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Last active November 4, 2020 19:50
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[IN DEVELOPMENT] An R script that pulls COVID-19 data from a variety of sources and analyzes specific data points to track changes in regional COVID-19 severity for the state of New York.
title: "New York State Regional COVID-19 Breakdown"
output: html_notebook
This is an [R Markdown]( Notebook. When you execute code within the notebook, the results appear beneath the code.
# Load libraries needed for retrieving data from the COVID Act Now API.
Retrieve and Process COVID-19 Summary Data for New York State
# COVID Act Now - Data by County (Nationwide Summary)
req = GET(url="")
county_summary <- fromJSON(content(req, as="text"), flatten=TRUE)
# Filter for NYS County Level Data
nys_summary_county <- filter(county_summary, state=='NY')
Alternative method for converting API request to R Object:
```county_summary <-$content)))```
# Plot New Cases & ICU Beds Available by County
county_viz <- ggplot(data=nys_summary_county, aes(x=actuals.icuBeds.typicalUsageRate, y=actuals.newCases)) +
geom_point() +
labs(title="New York State COVID-19 Breakdown - By County", subtitle = "Data provided by Covid Act Now - Last 24 Hours", x="ICU Bed Usage Rate", y="New Cases")
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