {
onProgress: function (result) {
var updateMetric = function (testType) {
var speedElemId, speedUnitId, speedData, speed, speedElem, speedUnitsElem, bytesElemId, bytesElem, convertFunc;
"download" == testType ? (speedElemId = "speed-value", bytesElemId = "down-mb-value", speedUnitId = "speed-units", convertFunc = convertSpeed) : "upload" == testType ? (speedElemId = "upload-value", bytesElemId = "up-mb-value", speedUnitId = "upload-units", convertFunc = convertSpeed) : "latency" == testType ? (speedElemId = "latency-value", speedUnitId = "latency-units", convertFunc = convertLatency) : "bufferbloat" == testType && (speedElemId = "bufferbloat-value", speedUnitId = "bufferbloat-units", convertFunc = convertLatency), speedElem = getElement(speedElemId), speedUnitsElem = getElement(speedUnitId), bytesElemId && (bytesElem = getElement(bytesElemId), bytesElem.innerHTML = convertToMB(result)), speedData = convertFunc(result), speed = speedData.speed + speedData.units, speedElem && (speedElem.innerHTML = speedData.speed), speedUnitsElem && (speedUnitsElem.innerHTML = speedData.units)
updateMetric(result.testType), "download" === result.testType && updateMetric("bufferbloat"), "true" !== config.measureUploadLatency && config.measureUploadLatency !== !0 || "upload" !== result.testType || updateMetric("bufferbloat")
onComplete: function (result) {
var className, speedElemId, speedUnitId, speedLabelId, speedElem, speedUnitsElem, speedLabelElem, unstableResultsElem, testErrorElem, testType = result.testType,
speedProgressIndicator = getElement("speed-progress-indicator"),
speedProgressIndicatorIcon = getElement("speed-progress-indicator-icon"),
showAfterTestActions = !1;
if (downloadResult = result, "download" == testType ? (speedElemId = "speed-value", speedUnitId = "speed-units", speedLabelId = "speed-value", showAfterTestActions = !0, convertFunc = convertSpeed) : "upload" == testType ? (speedElemId = "upload-value", speedUnitId = "upload-units", speedLabelId = "upload-label", convertFunc = convertSpeed) : "latency" == testType ? (speedElemId = "latency-value", speedUnitId = "latency-units", speedLabelId = "latency-label", convertFunc = convertLatency) : "bufferbloat" == testType && (speedElemId = "bufferbloat-value", speedUnitId = "bufferbloat-units", speedLabelId = "bufferbloat-label", convertFunc = convertLatency), speedElem = getElement(speedElemId), speedUnitsElem = getElement(speedUnitId), speedLabelElem = getElement(speedLabelId), "success" === result.result ? (that.onProgress(result), result.stable ? className = "succeeded" : (className = "failed", unstableResultsElem = getElement("unstable-results-msg"), showElement(unstableResultsElem))) : "stop" !== result.result ? (testErrorElem = getElement("error-results-msg"), showElement(testErrorElem), className = "failed") : (className = "stopped", showAfterTestActions = !1), showAfterTestActions && setupAfterTestActions(), ("download" === testType && !showingMoreDetails || "upload" === testType || "stop" === result.result) && (removeClass(speedProgressIndicator, "in-progress"), removeClass(speedProgressIndicatorIcon, "oc-icon-pause"), addClass(speedProgressIndicatorIcon, "oc-icon-refresh"), addClass(speedProgressIndicator, className), utils.removeEventListener(testAgainBtn, "click", pause), utils.addEventListener(testAgainBtn, "click", restartTest)), addClass(speedElem, className), addClass(speedUnitsElem, className), addClass(speedLabelElem, className), logger.flush(), "download" === testType && "success" === result.result) {
var speedData = convertSpeed(result);
fbShareBtn = getElement("share-on-facebook-link"), twShareBtn = getElement("share-on-twitter-link"), fbShareEventListener && utils.removeEventListener(fbShareBtn, "click", fbShareEventListener), twShareEventListener && utils.removeEventListener(fbShareBtn, "click", twShareEventListener), fbShareEventListener = function () {
var location, targetUrl, facebookUrl, hostname, protocol, messageContentElem = getElement("share-msg"),
shareDescription = messageContentElem.getAttribute("my-speed") + speedData.speed + speedData.units + ". " + messageContentElem.getAttribute("yours-speed"),
shareTitle = messageContentElem.getAttribute("share-on-fb");
location = window.location, hostname = location.hostname, protocol = location.protocol, "http:" !== location.protocol && "https:" !== location.protocol && (hostname = "", protocol = "https:"), targetUrl = protocol + "//" + hostname + "/" + curLang + "/share/" + speedData.speed + speedData.units + ".html", facebookUrl = "" + encodeURI(targetUrl) + "&title=" + encodeURI("FAST speed test") + "&description=" + encodeURI(shareDescription), logger.logEvent("FacebookShare", {
url: targetUrl
}), popupCenter(facebookUrl, shareTitle, 400, 400)
}, twShareEventListener = function () {
var location, targetUrl, twitterUrl, hostname, protocol, messageContentElem = getElement("share-msg"),
