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Last active June 26, 2019 17:56
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A simple domain uptime checker
from threading import Thread
import requests
import time
with open('domains.txt') as f:
domainList = f.readlines()
domainList = [x.strip() for x in domainList]
#TODO: Check list for .onion domains and ignore said entries
# A temporary list used to store sites to be monitored when they are detected as "down"
sites_down = []
def site_up():
# Function to monitor "up" time
while True:
for domain in domainList:
r = requests.get(domain)
if r.status_code == 200:
print('[* T1 *] %s --> HTTP 200 - URL OKAY' % str(domain))
print('[! T1 !] %s --> HTTP STATUS: %s - Adding URL to "Down Checker""...' % (str(domain), str(r.status_code)))
if domain not in sites_down:
except requests.ConnectionError:
print('[! T1 !] %s --> Connection Error - Ignoring This URL For Now...' % str(domain))
print('[* T1 *] All domains checked - Sleeping for 15 minutes...\n')
def site_down():
# Function to monitor "down" time
while True:
for domain in sites_down:
print('[! T2 !] Checking', domain, 'again...')
r = requests.get(domain)
if r.status_code == 200:
print('[* T2 *]', domain, '%s --> URL is now registering as ALIVE.\n')
print('[! T2 !] HTTP Status %s - I will check this URL again shortly...\n' % str(r.status_code))
except requests.ConnectionError:
print('[! T2 !] Connection Error!')
t1 = Thread(target=site_up)
t2 = Thread(target=site_down)
print('*' * 75)
print('This script will check all URLs in domains.txt once every 15 minutes under Thread One (T1).')
print('If a connection error occurs, the script will ignore the URL and check it again once T1 completes, '
'and 15 minutes have elapsed.')
print('If any HTTP response other than \'200\' is returned, the script will add the URL to a \'DOWN\' checker '
'under Thread Two (T2)')
print('The down checker runs every 5 minutes - Once it detects a URL has become \'ALIVE\' once more, the URL is '
'removed from T2.')
print('*' * 75)
print('\n[***] Starting Threads...\n')
t1.daemon = True
t2.daemon = True
while True:
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
print('\n[!!!] Received Keyboard Interrupt - Quitting Threads...\n')
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