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Last active May 23, 2021 06:25
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good luck gamers

Azure's VOG Day One Notes

hey look its me

hey gamers good fucking luck

0.) Building the spire

loadouts: xeno is good, blinding nades, idk

this fucking blows

all 3 plates must be active for the spire to be built. takes around 5 minutes? of continuous tower defense. infinite revives, but no flag, so be prepped as you load in. focus cyclopses and hobbies, stay alive.

1.) Confluxes

loadout: witherhoard, anarchy, blinding grenades, ad clear supers, overload mods.

at first, one conflux in the center. after a while, it splits to two confluxes: one on left, one on right. then again after a while, all three become active. one sacrifice will wipe, just defend these confluxes for long enough and its over.

play around the plates. focus wyverns/overload champs, using supers frequently. stay the fuck out of the fanatic pools, they mark you for negation. (having this buff when templar does ritual of negation kills you.) if you get marked for negation, everyone marked meets up around the cleansing pool in the center right before templar negates, and they all hop in the pool at the same time.

sidenote: the cleansing pool is on a timer i think, counting down from when the first person enters it; then the pool despawns for a while to recharge. if only one person gets cleansed before the pool despawns, no-one else can remove negation and they die. that's why we all hop in at the same time. it does have a lingering hitbox though for like 2 seconds after the glow goes away, so be swift but don't panic.

2.) Oracles

loadout: xeno, witherhoard & guilly maybe, whatever else you want

hey look at this!


it's 5 waves: starting with 3 oracles to keep track of and incrementing by one each wave. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

position players as seen in the diagram so they can see all 7 oracles. 2 players (one on left side, one on right) are in charge of sniping hobbies with xeno. everyone else is hard ad clear using witherhoard or a slug. xeno one-shots the oracles, while filo (my second suggestion) takes two shots; guilly right click also works.

when a player sees an oracle, do not call out its location! just count the number of oracle spawn bong sounds in your head, and if you see an oracle spawn while counting, call it out. (i.e. if on the fourth bong you see an oracle spawn at L2, simply call out "4.") you're in charge of shooting an oracle if you call it out. shoot the oracles in the order they spawn, and have each person call out their number as they pop their oracle. you can also look for the "player has destroyed an oracle" messages in chat and count them if you want as a backup, just to make sure your order is right.

if you do the wrong order or take too long, whole team gets marked. your team can cleanse up to 3 times before the cleaning pool stops respawning, i think. sidenote: if you fuck up, it doesnt count as progress; only correct entries count for progress. after cleansing you'll be forced to repeat the previous pattern again.

3.) Templar

loadout: one bubble, fast-refreshing well, anarchy, slug shotties. breach and clear is also good, i guess.

first player grabs the aegis, everyone else gets in position for oracles. a wave of 3 will spawn. handle it just like last encounter.

DPS can begin once aegis has their super, usually by the time oracles are over. at that point, everyone groups up for dps, and aegis pops super onto the templar's shield to start DPS. bubble, well, then play cracked out of your fucking mind. while everyone damages, one player needs to run around and hop in the boss's little teleport rings to prevent him from teleporting away, and effectively extend the damage phase. only extend dps once though, ads spawn with every extend and it's hard as shit to clear the inane amount of ads after 2-3 extends.

sidenote: oracle cycles are on a timer, so if you dps for too long, oracles will spawn as you're shooting and good fucking luck handling that.

occasionally a player will be detained while shooting; it's kinda like the purple floaty ball detain during DSC 4th encounter, where you can't shoot yourself out. difference here is anyone else can shoot you out, not just some player with a buff. be loud and let everyone know what's up when you're detained, so they can free you. other players will not be detained if they're caught in your bubble, but keep in mind that's only for this encounter. ;)

after templar tp's, go back to doing oracles. rinse and repeat. idk if there's an enrage, we beat it on the third dps phase.

3.5) Gorgons

to be honest i had to leave to celebrate my sister's birthday when hollow and crew ran this bit so i don't know too much, but nick says just invis lol. hunter ran omnioculus and ran two people with him, the other three players just got pulled to 4th encounter.

idk what the fuckin boxes are for.

4.) Gatekeeper

loadout: witherhoard with catalyst, the nutty chaos reach cwl build or a rocket launcher, whatever ad clear supers you want. also overload mods.

juggling the aegis!! players stand on each portal pad, and send two players into left/right. one side will have a shielded minotaur spawn, and the other a boss wyvern.

first aegis runner will kill the gatekeeper to activate the gates and spawn the aegis. they go to the side with minotaur, hit it with the aegis to pop its shield, and melt it. then the player who was originally positioned there grabs the aegis and runs it out. that player drops it once outside, and another player runs it into the other side, where another shielded minotaur should have spawned. while one side handles minotaur, other side melts wyvern like it's any other ad. if you're not actively running the aegis, you're on ad clear, standing on the plates to keep the portals open. hard focus the overload champs that spawn in the back of the room, they fucking suck.

keep juggling the aegis and killing minotaurs like this until you've killed like 6 minotaurs total.

once you kill 6 minotaurs, a conflux spawns in main room. everyone should converge on the conflux. back to tower defense; lots of wyverns and a shielded minotaur coming from each direction (stairs, left, and right). kill em all and you're done.

5.) Atheon

loadout: anarchy w/ BaC, one div, kinetic sniper (succession?), ikelos smg

seriously fuck this too. learn this diagram, you'll need these callouts. either this or something similar. dont fucking do the "far right, far left, close middle" bullshit, just fucking number them, its seriously so much easier, just DO THE NUMBERS.


lots of harpies and supps. you do ad clear for 30 seconds, and then 3 players randomly get teleported to left/right. they immediately call out where they are, and the players outside get up onto ledges/pillars to avoid supplicants that spawn. the players outside will see confluxes appear in the middle, and they call out the oracles in the order they appear. (For example, a proper callout would sound like: "1, 3, 6.") oracles order will repeat once more before oracles spawn in the same positions inside. the insiders only have like 10 seconds to break the oracles, so uh... get good. repeat this oracle call and response 2 more times, so three combinations total. then, damage phase!

before talking dps, general tips. the aegis player is in charge of ad clear. the other two players are hard focused on shooting confluxes. players outside should get the fuck out of the way from suppies as soon as players are teleported and hard focus on immediately reading the conflux order. (things go really fucking fast, promise me.) the boxes on the plates are kind safe from suppies, but only for one player at a time. the other two players hop on a pillar or along the back wall. also, one player will need to be on the right plate to open the portal for the insiders to return; only one person really needs to pivot to the plate for that. everyone else, stay safe.

when 3 sets of confluxes are boomed, the inside players run back thru the portal to return to the vault, and everyone hops onto the center floating platform. pop bubble, pop well, and aegis will hold down the shield/cleanse the entire dps phase. protip: aegis should be behind everyone facing backwards so that way everyone is still in the bubble, but other players don't run the risk of accidentally hitting the aegis instead of the boss. you'll only have 4 players actively doing damage (since aegis and div) so make em your good dps players. dps players snipe the div cage and keep anarchy on. just like taniks.

occasionally, a player will get a "detain imminent" debuff with a 5 second timer, and that player needs to get the fuck off the platform ASAP. they hop forward, over the gap, and onto the little ledge behind the pillar to the left (see the purple dot on the map). once the debuff's timer expires, they get detained; everyone else frees that player while doing damage, and the now-free player rejoins the group to continue damage. the catch: other players getting caught within the detain will also cause them to be detained here. this mechanic throws runs, so be very fucking wary of it!

rinse and repeat till he's dead. enrages after 4th dps phase. good luck.

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