shareDescription = messageContentElem.getAttribute("my-speed") + " " + speedData.speed + speedData.units + ". " + messageContentElem.getAttribute("yours-speed"),
shareTitle = messageContentElem.getAttribute("share-on-tw");
location = window.location, hostname = location.hostname, protocol = location.protocol, "http:" !== location.protocol && "https:" !== location.protocol && (hostname = "", protocol = "https:"), targetUrl = protocol + "//" + hostname + "/" + curLang + "/share/" + speedData.speed + speedData.units + ".html", twitterUrl = "" + encodeURI(targetUrl) + "&text=" + encodeURI(shareDescription), logger.logEvent("TwitterShare", {
url: targetUrl
}), popupCenter(twitterUrl, shareTitle, 400, 400)
}, utils.addEventListener(fbShareBtn, "click", fbShareEventListener), utils.addEventListener(twShareBtn, "click", twShareEventListener);
var infoElem = getElement("test-info-container"),
showInfo = function (uploadResult) {, showInfo), "stop" !== uploadResult.result && (addClass(infoElem, "succeeded"), addClass(detailsElem, "succeeded"))
doUpload = function (latencyResult) {, doUpload), "stop" !== latencyResult.result && (addClass(latencyContainer, "succeeded"), !downloadResult || void 0 !== downloadResult.latency && null !== downloadResult.latency || (downloadResult.latency = downloadResult.latency || {
value: "NA"
}), that.onComplete({
testType: "bufferbloat",
stable: !0,
value: downloadResult.latency.value,
result: "success"
}), tester.on(events.END, showInfo), tester.upload())
tester.on(events.END, doUpload), tester.latency()
setupEvents: function () {
var testConfigBtn, cancelConfigBtn, applyConfigBtn, resetConfigBtn;
config = getTestSettings(tester);
try {
} catch (e) {
renderConfig(config), pauseElem = getElement("speed-progress-indicator"), fbShareBtn = getElement("share-on-facebook-link"), twShareBtn = getElement("share-on-twitter-link"), testAgainBtn = getElement("speed-progress-indicator"), showMoreDetailsBtn = getElement("show-more-details-link"), cancelConfigBtn = getElement("cancel-config"), applyConfigBtn = getElement("apply-config"), resetConfigBtn = getElement("reset-config"), testConfigBtn = getElement("settings-link"), resultsExplanationElem = getElement("test-context-container"), configContainerElem = getElement("test-config-container"), detailsElem = getElement("extra-details-container"), latencyContainer = getElement("latency-container"), setupHelp(), setupPause(), setupLanguageControls(), utils.addEventListener(showMoreDetailsBtn, "click", showMoreDetails), utils.addEventListener(testConfigBtn, "click", showConfig), utils.addEventListener(cancelConfigBtn, "click", cancelConfig), utils.addEventListener(applyConfigBtn, "click", applyConfig), utils.addEventListener(resetConfigBtn, "click", resetConfig), tester.on(events.URL_REQUEST_END, updateClientInfo), (config.showAdvanced === !0 || "true" === config.showAdvanced) && showMoreDetails()
return that
module.exports = ui
}), require.define("/app/viewport-units-buggyfill.js", function (require, module, exports) {
! function (root, factory) {
"use strict";
"function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], factory) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = factory() : root.viewportUnitsBuggyfill = factory()
}(this, function () {
"use strict";
function debounce(func, wait) {
var timeout;
return function () {
var context = this,
args = arguments,
callback = function () {
func.apply(context, args)
clearTimeout(timeout), timeout = setTimeout(callback, wait)
function initialize(initOptions) {
if (!initialized) {
if (options = initOptions || {}, options.isMobileSafari = isMobileSafari, options.isBadStockAndroid = isBadStockAndroid, !isMobileSafari && !isBadStockAndroid && !isOperaMini) return window.console, window.console, {
init: function () {}
initialized = !0, styleNode = document.createElement("style"), = "patched-viewport", document.head.appendChild(styleNode);
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function refresh() {
initialized && (findProperties(), setTimeout(function () {
}, 1))
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} catch (e) {
if ("SecurityError" !== throw e;
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var rule = ss.cssRules[i];
return rules
function findProperties() {
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var cssRules = processStylesheet(sheet);
cssRules && "patched-viewport" !== && ( && && window.matchMedia && !window.matchMedia( ||, findDeclarations))
}), declarations
function findDeclarations(rule) {
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try {
value = rule.cssText
} catch (e) {
return viewportUnitExpression.lastIndex = 0, void(viewportUnitExpression.test(value) && declarations.push([rule, null, value]))
if (! {
if (!rule.cssRules) return;
return void, function (_rule) {
}, function (name) {
