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Created February 13, 2014 19:15
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Hadoop Job configurations via direct REST API call
# An Example of using passing hadoop configurations for a job in HDInsight, via direct REST API
$MyHDInsightUserName = "YourClusterUserName"
$MyHDInsightPwd = "YourPwd"
$clusterName = "YourClusterName"
$storageAcctname = "YourStorageAcctname"
$containerName = "YourDefaultContainerName"
$HdInsightPwd = ConvertTo-SecureString $MyHDInsightPwd -AsPlainText -Force
$HdInsightCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($MyHDInsightUserName, $HdInsightPwd)
# I am submitting a Hive job/Query and would like to use the following Hive configurations to control number of mappers
# This is just an example of how to pass configurations, focus is not on specific configurations or why we are using these configurations.
# Note that I am passing the cofigurations as part of the URI
$uriHiveJobsubmit = "https://$$MyHDInsightUserName&"
# I am using a HQL file for hive Query. Alternatively, you can also use execute=$queryString
#$queryString ="SELECT querytime, market, deviceplatform, devicemake, devicemodel, state, country FROM hivesampletable WHERE ClientId < 100 LIMIT 10;"
#$bodyHiveJobsubmit = @{execute=$queryString;enablelog="false"}
$bodyHiveJobsubmit = @{file="wasb://$containerName@$";statusdir="MyHiveJobStatus";enablelog="false"}
# Invoke-RestMethod just submits the job and gets is a job ID in return
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uriHiveJobsubmit -Credential $HdInsightCreds -Body $bodyHiveJobsubmit
$jobId = $
write-host $jobId
# Check the job status
$uriJobStatus = "https://$$jobid`?$MyHDInsightUserName"
$jobStatusInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uriJobStatus -Credential $HdInsightCreds
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