var value =; && (value += " !important"), viewportUnitExpression.lastIndex = 0, viewportUnitExpression.test(value) && declarations.push([rule, name, value])
function getReplacedViewportUnits() {
dimensions = getViewport();
var open, close, css = [],
buffer = [];
return declarations.forEach(function (item) {
var _item = overwriteDeclaration.apply(null, item),
_open = _item.selector.length ? _item.selector.join(" {\n") + " {\n" : "",
_close = new Array(_item.selector.length + 1).join("\n}");
return _open && _open === open ? (_open && !open && (open = _open, close = _close), void buffer.push(_item.content)) : (buffer.length && (css.push(open + buffer.join("\n") + close), buffer.length = 0), void(_open ? (open = _open, close = _close, buffer.push(_item.content)) : (css.push(_item.content), open = null, close = null)))
}), buffer.length && css.push(open + buffer.join("\n") + close), isOperaMini && css.push("* { content: normal !important; }"), css.join("\n\n")
function overwriteDeclaration(rule, name, value) {
var _value, _selectors = [];
_value = value.replace(viewportUnitExpression, replaceValues), name && (_selectors.push(rule.selectorText), _value = name + ": " + _value + ";");
for (var _rule = rule.parentRule; _rule;) _selectors.unshift("@media " +, _rule = _rule.parentRule;
return {
selector: _selectors,
content: _value
function replaceValues(match, number, unit) {
var _base = dimensions[unit],
_number = parseFloat(number) / 100;
return _number * _base + "px"
function getViewport() {
var vh = window.innerHeight,
vw = window.innerWidth;
return {
vh: vh,
vw: vw,
vmax: Math.max(vw, vh),
vmin: Math.min(vw, vh)
var options, dimensions, declarations, styleNode, initialized = !1,
userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent,
viewportUnitExpression = /([+-]?[0-9.]+)(vh|vw|vmin|vmax)/g,
forEach = [].forEach,
isOperaMini = userAgent.indexOf("Opera Mini") > -1,
isMobileSafari = /(iPhone|iPod|iPad).+AppleWebKit/i.test(userAgent) && function () {
var iOSversion = userAgent.match(/OS (\d)/);
return iOSversion && iOSversion.length > 1 && parseInt(iOSversion[1]) < 10
isBadStockAndroid = function () {
var isAndroid = userAgent.indexOf(" Android ") > -1;
if (!isAndroid) return !1;
var isStockAndroid = userAgent.indexOf("Version/") > -1;
if (!isStockAndroid) return !1;
var versionNumber = parseFloat((userAgent.match("Android ([0-9.]+)") || [])[1]);
return 4.4 >= versionNumber
return {
version: "0.6.0",
findProperties: findProperties,
getCss: getReplacedViewportUnits,
init: initialize,
refresh: refresh
}), require.define("/app/browser_test.js", function (require) {
function startTest() {
function flushLogger(force) {
!force && tester && tester.isRunning() || logger.flush()
var aggregator, stopper, testerFactory, tester, utils, events, requester, logging, logger, ui, apiEndpoint, loggingEndpoint;
window.onerror = function (errorMsg, url, lineNumber, column, errorObj) {
var l, errorData;
errorData = {
message: errorMsg,
url: url,
line: lineNumber,
column: column
}, errorObj && (errorData.error = {
stack: errorObj.stack,
data: errorObj
}), logger && (l = logger.getLogger(), l.logEvent("ExceptionOccurred", errorData), flushLogger(!0))
}, aggregator = require("./aggregator/stableMovingAverage")(5), stopper = require("./stopper/stableDeltaMeasurementsStopper")({
minDuration: 7,
maxDuration: 30,
stabilityDelta: 2,
minStableMeasurements: 6,
measureLatency: !1
}), testerFactory = require("./tester"), utils = require("./utils"), events = require("./event").events, requester = require("./requester/xhr"), logging = require("./logger"), apiEndpoint = "", loggingEndpoint = "", window.console || (console = {
log: utils.dummy
}), utils.polyfillObjectKeys(), tester = testerFactory(requester, {
collectAfterComplete: !1,
duration: {
min: 5,
max: 30
connections: {
min: 1,
max: 8
maxAttempts: 10,
aggregator: aggregator,
measureLatency: !0,
getTestOcasParams: {
https: !0,
endpoint: apiEndpoint,
token: "YXNkZmFzZGxmbnNkYWZoYXNkZmhrYWxm",
urlCount: 5
stopper: stopper,
progressFrequencyMs: 150
}), logger = logging(tester, {
url: loggingEndpoint
var testLogger = logger.getLogger();
if (testLogger.logEvent("PageVisit"), flushLogger(!0), setInterval(flushLogger, 2e3), window.location.pathname.indexOf("/share/") >= 0) {
var l = testLogger,
data = {
referrer: document.referrer,
url: window.location.href
l.logEvent("ShareLinkClicked", data), flushLogger(!0), setTimeout(function () {
window.location.href = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname
}, 5)
ui = require("./ui")(tester, testLogger), tester.on(events.START, function () {
tester.on(events.END, ui.onComplete).on(events.PROGRESS, ui.onProgress)
}).on(events.END, function () {, ui.onProgress).off(events.END, ui.onComplete)
}), logger.startLogging(), ui.setupEvents(), startTest(), require("./viewport-units-buggyfill").init()
}), require("/app/browser_test.js")
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